How are you guys enjoying it so far?
Fire Emblem Echoes
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I'll buy it once I finish Awakening[currently at Chapter 11] and complete Fates
Haven't bought it yet.
Heh, I'm literally in the same situation 9-10 chapters in Awakening and I've got foiled Fates waiting on the shelf. Do you have all 'branches' of fates bought?
Is it even worth to play all versions or just go through Conquest (in my case) and grab Echoes?
I'm not that far along, but it's better than Sup Forums made me think.
I have it, but haven't started yet. What should I expect? Heard it's more akin to RPGs, so does that mean there are times where I can grind?
Birthright and Conquest are both worth going through in my opinion.
Revelations is awful
It's good, it's a nice change of pace from the usual FE-games and really like the artstyle. The maps are absolute shit though. They should have improved those instead of staying true to the original game.
It's not like the story has anything to do with Echoes, so do whatever you want. If you want more Fates after you've finished Conquest then go through the other paths, otherwise just grab Echoes.
I will get it later, i really want the 3rd upgrade dlc to be out before i buy it.
Yeah, I bought all the paths because I had plenty of Nintendo money left and they were on that 30% sale
Without that sale I probably would've only played Conquest
it's weird as hell. I like it way better than fates though.
is it just me or are magic users op?
True, but I feel like remakes are a damned if you, damned if you don't situation. You change anything and people bitch, you don't change enough and people bitch.
Mages consume their own HP, so there's that. Killer weapons are crazy powerful, however, especially Killer Bows
you can always grind,there are dungeons,there are towns,there are sidequests...
Can I emulate this on PC yet?
Yeah i 1 shottedthe final boss :/
No need to rush fates is the only one with multiplayer though.
Yeah, normally I don't like it when they change things too much but these maps are just atrocious. Especially the encounters in the dungeons. Doubt anyone would have complained about some changes to that.
DLC boys!
Weren't the previous two titles pretty bad about tons of overpriced DLC? I feel like this is nothing new, it's just totaling it all up in a season pass that's more expensive than the base game that drove it home for people.
>getting echoes next friday
>suddenly an urge like no other to play conquest since I never finished it
What units do I bench? I heard Arthur and Charlotte are jobbers. I stopped playing in the first place because I tried keeping everyone levelled and so everyone ended up weak. I'll be marrying Midori.
Fates, with all paths and all the DLC, would cost more than a hundred dollars. But even then this season pass shit is still garbage.
Yes they were
>$45USD pass
>absolutely nothing of worth is inside
>Fates had alternate history and prelogue
>Awakening had throwback maps, challenge maps, and Apotheosis, despite being $50USD
Should've known Mario Golf was an omen of things to come
It's a remake though. They probably don't want to touch and change that story more than they've already done.
Arthur and Charlotte are both okay, but nothing special. Charlotte's more of a glass cannon, Arthur's more well-rounded but has abysmal luck so on harder difficulties you can expect him to get critted pretty often. Really it's a question of whether you have better axe users, since lances are always the most common enemy weapon you face past the first couple of chapters.
Oh, yeah, I do think the crazy prices are bullshit, but it just seems like it's being complained about a lot more and people talk like it's new for the DLC to cost more than the base game with this series.
It's also weird to see Nintendo really marketing Fire Emblem. I saw this ad on regular old TV the other day:
turn Mozu into an archer ASAP and use her kid,the wolves are great units,Odin and Nyx suck
On act 3, really liking it. There was a massive difficulty spike at the beginning of this part though.
>Buying 3DS games
I like it a lot so far, I'm only at the end of Act 1 though. I should promote ASAP, right?
>I should promote ASAP, right?
Yeah, Gaiden is weird like that. There's no real benefit to waiting like for other FE games
Just let them do it. Someone has to or they won't be made.
I'm not getting it before I beat most of the games I already own. I have like a bit more than 10 RPGs to finish first, maybe by then FE:Echoes' price will drop. Right now I'm near the end of Revelation, I really don't like it as much as Birthright and Conquest so I might drop it, but I only have 4 chapters left until I beat this route.
