Other than the Siren series, what are some games with uncanny-valley?

Other than the Siren series, what are some games with uncanny-valley?

Pic related

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>tfw there will never be a Siren 3

>that face

Horror thread?

If that scares you, dont look up "Little Dolls, by Alain Delorme"

You have no idea what uncanny valley means.

What if I feel nothing when seeing this?

>not uncanny valley

Of course we're excluding Blood Curse

why is this never used in games? even though its so easy to create in games? Its never deliberate. This would have been great for a game like mass effect's aliens or any horror game.

your reverse psycology won't work with me, I'm- AAHHHHH

What do you think the uncanny valley is?

>uncanny valley

When someone looks like a doll

Bloody hell, what's wrong with her face?

>yfw your sexuality is so warped over the years you just find it a major turn on

A facial mix between what seems in this case animated but verging on seemingly real.

When a person irl looks like they're made of clay or animation

When the graphics don't real

I would take great pleasure in just jacking off into her hair and watching it drip down her barbie doll features.

Why do these pics make us feel uneasy?, and why can't they make them more realistic?

That dinosaur museum game

came to this thread just to post this



The meaning of uncanny valley is that the image of the person looks just real enough to look human but not enough to look

The combo results in a creepy mix



Look up 'Little Dolls' you sick fucks.



>look it up
>pop a boner

>Alain will never post the hundred other photos he took because it makes his gallery that much more special

>implying I didn't already
Most of them, while serviceable, aren't too fappable.
Hair matters, user.

>enter thread expecting cool pics
>just a bunch of pedos
This is why we can't have nice things.

looks cute as fuck honestly
can't find a fucking source though, where did this pic come from?

I'm hard.

eyes are a bit too big and bit too high

>where did this pic come from?

Reminds me of young Hillary Clinton

>complaining about pedos
>pictures of humans knowingly and deliberately photoshopped to look inhuman and wrong
It's monstergirl porn at best.
........ this isn't real, right?
I mean, I'd breed this little bitch and give her a bunch of brown babies to show off to her parents in quite a severe fashion.

Some weirdo who knew a close friend of Hillary managed to snag ALL her kids pics. Posted them in here : archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/126169863/

>Hillary Clinton
It is and a shitty western artist made some even shittier drawings.
I still fapped.

not sure i think shes russian

But that's not uncanny valley. Which is funny, because adult Killary is faker than my gf.

that is real user...shes using makeup

eyes of an efficient killer.. Even at that young age she had that dead, fake smile mastered.

>that bathing suit one

Jesus her little boobs are practically hanging out


Imagine if we get that uncanny Valley feeling ingrained in us because in the past there used to be predators who could mimic us to that degree

>What If they're still here?

Shad is a retard. All the kids pics in the world but his Hilloli looks like a bimbo. I did like Jilloli Stein though


uncanny valley is not related to mimicking humans only.


user...there was....this ate other hominids and it could out run you....




this one's really uncanny

Neither is OP's picture. Uncanny Valley meymey can't be applied to everything. And just because someone says the words doesn't mean anything wrong is uncanny valley.

The adult hands holding her in her seat are such a good touch haha

Human but not quite creatures make us feel uneasy beause our rain recnises that his is some kind of "non- human", something that isn't human but wears a human's skin. RObots area good example, the more realistic a robot looks the weirder it becomes until it really is perfect, otherwise it feels like a strange mentally ill or not knowing how to behave human stranger comes close to you, which is really uncomfortable.

Yeah, look at the hands holding her arms. One is a kids hand, the other is clearly from a grown man.

I'll still never understand what the fuck uncanny is even supposed to be. OPs image just looks like a weird kid.

None of the pics so far look like uncanny valley to me. is just some makeup for example. Uncanny valley means that someone or something looks "almost" human but there's something really wrong with it.

>beause our rain recnises
your human facade is falling off lizard man


What about this one then?

Graphics aren't advanced enough to hit the uncanny valley yet, and probably won't be for another 10 years. 20 If consoles don't die this generation.

Dont be slly. There is no way we cpuld type.

Still doesn't really creep me out but is definitely more in that direction.

>tfw another potentially interesting thread turns into off-topic wank general

>He wasn't that way to the boys

You have no idea what the uncanny valley is, do you?
You can see the polygons in everything in mgsv, and the textures are very low resolution.


>that face
>those lips
I swear I've seen them on a well known girl before. I just can't put my finger on it.

It has nothing to do with graphics and everything to do with how the faces are animated.

Wrong, it's both. If you can tell it's fake at a glance then it doesn't hit the uncanny valley.

Why did you post an abbo?

I'd breed Hilloli. Just saiyan

Haha this looks like every loli that shad has ever drawn

your best bet really is have a look at the core reason why we have this fear. Earlier species of human we co existed with fit the pill perfectly although no one image will do justice to it.

Try to imagine them barking like a dog at you.. as some lacked the capacity for language others would give you a cold dead stare as some lacked whites in their eyes

For a second I thought the bottom row black girl had a cake shaped like a watermelon

Weird, i just converted the PDF too.


Alien Isolation was pretty uncanny Valley sometimes.


Cameron Diaz?

Yeah, actually, you're right, that's who I was thinking of.

For anyone wondering why these look so weird, the photographer apparently treats these photographs as if he was photographing adults. So he blurs the face to get rid of pores/acne/scars (which the kids don't have), and touches up the eyes and mouth.

Now, on the subject of this thread, maybe OP should give DreadOut a shot.

Just curious, what part of this reaches the uncanny valley for you?


I was mostly thinking of the lady in red, she just has this almost-human kind of look to her. Also the (actual spoiler) possessed friends.

fucking women smiling can be creepy just itself.
Renaissance painters where right never paint women smiling with teeth bare its too predatory

what a nice cosplay

That clearly looks like an animu face though. And the graphics aren't nearly good enough to pass off as a real human.


It is the place in computer animation, where the model looks ALMOST real, but our brain perceives the minor imperfections (or rather, lack thereof) and recognizes it to be fake. This sometimes causes realistic animated faces to be perceived by the viewer as creepy or disturbing. The CG Peter Cushing (Grand Moff Tarkin) in Rogue One is a good example. Animators are constantly trying find was to break past the uncanny valley and animate scenes or people which cannot be distinguished from reality, but some suggest that this might not be possible for a number of reasons.

>And the graphics aren't nearly good enough to pass off as a real human
Isn't that part of what makes it uncanny valley? That it attempts to look human and fails?



it has to look almost human though
that's not even close

Which game?