Path of Exile

I've just spent 4 hours trying to buy items for my level 58 Templar from players who have items listed on for several chaos each. 15 of them are AFK and 7 of them aren't AFK but apparently can't be bothered to come get my chaos.

During these 4 hours I haven't killed any mobs because my build is in Limbo, waiting for me to upgrade my gear.
How is this fun?

Other urls found in this thread:'

No ones forcing you to play something you don't like.

That doesn't sound like fun at all.

play Tree of Savior it's cute and fun!


Welcome to the latter half of the league's lifespan.

Your fault for playing PoE in the first place

>not playing SSF
nice story pleb

What item/league?

How hard is to provide a player with a passive store that can sell items for him, even when he's off line?

Eve Online has been doing that for over 10 years.

>he fell for the "PoE is good, Diablo 3 and Grim Dawn are bad" meme

Well you're trying to buy shit during dead league time, players drift away as the leagues go on. I've never had that much trouble buying though.

>he wants a supermarket economy instead of a barter economy
enjoy your bots and farmers

That is literally the ONE negative of PoE
Them refusing to add a trading post or auction house in the game itself

Still way better than Casualablo 3 though

>not just getting 285% item find/rarity and running Hillock on Merciless

The developers at GGG don't know how to do that.

Its a shit, unbalanced, broken, filled with rmt game and they keep filling it with nonsense to break it even more.
Don't even waste your time anymore.

Oh, and if you buy cosmetics you can't: trade them/ gift them. I completly regret spending 50 on it.

Why would you be able to trade away cosmetics you buy?

Every game has automation.

When you craft armour in your hideout, do you have click a hammer and beat on an item at a virtual forge for 2 days? No. You just click a craft button. So the workbench is botting now, right?


Legacy league was extended but it has still been going on for 3 months were normally the league is dead. That being the case the people still playing are probably rich enough to ignore buyers if it doesn't suit them to trade at the time.
You're probably also being too polite waiting for answers when you should just try another seller in 20-30 sec of not getting an answer.

If GGG weren't lazy fags they would implement an in-game auction house instead of relying on having to make trades through some 3rd party websites

Femanon here.

That's why I quit playing.

The game is fun but the dependency on links and shit is fucking horrible

>mfw a GGG developer reads this and decides to get rid of the craft button and forces players to beat a virtual hammer at a virtual forge for two days.

>utter contempt for their player base

I have never spent 4 hours trying to buy an item.
This is a problem with you an not the game.

Didn't spend 4 hours trying to buy one item. Learn how to read.


>make a fun skill-link system
>can only do basic shit for most of the time
for what purpose?

My bad. Still you put yourself in that situation.

duh. I'm obviously ranting.

>yes, I'm mad.

Once you need to trade with people for gear its time to give up. Unless you find haggling with retards fun.

GGG developer here. couldn't care less about your situation to be honest. Working here sucks.

If you never reached level 90+ and did 36 challenges in a HC league, you are not allowed to post in this thread

I've bought several dozen maps from people for far FAR less than one chaos, and i've never spent more than 2 minutes browsing and then arranging a trade. You must be a complete idiot to spend hours on active trading for only a few items.

What's the point of playing HC league, they're not even different anymore?

>shitcrow having the audacity to directly address me
Know your place, baby

Aren't you supposed to hold back on giving out free (You)'s?

Go back to /poeg/

Then don't be a cheapskate and scroll down a bit. Works like a charm.

I gotta say i'm dissapointed in the whole "heres a paid beta, no content for 2 months fuck you" situation.
I'm probably shell out some cash to get access but it's going to feel bad doing so.
Wasn't the legacy league a rehash on purpose so they had time to work on that shit ?
Smells like a cashgrab to me, still i'm excited

you what
poe adds so much content and new shit all the time it's through the roof
meanwhile diablo 3 gets a necro after like 3 years of nothing

>playing standard
Only have yourself to blame, nooberdog.

for the first time there won't be a new 3 month league directly foillowing this one at the end of june

>Every game has automation.

not PoE

If you're in hardcore why not just try a new cheap build on another character while you wait for people to get back to you?

