It's time to talk about the greatest rpg ever made

It's time to talk about the greatest rpg ever made

>0 replies
Apparently not

95% of Sup Forums is either too young to remember Gothic or too casual to enjoy it.

I played it a couple years ago. Got into the first city, stopped playing shortly after that. It was honestly fucking awesome just for the short bit I played, but for some reason it didn't stick. I've always meant to go back and beat it though.

Same here, actually.

I appreciated how much effort was put into making a believable world, but for some reason I just... got bored pretty quickly. It might be how Morrowind was for me at first, where I need to force myself to play for a few hours before I actually get hooked.

can someone post the Gothic 1, gothic 2, gothic 3, gothic 4 comparison picture?

Wait a sec, can you actually get Beliar priest's robe legitimately or did you just use cheats to make a one of those assholes drop it?

I love Morrowind too.


Thank you for starting Baldur's Gate 2 thread.
Just hide that shitty, german walking simulator.

Baldur's Gate 1 is better
You're right in that Gothic is trash tho

why is gothic trash?

oh cool, what part of Skyrim is this? i dont recognize it

>have 0 stamina
>mash attack and expect to hit anything

It's okay, it's not your fault you're retarded.

>New Character
>zero stamina
now this is shitposting

I love BG2 but it's hardly even an RPG, unless you define "RPG" as a thing with stats and levels. Most quests boil down to going on location and killing a thing, your character is set with almost no wiggle room to roleplay, your companions get one obligatory personal quest and thats it. Plus, the whole Biowarish "press 1 to do a really good and moral thing, or press 2 to be a fucking cunt" feature that made it's way in all their games since. Gothic 2 completely shits all over it when it comes to roleplaying.

check this 6

Call me a casual, but Gothic's controls are legitimately shit. This is coming from someone who enjoyed Daggerfall.

>0 stamina is an excuse for this sort of retardation
Stop defending Bethshit. They could've at least tried to make it believable, by, say, actually making the animations look slow and exhausted, but it's Bethshit so nobody actually cared.

>enter old camp
>insert babe
>insert babe2
>insert babe3
>insert babe4
>insert babe5
>insert babe6
>insert babe7

fuck off, underageb&

They sorta are.
Its a odd mesh between hardcore tank controls, agile combat controls, and good climbing controls.
Its just not that great, even if they are very functional.

Gothic 1's controls were weird as fuck, I grant you.
Gothic 2's controls seemed fine with me tho?

>start gothic 1
>lets see what the fuss was all about, this game had high praise from Sup Forums after all
>controls are very clearly not designed by a human, basic interactions take way too much effort
>grey and brown are the only colors apparently
>combat is a total nightmare
>if the most essential feature to any game ie controls are this fucked I don't even want to see how broken the rest of the game is

I'm guessing I didn't miss out on anything by dropping the game since Sup Forums never talks about the actual content in the game so good riddance.

> hold left mouse button
> press forward button
literally every interaction ever. pressing two buttons in the first game is so hard and difficult to understand.

How is the roleplaying in Gothic? I never understood what kind of game it is.

I played one Gothic clone, I think it was Risen. I liked the first part a little bit, but once the world opened up, it just became a shitty action game.

I want most of what I do to be talking and exploring and stuff.

I got used to G2 controls really fast and actually came to enjoy them

Gothic is not an RPG.

I'm not going to insult you, because that way you'd never give it another chance. Try to power through the beginning, after a few hours the controls work. They worked back then, no reason for them not to work today.
What you miss is one of the only few good open world games ever made. There is almost no filler content, lots of interesting locations and actual discoveries to be made.
Lot of meaningful interaction and pretty much the best factions a game has ever had.

Gothic 2 then proceeds to iron out most of the flaws the original Gothic had and going from Gothic to Gothic 2 is absolutely amazing.

Gothic absolutely is an RPG. It has stats, skills, loot, quests, sword and sorcery. Gothic is as RPG as you can get.

You literally have to be underage to think that. The game came out in 2002, animations were still wonky and never really a focus at the time, and this was a fuckhuge, handcrafted game that was enormously ambitious for its time. There were and still are tons of bugs in the game, animations were the least of their concerns.

Plus, it isn't a fucking action RPG like retards that complain about it think it is. It rolls dice in the background, the first person, real-time perspective is just for immersion. And it was fucking amazing at the time.

