Name a more trial and error game than this

Name a more trial and error game than this


I wanna be the guy

Rayman isn't really trial and error. It's a hard game, it wasn't playtested, the hit boxes could be better, but beating it doesn't depend on having to die repeatedly and learning from your mistakes. Dying has little to no benefit for you.

Which version of rayman 3 is the best? HD or pc with mods?

I didn't even know there was a PC version or it had mods

PC but it's kinda hit or miss if you're using W10 I personally can't get it to run without a few visual glitches
Also there is no native controller support AFAIK

Souls games

*blocks your path*

>enemies literally spawn on top of you at scripted locations
>not trial and error

Git gud

It's been on pc since the start and by mods I meant fan patches like Better Rayman 3 and stuff.

There's a fix for the controller.

Meant to reply to

Sometimes: Success requires sacrifice

I got this game as part of some indie bundle on Steam. It's literally the most trial and error game I can imagine there being

There's usually a cue that tells you they are going to spawn, like the white sparkle. You just have to pay attention.

Each level is a lightless maze. The only way to bring light to the maze is to die, everytime you die tou leave a ghost behind that provides a little aura of light.

It's not a very good game.

Any Fire Emblem game where enemy reinforcements can come in at the beginning of their turn

It's more about the requeriments to unlock cages, sometimes you might jump towards a bottomless pit for some objects to appear

It's about on par with a lot of hard platformers like Ghosts ans Goblins or the Ninja Gaiden games

*blocks your path*

ends every single one of my playthroughs and I'm not sure why, since I know I could beat her, I just give up after like 2 attempts.

Syobon Action


You don't have to jump in the oit to get the reveal. You just do an exploratory jump and turn back around. Seriously, wtf you casual.

I beat that game on one life my first time playing. If it takes you more than one life to beat Rayman you don't know SHIT about cideo games.

>hides the few lives the game gives you behind death traps
>lose a life trying to get a life
>they never respawn

What did they mean by this?

Just a very very frustrating fight, i think it's the sheer amount of time it takes to break the washing machine.

anyone play the GBA version of this game? is it just as good as ps1?

I wonder how many people have legitimately beaten the game without using the extra life cheats? I cannot get past eraser plains, it's just impossible without brute force for me..

Fuck that game honestly. Who thought it was an appropriate game for children?

Port absolutely blew my mind as a kid, graphics are almost as good, pretty sure the entire game is ported. Only downside is the downgrade in audio, other than that it's almost 1:1

AHAHAHAHA fuck you.


Shit's not even good for adults. I used to play it with my Dad and I was the only reason we ever managed to beat that shit, even if it was a fucking slog and a half.

I did as a kid, it just requires reloading since there was no way I was getting through on 5 continues. I'm honestly amazed I had the patience.