I might go get the amiibo and wait for a sale or pirate the game.
What do the amiibo do?
Birthright is awful. Seriously, 90% of the maps are just rout maps in an open area where you form up and wait for the enemy to kill themselves on your front line and pray to godo reinforcements don't spawn and kill your backline before you can move them.
Sup Forums did warn me about that, but I thought it would get better, and it didnt.I'm at the penultimate chapter on Lunatic but I might just lower the difficulty to Normal and be done with it, that's how fed up I am with it. I suggest you only play Birthright on Normal and/or Casual for the (very stock) story.
Conquest meanwhile is what I would consider the definitive Fates experience. Better cast and MUCH better map design make for much more rewarding gameplay. Haven't played Revelations yet but there is NO way it can be worse that Birthright.
They unlock a couple levels. Just like most these days.
the Alm/Celica ones unlock a special dungeon or something.
all the others summon an illusory hero
Should finally get it in the mail today. Amazon fucked up my order so it was a day late.I know I could have hacked my 3DS but as of right now all I care to play is this and Ever Oasis and I own all the games I honestly care to play.
But there is a pack of Deliverance backstory though, and we don't know what Pack 5 is yet.
>Haven't played Revelations yet but there is NO way it can be worse that Birthright.
And that's where you are wrong. Revelations has incredibly godawful maps as well as insanely stupid gimmicks.
user's is right, Revelations is trassssshhhhhh
>no dynamic music
This shit really bothers me, it makes a lot of the OST forgettable.
Mario Golf was at least done well enough personally. With the game costing less and the courses where pretty good. Honestly FE is the only Nintendo IP that is really shitty with DLC.
How does Alm's character compare to the rest of the protagonists in the series? I love Ike, probably Nintendo's best character imo.
Just started Act 3.
Music is god tier but aps and enemy placements are fucking god awful, DLC is a triple scoop of bullshit, and the game still manages to be extremely easy. But I do like a lot of the characters and I really love the dungeon exploration and small skirmish systems in it. Hopefully they use these in FE: Switch.
Also Mae is Bae
It's alright, a bit easy for a while and generally speaking the maps are very similar of course. I get that they wanted to be (sort of) faithful but that doesn't really do the game any favors in this case.
The story is easily better than Fates, though that isn't exactly a difficult task. And while many will say the characters are better than Fates/Awakening, outside of comparing Alm to Corrin, I don't necessarily think that's true. The lack of support content leaves many lacking and ultimately just makes them more bland than gimmicky.
I also chose Sonya over Deen.
Birthright is better than Revelation. And the paralogues in Birthright are more challenging than the main chapters, did you try them? I regret buying Revelation but at least I bought it when it was on sale, could have been worse.
yeah but 1 or 2 hp for a dead or seriously injured enemy is way better than my melee units that can only do 1/3 a hp bar and have to eat a counter attack. Thunder is stronger and hits 3 tiles away and the holy spell fucking one shot the necrodragons nobody else could touch.
Even my cleric can shit out chaff units as much as she wants if I set her on a supply tile.
The summoning is complete garbage though. It's only for one turn, it takes some of Alm's or Celica's health to do, and it's a computer controlled ally, and of course, takes EXP away from your real units.
Smash too. Overpriced fighters and only one new first party newcomer.
Let's put it this way.
>Celica: "Two wrongs don't make a right."
>Alm: "Two rights don't prevent the next wrong."
Alm is pretty good in the end, definitely one of the better protags in the series. Celicia is unfortunately much more lacking and generic.
>Read Kliff has low speed
>Mine has literally 20
AI allies like you get with the Summon spell, so you can have Marth, Ike, Roy, so on show up with themes from their games playing when they fight. Alm and Celica in particular also unlock extra dungeons.
No freeshop release
What? His speed is literally his best growth you fucking silly sausage
Yeah that too was pretty bad. If it was only third party I would have just put it off to just the cost of licensing but with them putting Mewtwo and Lucas there's no excuse for that. I did get Bayonetta hoping for support for 3 on Switch and hate myself for that.
