That's a man butt

>this is what will happen for real
>NoAcucks will defend it
Admit it, your portapotty device started out strong but will faulter fast


Welp, no switch for me
Stupid fucking faggots

We have to protect innocent American children from reckless heterosexuality.

wait a second... that ass..

>people in this thread will think this is real

Shit game

Somebody's been having two scoops


Good thing I can play the JP version on my Switch :^)

>the hair girl isn't a spooky ghost
>just a nigger instead


So she's just a spook?

>implying niggers are not spooky

>Bawww Tyrone kicked my ass in school

Why is this still allowed?

You act like an immensely higher rate of violence isn't a good reason to dislike a demographic.

AMERIKEKSSS It looks like a fucking transvestite LMAO



Aspect ratio stretched like hell, horrible compression artifacts on the right, no detail seen in multiple things, not the same shot, yah.. no.

No, but a pack of feral niggers did try to break in my house when I was in school
Fucking apes, wish I had owned guns then
Thankfully the cops showed up quick and chased the feral monkeys off

>defending niggers
And this is why our world is doomed.

I can't unsee it now

I cant stop laughing what a cu-cks (seriously this word is censored? im getting cu-cked by Sup Forums LOL)

>no hair near asshole/inner asscrack delete this garbage

No it isn't newfagging cuck.

It doesnt matter as long as the gameplay is good


try it

Only in caps. KEK

Thats how a transvestite ass looks like in the USA? Man, you are cucked even on the homo front.


Why are redditors trying to turn this into an Us vs Them thread?

Still too big.


>only strunk the booty
>not totally remove Twitelle

this is false

The Switch is region free, so if something like this would happen, I'd just play it in Japanese.

That being said, the mere fact that it's region free means localization can't be handled the same way it was before, so I don't expect this to happen anyway.

I'll defend it because it'd be a gigantic fucking blow against all these shitty waifufags giving attention to only one fucking character in a game where you can play as anybody.
Fucking cancer killing games like these.

I need proof

okay i laughed

It's fake, you idiot (singular). The American direct clearly shows her unaltered.

This board is so dumb.

Fuck off Ireland. Your opinion has never mattered.

Holy fuck go back to whatever site you came from

No shit, I just said it would really happen

>people believing this

How could he read the statement of the question upside down?


He switches cards off-screen during panel 2

It's not going to happen, with Tokyo Mirage Super Kawaii Desu Happy Happy Fun Times (seriously what the fuck were they thinking with the name?) they just changed textures, here they'd have to completely remodel the character.

>Being so degenerate your only defense for this piece of shit character is her ass.
You have all of these fucking great character designs like Helix, Kid Cobra, Byte and Barq, hell, even the other female characters, but no, this one fucking nigger just happens to have an ass. That somehow means this ONE SINGLE CHARACTER has to get all the fucking attention and fanart, leaving the other characters overshadowed and treated unfairly.
If this isn't cancer I don't know what it is.

Please, all they have to do is adjust the vertices of some triangles

Stop hating ass faggot

ARMS design is pretty ass. There's a reason no one cared about characters until now.

>autist that don't understand sex sells

Force me, shit.

>great design

Get used to it bucko, same shit happened with overwatch, no-gave and still no-one gives two fucks about Zarya.
You know what Tracer and Widowmaker were the most popular characters when the game was coming out? Yes it's because of ass.

but if they kept it uncensored for japan then online play between a nip and a burger would have inaccuracies.

Japjews behind this post to slander the west.

This is fake, right?

Even tough this game's target demographic is children.

Not like the west even needs any slandering.

because the answers to those questions are always upside down, he forgot to flip it.

No, the part of the pants covering her but just loses all textures and shading.
Of course it's fucking fake.

>people like a character's design an play as them

Honestly given some of NoA's previous shit that is about the quality I'd expect from them.

Nintendo's whole target demographic is children...are the people making the game children? No, they're horny dudes who like ass, apparently. Frozen is also for kids and look at all the porn.

this is a really bad thread, post dogs

Thicc dog...




AKA the people who fall for sex appeal the most, and 90% of Sup Forums's userbase



>tfw legfag
>the chinese girl was great
>now that this NIGGER came there will be less art of her
kill me bros

chinks are yellow niggers



left doesnt even make sense, why would a fit fighter have such an ugly fat ass?




Post more DOGS

I wouldn't even mind her so much if she weren't fucking orange

thanks for helping! i am almost out of dogs

Don't give up!!!




>Most popular character is the one with most fan art and attention


She's popular BECAUSE of the attention, the fanart being a side-effect of that.
You don't understand what I mean here.

Thanks for the dogs everyone.
Keep going please!

Sup Forums doesn't even know about all the alterations and censorship CERO did to Super Smash Bros 4, Palutena, the loss of the Tharja trophy, Lyn, and Wonder Pink's trophy losing her panties and all.

@janny-kun: think about some of the posts in this thread and if those are really on-topic too

i'm out

>they actually made her fatter, too