Start playing game

>start playing game
>have to stop playing every five minutes to masturbate

What's her name?

i don't masturbate every 5 minutes, not even every day

Playing USF4 as Poison.


But that's why I play it.


Alisia was cutest dungeon traveler. Yuni a close second.

But I don't play video games

What game in OPs pic?

god bless anime, mhmmm


Night in the Woods

Dungeon Travelers 2

Way to many games honestly, but Dungeon Travelers 2 isn't one of them.
Game is far too frustrating and Tue dungeon gimmicks for progression in the post game are easier to pay attention to if I'm not stopping constantly.
I learned my lesson in the Ice Cave when I was leveling up the Chief.
I was so distracted by her immaculate chest I lost track of some switches I had already hit on a somewhat complicated floor and it really set me back.

Never again.

Pokemon Sun and Moon



Euro Truck Simulator

Basically every game where I can play as a female character


Damn, vita only. What a piece of shit

>play as a girl
>get beaten to death
>have to rush to the bathroom to clean my underwear

Literally the best waifu once you get her to fall in love with you

I want to start a new game in Stardew so I can just be a complete dick.
I love some of the absolutely savage dialogue options you get sometimes but I can never bring myself to select them.

Penny > Leah > Abigail > Haley > Emily > Maru

what mods are you using ?

Hentai RPG maker games and other tile-based videogames.

Bullshit, Haley is perfect, beautiful, sexy and incredibly loyal to you once you're dating.
She's also far more down to earth once you get to know her, her favourite gift is a Sunflower, simple tastes for her sweet innocent personality.
Everyone thinks she's bitchy but she's just honest and naive, once you get married she is helpful, grateful and enjoys simple things like collecting shells.

All the other girls are dykes who want to help out around the farm and want to have jobs. Haley is the wife every farmer would want, keeps the house, keeps the kids and keeps herself looking pretty for when you come in after a long hard day.

But I'm glad you don't like her, because she's mine anyway, you keep on walking.

How could I when whenever fanservice tried to happen Fried would say "fuck this shit" and shut it down?

He is possibly one of the most based protags of recent memory.

excellent thread, weeb

None because I'm not an underage hormonal teenager who has to jerk off every 5 seconds like the majority of this board

rcots, a large devious devices collection, daymoyo with some slavery mods, and lots of patches

Like Etrian Odyssey, Illusion games, Rance games, That pokemon with the girl with hotpants.

>What's her name?
Pornography addiction. Seek help.

Bayonetta. Her voice gets me diamonds.

shut the fuck up you fucking faggots

Last of Politically Correct

I've never masturbated to VNs even though fapping to the sex scenes is supposed to be part of the fun. I just like the stories.

I cannot play ffviii without jerking off

Read a good moege where you get attached to the heroine. You're supposed to go full self-insert. Don't forget to cum at the same exact moment as the MC - edging is vital.

Ar nosurge.

Soldier of Fortune

DT2's art is completely unappealing to me, and I don't understand what particularly I dislike.

>1 post by this ID



Monster Girl Quest.