> Remake of Tales of Phantasia for the Switch
> Velvet´s new game
> Tales of Vesperia Remaster
How hyped are you?
> Remake of Tales of Phantasia for the Switch
> Velvet´s new game
> Tales of Vesperia Remaster
How hyped are you?
Other urls found in this thread:
But what's coming to the PS4?
Tales died after Vesperia.
Probably all of them given its the primary platform for the series atm.
The only real fear is that if a remake is done it'll be handheld only, meaning the Switch, kinda like how Innocence R and Hearts R were Vita exclusive.
But Berseria and Xilia 2 both shit on Vesperia
will she eat the tomato?
Xillia 2 and Berseria are better
It's a new mothership title exclusive for Switch
It's not a remake and PS4fags need not apply
Are we still pretending that Vesperia was good?
> Tales of Vesperia Remaster
I'd buy that on a whim
> Velvet´s new game
is Berseria good? I didn't play it because Zestiria left a bad taste in my mouth.
> Remake of Tales of Phantasia for the Switch
>Why not remaking Grace instead?
>release buggy product
>port game with more content to PS4 later on
Thanks for beta testing again Nintendo.
Tales is now a PC/PS4 series.
I guess it will also come to switch.
I hope Berseria gets a sequel that fixes the entirety of Zestiria's shit and is basically "Let an actual Lord of Calamity fix this shit while you go make out with your boipussy, Shepherd".
Berseria is fucking great.
They still need to go back to actual dungeons. Not corridors.
I only hope they make Velvet less edgy and surly; she was just a broken record for 3/4 of the game. Qt farmgirl Velvet's personality was much more enjoyable.
I don't think Beseria is an improvement in the gameplay department.
Although I guess that wouldn't be a problem if I switched who the player character was, but I never really felt compelled to.
Yes, Vesperia has broken shit like that too (fast cast Rita, infinite buff duration Estelle, Yuri infinite combos with "forced downed enemies to stand" bullshit thrown in) but you have to get to basically the end of the game to use it
Additionally, playing Beseria optimally involves A LOT of menu time, swapping gear to learn now passives, managing your inventory because of random item abilities, disassembling and upgrading gear, managing expeditions, creating new combos every fucking boss fight so you can abuse weekness chains.
They even knew there was a ton of menuing because they gave Velvet a fucking title for time in the menu, it's absurd.
World map would also be nice but I take a good plot over it.
>Velvet's new game
I swear if we get another Zestiria/Berseria style game I don't know what I'll do
Small parts of Berseria's gameplay is great. I wouldn't want to see too much of that stamina system in other Tales games though. Also, I don't care what anyone says, playing Velvet was fun as fuck.
Oh geez the scene that everyone can look up online or in the anime. Sure am missing it.
If there's a Tales of Vesperia remaster I'm gonna eat my own ass.
Better than Zestiria's abomination.
>> Remake of Tales of Phantasia for the Switch
>> Velvet´s new game
>> Tales of Vesperia Remaster
Source on ANY of these?
Why aren't they localizing Innocence R?
I'm still mad that they localized fucking Asterisk War on Vita, but not Innocence R.
How good is the combat in Innocence R? I loved the gameplay in Hearts R and I honestly think it's probably the best in the series.
Never said it was worse than that, just that I don't think it was an improvement from the system that existed back in Vesperia
This is one of the reason I've stopped buying these games.
Abyss/Vesperia style.
Where the FUCK is Vesperia port for PC
And no, not the xbox one. I want the FULL FUCKING GAME
>Scorpio unveil
>they announce Vesperia 2
How mad would you be? Keep in mind PS4 will get an enhanced port later on, that will never get localized.
Oh, so it's probably just as great.
Probably never ever.
Honestly if Bamco wanted money they'd just rerelease all the older tales games as ports to pc but for some reason they haven't.
