Skyrim is objectively the best Elder Scrolls game

Skyrim is objectively the best Elder Scrolls game.

>best combat
>best looking
>easily the smoothest animations & action
>everythings voiced so NPCs don't stand there mind reading entire conversations
>lots of interactions happening around the player, unlike morrowind were NPCs and creatures do absolutely nothing unless the player is involved
>various methods of travel which the player can CHOSE to use or not at their own will
>plenty of small immersive role play elements that morrowind didn't have because its shit, like being able to sit down in the tavern and listen the NPCs talking bollocks around you


Oblivion was better. Anyone who says otherwise is less than a drumpf supporter.


good points

Oblivions downfall was performance, especially with mods. Doesn't matter how strong your PC is, that iteration of the engine was utter garbage performance wise.

Why Sup Forums making Skyrim thread everyday?

>tfw Bethesda will never improve melee combat because if they did it would be much funner than inherently boring magic gameplay

>best combat
Combat is not a thing in elder scrolls games, its literally braindead-tier and has always been.
>best looking
Can you be any more of a shallow consumerist whore? Art direction and overall style of graphics is what counts.
>easily the smoothest animations & action
Largely irrelevant since the immersion disappears the second you start interacting with the game world and retarded writing.
>everythings voiced so NPCs don't stand there mind reading entire conversations.
Generation-Z everyone, reading only over their dead bodies.
>lots of interactions happening around the player, unlike morrowind were NPCs and creatures do absolutely nothing unless the player is involved
Accomplished already 10 years earlier by gothic 2.
>various methods of travel which the player can CHOSE to use or not at their own will
Retarded meme argument, good game designers integrate fast travel system into the game so you gradually are able to get quicker around the world, another layer of meaningfull progress. Just like teleporter stones in Gothic. Morrowind is literally god-tier when it comes to this, as seen is pic related that excludes mark, recall and almsivi and divine interventions.
>plenty of small immersive role play elements that morrowind didn't have because its shit, like being able to sit down in the tavern and listen the NPCs talking bollocks around you
Really? Handful of shit-tier lines that get recycled ad nauseam. Atleast in Oblivion it was fun and amusing listening to NPC since everything they spout is completely random and makes for top tier comedy.

Good job being part of the cancer that has ruined all triple-A's. Luckily enough indie scene is better than ever.

The magic needs to take hints from Divinity Original Sin and instead focus on combining elements. Give me a reason to choose something besides Frost againt warriors and Lightning against mages.

Was recently named #1 RPG by PCgamer, plus the Switch version is coming out soon or because it's still one of the greatest games ever made.

forgot pic

>accomplished 10 years earlier by gothic 2

ESO did all those things better.

>Enjoying Walking Backwards simulator 2000

It already does with racial bonuses, I hope you don't cast frost against Nords or fire against Dunmer.

>Implying the racial bonsues fucking matter

Frost still slows them down and makes them unable to catch up.

Fallout 4 is objectively the best Fallout game.

>>best combat
>>best looking
>>easily the smoothest animations & action
>>everythings voiced so NPCs don't stand there mind reading entire conversations
>>lots of interactions happening around the player, unlike Fallout were NPCs and creatures do absolutely nothing unless the player is involved
>>various methods of travel which the player can CHOSE to use or not at their own will
>>plenty of small immersive role play elements that Fallout 3 didn't have because its shit, like being able to sit down in the tavern and listen the NPCs talking bollocks around you

Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people

Morrowind just had fucking genius world design in general. Notice how for the most part the settlements are on the fringes of the map, where it's safer and travel is easier. Trekking inland is a bit deal, not only from a role-playing perspective, but a gameplay perspective as well as you are isolated from easy travel and trade. The closer to Ghostgate you get the more dangerous and difficult the terrain is, to the point where levitation is practically necessary.

Speaking of levitation, the game gives you tools to make travel easier. Mark and recall as you've said, but several mid-game quests including the main quest give you enchanted items for levitation whenever you need it. Travel becomes a breeze in the late-game if you focus Acrobatics and Athletics, and just leap through the landscape.

>>best looking
>Art direction and overall style of graphics is what counts


Morrowfags status: triggered

All Morrowfags are spergs, they will never accept this


I'll never understand this "high-contrast means good graphics" meme with Elder Scrolls modding. Part of the charm of Oblivion is how saturated the world is.

>Skyrim is objectively the best Elder Scrolls game.
You say this like it's some kind of massive accomplishment instead of being the minimum expectation for a sequel.

>best looking
The latest game in the series is also the best looking, stop the fucking presses. The truth is the only thing skyrim has above the other Elder Scrolls games is graphics and animations. When the next Elder Scrolls game comes and will surpass Skyrim on its technical aspects Morrowind will still be remembered for its amazing world and interesting main quest, Oblivion will be remembered for its creative sidequests and the Shivering isles expansions but what will Skyrim have?