Yes there will. The next league will start with 3.0 release. The Legacy extension is on purpose to have a league running until the new expansion comes out, with the brand new league along with it.
It's always been like this.

>15 of them are AFK and 7 of them aren't AFK but apparently can't be bothered to come get my chaos.

it took you 4 hours to message 22 people?
do you have downs?

the beta is starting at the end of this temp league user
and its not open
you need to buy a pack to get in or get chosen at random
check the fucking news once in a while, why would you fucking assume shit when i'm telling you its wrong

>buying gear for a lvl 58 character
you fucked up, delete immediately

PoE and Grim Dawn are good, D3 is bad.

Necromancer and Inquisitor when.

Here is me, directly addressing you in a blatant mocking of your completely lack of authority

>here's a paid beta
The 2.0 beta was a very enjoyable experience for all once the initial hype and pitchforks calmed down.
>So people didn't have to pay, GGG set up a lotto on the front page that automatically drew names out of their player database every like 10 minutes IIRC
>As time went by, it got faster and faster, letting more and more people in
>The pitchforks were over the fact that people with very similar names and accounts with no activity time kept getting keys
>Example: David(series of numbers 1) and David(series of number 2)
>It took GGG like a week to force the system to ignore accounts with no play-time, but from what was said, they also took away all the key allocated to these bot-farm accounts
>For those that didn't get in, they had a ton of races and race rewards
>The Beta itself featured some interesting changes that never made it to live
>Personally, I'm still mad because there was a change that was gonna be made to Fireball that it exploded every time it hit an enemy instead of only once and they never pushed it to the Live Beta
Overall good event tho. This Beta will only include 4 of the 6 new acts as well.

>I'm probably shell out some cash

This is why they never fix this broken game. Because of idiots like you, they don't have to.

Why wouldn't you?
It's even worth it to buy a good leveling unique for low levels to greatly speed it up

well they want to time the next league with the expansion launch, and if legacy ends 3 months after it launched, that leaves them with a 1 or 2 month time period before 3.0 - they had 4 major options how to handle this period
>#1 extend legacy until 3.0 launch
>#2 run a short 1 month challenge league between legacy end and 3.0 launch
>#3 run a full 3 month challenge league after legacy, postpone 3.0 launch until after it ends
>#4 let legacy end as planned and fill the time to 3.0 launch with race events and gimmicks

initially they had planned to do #4, after players whined about it they changed their minds and went with #1 instead

>starting standard at the end of a league a couple of weeks before a new version of the game comes out

Do you go to a movie 20 minutes before it ends too?

Whenever a new MTX is released it's at least 2 pages of cocksuckers "thx GGG bought two 10/10 keep'em cummin' ;)" until someone rational asks when the actual game will be fucking fixed.

God yer dum. He literally described an automation that actually exists in PoE in the post you replied to you fucking moron.
>craft button

>moving the goal posts this much
>this hard
>to a post made 15 minutes ago

>Level 58 is a passable level to be hitting Act 1 Merciless
That's the usual prime time to buy gear.
>Your shit gear isn't gonna handle -60% Resist well at all
>You probably has piddle for life
>You can readily get entry-level mapping gear on the cheap if this is early or mid-league
>Unless your RNG is pure trash you got enough currency to buy the stuff and maybe a big ticket item

As far as I understand they did 1 & 4
-extend legacy league
-races and such events
Parallel to the beta until 3.0 with the new league launches

>I've just spent 4 hours trying to buy items for my level 58
Why are you shopping for items before hitting maps?

speed what? at this point the game is still a faceroll.

And then they'll add 2 week leagues or daily races, like they always fucking do unannounced when they have to fill up time before the expansion release. They've done this shit since before 2.0. How new are you?