Probably some kind of legal stuff
I want more Velvet
They were essentially corridors in the past too, just designed a lot better. The real issue is that we have a shitty giant interconnected world made up of a bunch of rooms instead of a world map like in Vesperia and previously
>Tales of Vesperia Remaster
I've already played Vesperia on PS3. I want a new game!
not that one
Now I want that to happen
I don't believe you. But a full on remake of Phantasia in the style of either Destiny Remake or Vesperia would be pretty nice.
But when the fuck is a heavily altered Tempest R?
Cancelled because Innocence R & Hearts R didn't sell well
>Releasing on the Vita instead of PS3
>port them to PS4 in a double pack
>fund Tempest R
They haven't really made any spin-offs since Baba left. I hope they are focusing on the mothership title.
Both are shit desu
Come on, literally no one likes that system. Those systems only become fun at the end game when you TP is not a problem. TP itself brings nothing interesting to the table.
I just want either full TP or full CC, no AC shit or pseudo-CC.
You can literally say the same thing about CC. Hell it's even worse with CC because for the first third of Graces the only legitimate strategy with most characters is fucking turtling because you have no fucking CC with which to work.
Go play one of the mobile shit games then.
Pretty sure asteria or what ever it's called has a bunch of stories with velvet as the protag.
CC doesn't fight against you. You will have all the resources in each fight at your disposal. With TP you might have 0. CC also makes for a natural combo progression so you don't need hard combo limits like in Zestiria and Berseria.
I do agree that the start of Graces can be a pain but only on your first playtrough and if you don't use the DLC items that increase your CC. Next playtroughs are much better.
>Tales of Vesperia Remaster
Even if they do finally remaster the PS3 version and bring it overseas, they is no way in hell their going to get Troy Baker back as Yuri Lowell.
>velvet's new game
How would that work, the brocon fucked off to some void where she can fuck her brother/god for eternity
And at what time period would it happen? Maotelus is corrupted in Zesteria so will it happen between them? Or are the writers gonna retcon Zesteria?
How about there is no dub
It's okay they'll get Matthew Mercer and he'll take over.
All you've reminded people is that you suck yuri's dick and can beat a dead horse.
Here, I'll make my own based on the only ones I've played
Vesperia > Hearts R > Abyss > Berseria > Xillia 2 > Graces > Xillia > Zesty Peanuts > Symphonia
>Tales of Vesperia Remaster
source or bullshit
As opposed to the people who only like Velvet because she's "hot" despite literally looking like Milla with black hair?
Waifufags are worse than any horse beating dick sucker.
>remake of Phantasia for Switch
Phantasia has had like five versions already
Not to mention it's top 3 worst tales with Symphonia and Zestria
actually I like Hearts and Hearts R the most
You like Tempest and legendia more than symphonia, zesteria and phantasia?
That is some remarkably shit taste you've got there.
I can agree with everything but symphonia
>Suddenly 2 Velvet shota douijins on nhentai
Get hype?
>sick of female MC's where all the threads are about waifufags wanting to fuck her
>sick of faggot male MC's where you get literal gay shit in Zestria threads full of Fujo's
>tfw no more straight males without fujo pandering
Zestiria might have been a shit show, but it was still a better overall experience than playing Symphonia. Symphonia had the worst gameplay and the most boring party members in the series. The only good thing Symphonia did was set the groundwork for much better games, like Abyss and Vesperia.
Velvet's new game, please!!!
Haven't even played Vesperia, I just like the old games a lot better than the shit we've been getting since Graces
Innocence R looks like shit
Really good
>You will have all the resources in each fight at your disposal
Yeah, at the end of the game. Or if you use the DLC items you mentioned. On a first playthrough CC can go fuck itself. It, along with the incredibly restrictive arte tree (natural combo progression my ass) totally bottleneck any kind of fun you can have with the combat until post-game/NG+
>Restrictive arte tree
Not in Destiny DC
The waifu shit is why I hope the new game is something unrelated to previous ones.
