Why black people are so good at fighting games?
Why black people are so good at fighting games?
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I was in a group home for a bout a year and speaking as the expert on black people; it's a myth. I was beating them so bad at soul calibur 2 and tekken they were literally crying like they couldn't believe it, that's how frustrated they were.
And why they're good at them? They play them a lot, black people fucking love mortal kombat, DBZ and all types of power level "OH SHIIIIIII" trash.
>why are black people good at playing the role of a violent thug?
Gee, OP, who knows.
But asians are better?
only mortal kombat
cheap arcades was mostly fighting games. if your parents couldnt afford a console, that was pretty much your only option.
>Why are apes good at slamming their fists
What did you honestly hope to accomplish with your thread? Go eat a banana.
Because blacks are the most powerful race on earth
Sonic Fox fucks everybody in different games, like DoA and Skullgirl
You just played bunch of newfriends, not real fighting game players.
>the time he took of the hat
He took of the hat when he was playing against against black man too.
Fighting game race tier list
Not in the most relevant game
But I guess that's due to Smash being a game on console, not arcade
this is bait
>F I G H T I N G G A M E S
SFV isnt in arcades lmao
I guess 2nd most viewers at EVO doesn't count for shit, or melee still going strong after 15 years and being at it's most popular right now
fuck off with the shitty bait.
>stream numbers
Neo Sup Forums pls leave
Fuck off with the shitty game
To be fair though, Brazilians shouldn't count as people.
>The best NRS player is a furfag
What does it mean
This faggot ruined SG tournaments for me, basically turned it into
>oh, I wonder who SonicFox is gonna destroy this time
I just realized that he fucked him with a DS4.
Fucking kek
that was brilliant i watched it live
>Not saying 50% instead of 1 in 2
That triggers me more than any shitty Facebook meme could ever hope to
As opposed to what, harvest moon?
Sonic Fox has shit neutral and dropped the easiest SF game because said lack of neutral.
Which is hilarious, because I keep on hearing from the NRS crowd how he was going to be unbeatable with his FANG.
>stream monsters
no one gives a shit
If you want to get technical about that shit kof97 tournaments in china beat out evo viewer numbers easily anyway
>this dumb faggy ass nigga got his naked furry fox on official advertisement
so fucking cringe
The Joke
But they aren't. At least I'm not.
>playing a cheap characters makes you good
fox plays deadshot and smug plays karin. both cheap ass characters
Don't reply to me or my posts ever again with your shitty buzzwords. The only cringe here is you saying that word, go back to twitter.
>asian people: play to win
>black people: use every advantage
>white people: wahhhh hes playing unfairly!!
wouldn't the top 20% of whites also be smarter than a large amount of blacks though? Maybe even more than 1/2?
I wouldn't say Karin is cheap
The people at the top beat out everyone else who plays those characters.
They're not good at Melee. Clearly Melee is the best game.
he plays balrog now
Fighting games were mostly played in arcades
Ghettos tended to have arcade hangouts
Ghettos tend to have lots of black people and Hispanics in them.
You can figure out the rest.
thats the joke. top 20% whites is smarter than 99% blacks.
why do you throw the game away on the character select screen where you can pick any character you want? everybody else is comparing labor trying to figure out who is the best and you are just whining like a bitch.
It's a time sink. Black kids can't afford a lot of games so they squeeze as much time out of a game that they Can. You'd be pretty good at tekken, too if it was the only game you ever played.
Karin is the only character in SFV that requires good execution. MKX requires better execuction than SFV in general, who would have though 10 years ago, that would happen.
>Jive neutral
Maybe if he didn't play the shittiest character in the game bar none and actually stuck with it.
you are retarded
>Ghettos tended to have arcade hangouts
Where? I wish I lived in that ghetto growing up desu
they are not. they have never been good at anything
fast twitch muscle fiber
>that fursona design
It's actually due to Smash not being a fighting game.
Dude, cringe, lol. So cringey, dude. I can't handle the CRINGE. makes me cringe...
sonicfox is cute! CUTE!
This is the correct answer.
>t. Childhood poorfag who spent time in black arcades
Why are black people so much better than us in anything social or physical? I may as well just not have childre. My pitiful white genes don't deserve to survive.
>LTG claims to have the God gene
>Gets bodied by a 14 year old white kid and rage quits
>Pisses in milk jugs
>Loses as Gouken v Hugo
yes, this is cringe