>playing ARPGs where you can't completely respec


Also forgot to mention your "speed up" seems to mean "lose 4 hours waiting for the trade" which is more than the time needed to end the game and reach the begining of the xp penalty

He might not have known what he wanted and he might have spent 10-20 minutes in between whispering various players, searching for various types of gear before deciding on an item and attempting to initiate contact.

I've spent more time doing what he's done.

But you can

theres a big difference between having leveling gear, and not. a +1 tabula or those stupid exploding boots make leveling a "get through the zones asap" situation, but you dont have to grind dried lake at the end either

> NEETS pretending PoE is an alternative to Grim Dawn which is superior in every way

the only thing you cant respec is your ascendancy, but honestly if you pick the wrong one then you deserve to have to reroll

>in every way
>A game with no end-game is better than a game with a sizable one

> endless randomized dungeons with no good level layout are now an endgame

bitch pls

you can respec ascendancy points
costs 5 regrets per tho

You can respec an Ascendancy point for 5 Respec points in the same way you respec a tree point.
And to reset your Ascendancy itself, you have to de-allocate all Ascendancy points, run any difficulty/map Lab, and touch the Ascendancy altar.

>But you can

>our intention is that players who want to try substantially divergent character builds are encouraged to play a new character through the game, organically leveling it up rather than just respeccing into it.

You cannot fully respec and it's 100% fuck-face fan boy tier to say otherwise since the devs specifically say you cannot.

I swear GGG fanboys deserve worse than Blizzard drones.

>broken game

Game seems to work fine to me. I haven't found any bugs that would prevent me from mapping. Please, tell me, what specifically about Path of Exile is broken?

>You cannot fully respec
Yes, yes you can. It's expensive as hell, but you can. Name precisely (1) thing you can't.

Yes, you can fully respec.
You don't have to link me to things. I play the game.'

There is literally no limit on how many of them you can buy.

>Yes, yes you can. It's expensive as hell

Blizzard tier
>spending 40 hours to respec a toon
>legit option
Go fuck yourself

i'm sure you COULD fully respec, but the cost of doing so would be so absurdly ridiculous you'd have to spend more time farming the currency than it would've taken to just level up a new character.

see Fuck yourself.
It's cunts like you who trick people into playing this nonsense then cry about Sup Forums lying to them.

Disingenuous corporate dickriders the lot of you.

>are encouraged to

Read that part really carefully, mongoloid.

It doesn't cost real money.
Why do you even try anymore?
It's clear you know nothing about the game.

Malanon here.


No passive trade system to sell your shit to other players while you play.

Until they add that, the game is literally broken.

>Read that part really carefully, mongoloid.
>40 hours is legit response to respec when it's quicker to just remake a toon


It doesn't take 40 hours to buy 100 orbs of regret.
2 minutes tops.

I have completely respeced a character in under 10 minutes.

>GGG cocksuckers defending a shitty economic system and a retarded respec option

where were you when the drones arrived

i guess your definition of broken is just broken

>get btfo because your shitty "you can't fully respec" lie got called out
>spew salty shit all over


But you can. I'm not sure about the number but in HC Legacy 1 orb of regret is roughly equal to one chaos orb, give or take. 100~ chaos orbs would not be impossible to get unless you are running a build that is very fragile without enough power or gimmicks to make it reliable in endgame content.

No, he's right. The game requires trading and the means of doing so is so limited the game is unplayable.

Respecs that don't have some sort of high cost are horrible and the worst thing to happen to ARPGs.
Nothing gets me bored quicker than limitless free/cheap respecs.

>my build is in Limbo, waiting for me to upgrade my gear
You're a dumb nigger. Why would you make a build like that you dumb fuck?


Not really, no.
99.99% of all trades take 30 seconds.
>look for item
>whisper dude who put it up for the best price
>go to his hideout
>stay safe thanks

Not even 30 seconds for all of this.

The amount of shit GGG gets away with is insane. And the only reason it flies is because of the drones that flock to their defence whenever a negative comment about them is made.

so you can't get to map and endgame shit without trading ?
are you sure about that ?
because i'm pretty sure people have completed the content in solo self found