This is almost right but I'd put Abyss above Hearts R because Hearts R is garbage at soundtrack and writing, moreso than most Tales games
Waifu shit's gonna happen regardless, especially if we have a female protag again. It's the nature of the beast with series like this.
We were quite clearly talking about Graces. Regardless Destiny DC was a fluke and they'll never produce anything of a similar quality again anyway.
What I'm hoping for, new game with Velvet as the MC, new game engine, PS3 dropped and better battle themes.
And a shitty Japanese only port for the switch.
Sure was, I'm still having a blast on NG+ playing her, stunning daemons then switching to eizen destroying everyone
>Yeah, at the end of the game.
No? Let's say you have 100 TP. With TP system you might start the battle with 10 or 20 TP. That is NOT all of the resources at your disposal.
But if you have 8CC, you will always start the battle with 8CC.
And we all know the fun of Tales of games starts at NG+ and beyond.
>battle themes
>tfw no tales battle theme will be better that break through with the sword
Innocence R never
>there are people who would be mad about Velvet in a new game just because she's a female
She was a vastly better protagonist and character than Sorey. Although what is most likely would happen is that there'd be a new 'protag' with both Sorey and Velvet as supporting protags.
Not him, Hearts is the last time I felt a Tales soundtrack was decent besides that one disc of Zestiria's soundtrack.
I think Zestiria, did a much better job of subversion of character tropes. In fact, I'd even go as far as saying that he created a better party of "anti-Heroes" than the anti-heroes in Berseria(Exaggerating a bit but you get my point) In Zestiria, Sorey was somewhat of an inverted trope of the "do all good" hero. His code was to save all from Malevolence, yet ended up failing in the end. Not only that, we see that the Villain of the story, despite being more or less "same-y" as the rest of the villains in JRPGs, was the product of the HERO Micheal due to his own suffering and anger. Zestiria might have lacked in certain departments of villains but I think the writers did a decent job in thematic subversion and expectations. Heldalf was just a passive villain who didn't want to live anymore but couldn't die due to the Micheal's curse on him.
Noone here has complained about her being a girl.
It's fucking disgusting you twisted piece of shit.
It wasn't a fluke, it was Baba's immense talent as a director on display.
Good luck finding a better one.
How exactly would we get Velvet as an MC again? Her story's basically over, and I highly doubt someone's gonna go and wake her up anytime soon. Most I could see is her being a side character if someone does attempt to wake her up, but not really a main one.
I feel the two are interchangeable at times, but I think Hearts R's gameplay edges out Abyss' just because of how much fucking fun it is. Hearts R also has one of the most entertaining party members in the series, both in banter and interactions and playability. Pretty much everyone in the cast (except maybe Beryl, but you just had to git gud) was enjoyable to play.
I fanboy Hearts R so much because I genuinely didn't think this budget ass, cheap looking piece of shit game was ever gonna be as good as it turned out to be.
Because she's the best MC, they can find a fucking way, and maotelus isn't dead so maybe he can do something in the 'future'.
Only way Velvet's ever gonna wake up again is if someone breaks the curse of malevolence, but one could easily make a whole game on that alone.
Assuming Bandai wants to even bother with this setting anymore
I must say this one is nice
Too bad i'm not a fan of smartphone games
>Her story's basically over
According to the artbook it isn't. And as far as waking her up goes, I think a likely scenario is that the Seraphs are somehow involved, since they were clearly built up to be the villains if there is a third game.
Maybe she'll eventually eat innominat in her sleep
>I think Hearts R's gameplay edges out Abyss' just because of how much fucking fun it is
Oh no I certainly agree with this, Hearts R's combat system is one of the best in the series.
What'd the artbook say? I haven't heard anything relating to Velvet aside from what little I know was translated, which was mainly character profiles and stuff like that.
Also, her story pretty much is over if they don't make a third game involving her, and I doubt they want to make a third game in that setting given Zestiria's rep and its effect on Berseria's sales, Japan-wise at least. They'd have to be ballsy/really hopeful that Berseria's positive reception won back fans for that setting.