His base speed is ass
Yeah I just got to act 3 and instantly hate Celica. Like, what right do you have to be mad at alm for trying to repel some invaders after a coup?
on a unrelated note I really like Faye she's the first yandere fire emblem character in a long while that wasn't over the top wacky.
>It's a Cantor episode
What did you promote your villagers too.
what class uses Axe?
I got evil Axe or something but I don't see any class that can use Axe
Gary cav, Tobin, merc,kliff mage, and faye peg.
Faye into peg knight, Tobin into an archer, and the other two into mercs. I regret not turning someone into a mage though. Hope I get another one soon too since nosferatu fucking sucks
Any units I should not level or use at all? I hate the idea of reclassing units. (I'm a PoR/RD babby)
Grey - Merc
Kliff - Mage
Toblerone - Archer
Faye - Cleric
>Mercenary Kliff with the Lightning Sword
none of them.
so what do I do with the axe?
>still falling for the freeshop meme
Freeshop is only decent for older releases. Grab the fucking cia + undub
Where do you get an axe? Need one for some sub-quest.
Playing on hard classic and is having an easier time than conquest.
Saber is too fucking OP, he carried Celica route so far.
Units in Alm's are pretty balance atm, except the Scyther guy, he's shit.
After 14 games, they finally made archer strong. Really like using Leon so far.
You can pick up a shitty wood-chopping axe right at the beginning of the game, it's in-front of Alm's house.
Any tools/save editors to unlock the amiibo features yet?
Oh, and all Amiibo work, though non-FE ones will just summon generics. It seems to be a consistent generic for the character though.
Now I have to scan all my AC cards to see what class my favorite villagers would have.
in the fort where you rescue the 3rd pegasus knights sisters.
It's very small I actually click on it by accident.
also, what quest?
>there's literally a fucking lumberjack character
>can't hold axes
Got some explaining to do fags
Faye > Cavalier
Tobin > Archer
Gray > Merc
Kliff > Mage
Poor Faye... I really like her. I absolutely hate her mindbroken, lonely ending with no purpose ingame but to suffer
>Gray: Merc
>Tobin: Cavalry
>Kliff: Archer
>Faye: Mage
You want Faye as a mage, Sliq or how she's called isn't enough especially cause warp costs tons of HP.
Why is Tobin so handsome holy ahit. Not even gay
>first fight with Berkut
>enter the map with a caviler skirmish on the same tile
>20 cavilers swarm all my units and kill Python
>reload after exausting Mila's wheel and fight the skrmish separately
>reenter the map and see it's just Beruke, a paliden, and his gay butt buddy.
>Not Gray
>Not Python
>Not Lukas
>playing Awakening/Fates nuFE shit
>No Boey
Can we say Echoes as the best husbandos?
I'd dunno where I'd put Faye on that scale, though so far she's probably somewhere between Camilla and Tharja.
At least she didn't get it as bad as Sonya, though I guess that depends on how you interpret her ending.
Mae please go
My 3DS is modddd but i am still buying the game since i got the gcu shit from bestbuy. Can i pirate thedlc alone?
>not you fucking dastard
Is this as censored to hell and back as the other recent FEs?
Do I make Gray a myrmidon even though he's a mercenary? Is this a class promotion or just a class change?
Yes, they cut out the scene where Alm rapes Celica before killing her.
Only thing they "censored" I know off was the use of alcoholic items which they removed probably last minute, only heroes that are old enough could use them
It got removed from every version of the game
it's a promotion
It goes Mercenary > Myrmidon > Dread Fighter
Should I have upgraded Leon to sniper or waited till he gets more classes?
Can you stop being a retard and buy it
"to hell and back"
>Fates taking away some of its sexual shit
>Tharja's ass covered in a dlc cg
If you're looking for lewd in an SRPG, don't look to fire emblem.
Pretty sure pack 5 is the Cipher tie-in. Arguably the only one worth grabbing.