Which western games are popular in Japan?

Which western games are popular in Japan?

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Nope, they are shockingly insular.

I bet you it'll be The Sims or some causal-tier shit like that.

Overwatch: youtube.com/watch?v=TyTKo9m7tRw



i keep seeing diablo 3 in doujins

someone post the 2ch print where they insult the guy who can't read english to play Total War: Warhammer

Пpoбaчтe, aлe я нe poзyмiю пoльcькoї мoви.

what the fuck is with those bad japanese speakers today? s this a new epic meme or something? go to Sup Forums and get laughed at there

Where i can the voice pack?

Wizardry. That's basically it. Though Call of Duty has a cult following there.

Kys weeb


Nope. Their favorite western series is the single most hardcore game series in history.

гiмнa пoїж тoдi, блядинa

The biggest Western game that ever took influence in Japan is Wizardry. Hardly casual.

Хoхoл, yхoди

Я тoбi зapaз пo cpaцi нaдaю, coбaкa.

>sister learning Japanese
>oh that's cool, I'll learn along with her
>realize that it will take me thousands of hours
>realize that bulk memorization is actually really fucking boring
>realize that I have no interest in living in Japan and it's the easiest country to visit as a English speaker
>realize that all Japanese media I'm interested in gets translated anyway
>realize I'll have literally one person to talk to

I do like the concept of learning a language, but the cost benefit ratio just seems way out of proportion for me. Compared to Spanish, which I've been half-assing on Duolingo and yet understand it fairly well.

Those games sound awful

normie shit like COD and GTA

Best dungeon crawling WRPGs ever, assuming you're willing to put in the time and effort. 6, 7, and especially 8 (and arguably 5) are INFINITELY replayable.

I just wanna play PunchOut! Wii and unserstand what everyone is saying.

Life is Strange: youtube.com/watch?v=RBAVQmbNbBs


But is it worth potentially hundred of thousands of dollars worth of man-hours?

Because it's a very unique part of American culture and history that no other country had. It's like the American nerds obsession with samurais and ninjas which were also a unique part of Japanese culture.

Was the original post parody or was that neckbeard serious? I wonder what happened to him.


Rainbow 6 Siege

The same shit that's popular here in the west

Call of Duty, Battlefield, AssCreed, etc

No, asians can't stand fps.


I imagine it's disorienting being able to see so much at once.

Overwatch is really fucking popular in Japan and Korea.

Are you talking about cowboys? Because cowboys are Mexican and Americans just stole the idea. Not even trolling, look it up.

Next you're gonna tell me pizza is Italian and Americans just stole the idea.

I'm talking about Ken-sama.

You say that, but then a fuckton of Chinese and Koreans play Overwatch.

Skyrim with waifu mods

Source: i'm a guy who lives in weebland

The original with the weaboo? Obviously a parody as well, especially considering it's only like half a decade old or whatever.

If you're talking about Japanese normalfags that obviously whatever normalflags play in the West. I know Skyrim is the most popular RPG currently, whilst Titanfall 2 is the most popular FPS.

Democracy is Greek and Americans just stole the idea.


I remember narrow field of view would make me sick in Bad Company 2, I had to change it on an ini file. Poor bastards, they force themselves to play it for the waifus.


I'm a Spanish native, and I gotta ask; what's the point? Is there any media, books, movies in Spanish that you're interested in consuming? Because otherwise, you're just wasting your time on a language you're going to forget just as soon as you learn it from a lack of exposure.

Not only was America intended to be a republic, it's currently a democracy in name only.


Titanfall 2 is actually good though, especially the DLC practices.

Yeah I know, I was just shitposting senpai. America is more Roman than Greek anyway.

Good thing Americans didn't invent republics either.

Why would anyone edit rawhide kobayashi's name into kenichi smith?

It's something to do. I kind of feel the same.

The bad ones, mostly.

H1Z1 and GTA V

We have plenty of world-renowned literature, so you could put it to good use if you wanted.
Other than that, we're culturally irrelevant.

neither cowboys or ninjas actually existed you fucking morons

Undertale is very very popular in Japan. The Japanese love it ever since a fan-translation was made for it.

I mean, almost everywhere that isn't English speaking is.

Nani, what?

>realize that all Japanese media I'm interested in gets translated anyway
I've been learning it from /djt/ for about a year
translations are not the same, not even close dude

Japan isn't, and even if everything you're interested in gets translated, that's still barely 15% of all the available content.

But only the translated stuff is relevant.
>oh no how will I read touhou doujin #4758

The relevant stuff is often the worst.
Not to mention that most translations are god awful.

I think he means that the cowboys and ninjas that were popularized didn't exist. Like ninjas were basically shifty peasants that would catch people by surprise and kill them with farming tools

Ken-sama died in the 2011 earthquake


Life is Strange.
There's a reason why Square Enix killed Deus Ex and Hitman just to make a sequel for this game.


True. Both are very popular. Same for CoD and Skyrim.

The Nips make the best Sims and Simcity 4 mods

Those people know how to live


Japan really loves Call of Duty thanks to S-E distributing them to their place

also, that one jap who makes most of the gay porn and doujinshi for games like Modern Warkino 2

not popular as CoD over there, but they like Metroid Prime Hunters and Metroid Fusion a lot

do it so you can bone your sister

was it actually popular in any way or do you just like posting the silly japanese dub?

>tfw some random Jap added me on steam, and his profile is filled primarily with FPS games

Too bad I don't speak moon so I'll never be able to communicate with the guy ;_;

>Americans stole it
It got attributed to America by other countries because America used to really really like cowboys in all of their media, and all that media made its way to other countries.

Most Japanese can speak some broken English from their mandatory 12 years of English in school.

Not user your replying too but I need to learn Spanish at some point since some of the ppl who work for my Papa generally only speak Spanish and broken english

Do you live in America?

I saw a shitload of Japanese servers being hosted in Don't Starve Together for some odd reason

Southern California

Why are you changing yourself for people that don't even belong here? I'm not saying to stop learning Spanish, I'm just saying that changing yourself for illegals is wrong.

Name of the show?

Call of Duty and Battlefield are king

>learning the language of an invading horde instead of expecting them to learn our language instead
i hope your business goes under when your dad dies
go hang yourself with a bicycle chain

Except cowboys as popularized did exist.

They are generally learning. I'm Mexican/cuban. Everyone knows Spanish but me in my family. My famalamb is legal btw

You don't just travel to a country and not learn the majority language until after you're there. Illegals were a mistake and they need to go back.

You need to go back home.

In the area where my dad's properties are, there are certainly more people who only know Spanish than English. Lost cause. Better get on board IMO because they're dumb and are cheap labor

Overwatch, atleast in Korea. number one most popular and most shilled game right now, even idols play it.

This is my home and I've been to where my mom and dad were born and its a shithole filled with sub humans

Larp moar

>they're dumb and are cheap labor
we tried this shit in the 1800s and look at what it got us
we don't need niggers 2.0

whoops, though the question was about asia in general. guess im a moron.

Doesn't the popular black-clad version of ninjas come from Japanese theatre where they were played by the stage hands so nobody would see it coming?

I agree. I can't stop them (in commiefornia it's retardedly easy to avoid ICE) but why shouldn't I be opportunistic and exploit them?

>why shouldn't I be opportunistic and exploit them?
because you're helping create a new generation of mexiniggers
you're part of the problem if you employ them

>he thinks that I really matter

If I don't employ them, then some other schmuck is. SoCal is a lost cause. If they're a degenerate then I will fire their ass. If they actually a hard worker then why not make a profit

>only cares about profit

You sure you're a mexican cuban?