First 2-3 hours of Gothic 1 is pure talking and running errands, if only because your character is an absolute scrub that will lose to a blood fly. Then game obviously become more and more actuon oriented as you go on.
Gothic 2 has heaps of non-combat related context. There are investigations to conducts, errands to run, things to find and collect, houses to rob (the chalice mission is one of the coolest quests in vidya), weapons and potions to craft, areas and secrets to uncover, professions to learn, pockets to pick, people to betray and swindle, roofs to jump to break the quests etc. Khorinis has more shit to do that you can possibly achieve in one playthrough

>pretty much the best factions a game has ever had
>corrupt establishment, rebel/brigands, mystics
Seems pretty bog standard to me. And it was done better in G2.

>set protagonist
>no character customization

Yeah no.

Okay, Morrowfag, calm down, I'm sorry I insulted your precious buggy dogturd

Oh wow. Morrowind didn't age well at all.

>no character customization
Aesthetically maybe. Skillset wise you're a blank slate with a pitiful amount of LPs.

I don't know, I've gotten to the first city multiple times but I always end up dropping it in there. The game is just so poorly paced and a nightmare to control, like haven't the devs ever seen a mouse? It baffles me how it came to be.

Nothing really interesting happened in the first few hours except talking to ridiculously poorly voice-acted NPCs and completing fetch quests so I had no hook to continue forwards.

I guess Final Fantasy isn't an RPG either?

>I'm sorry I insulted your precious buggy dogturd
You realise how ironic this is right? And I hate Morrowind too so no sweat.

>This is coming from someone who enjoyed Daggerfall.
Daggerfall actually controls surprisingly well if you remap your keys.

>bg1 better than bg2

how can anyone reach that conclusion? bg2 is objectively a far better game

Bethesda is garbage, but you're even more garbage for being unable to deal with something as fucking trivial as that. Attack rolls don't even matter anymore after a couple of levels. And it's not like you can't get a bunch of Destruction scrolls for if you get into trouble early on. Then there's all the cheap booze that gives you immense combat buffs.

He's right, though. Gothic controls are so apocalypticaly retarded you need a cheat sheet until you get used to them. On my first playthrough I fell into the water, turned upside down and drowned without having any idea what the hell was happening or how I can stop it. Not to mention that the douchebag you're playing handles like a sailing boat.

>set protagonist = not RPG
Oh shit I guess Bioware never made one

As I said, the controls work after some time. What RPGs are you comparing it against? You have to keep in mind that Gothic released 2001.
About the fetch quests: They are part of the charme, your guy starts out as the lowest shitter but slowly climbs up to be fucking awesome.
The moment you stop getting punched in the face and actually start punching in other peoples faces is really neat.

>On my first playthrough I fell into the water, turned upside down and drowned without having any idea what the hell was happening
I am literally in tears right now.

>>controls are very clearly not designed by a human

well, you're not wrong


Sad there's many people out there unironically thinking that this game is best or even good rpg

>more annoying companions
>linear as fuck
>worse expansions
>worse villain
>gameplay is fucked by stupid mage wars
>second half of game is rushed
>lacks feel of adventure
>no middle ground between retard and god
>Too much focus on romance
>most builds are useless
>BG1 characters treated like shit
>no atmosphere
>Athkatla is tiny

DA Origins

>decided to replay gothic 2
>get to act 3
>strong ass seekers spawn everywhere
>forced to run past them because i can't kill them
>better go level by doing the add-on content so i have a chance
>a quest location needed to enter the add-on content is now mobbed with 5 seekers

welp. should've magically known the right order to do the quests. fucking dropped


i really don't know how you came to have your shitty opinions. how can anyone believe bg2 was more linear than bg1? how can anyone believe lacked a feel of adventure? i suspect you have humongous nostalgia goggles, and bg2 cheated on your boyfriend

If you decided to play NOTR before going through vanilla G2, it's your fault for being a retard

>strong ass seekers
What? Seekers are little bitches. Well unless you're a mage I suppose.

What i find funny, is how much 1:1 mechanics that is copied over. And then they are not elaborated upon, because its Witcher 2/3 and not Gothic, and they are sorta just there.
Like boxing.

BG1 is bland, but knows what it wants to be and handles its story and characters well. BG2 was a setting-hopping, mood-flipping retardotron of a campaign where you chase a cringy emo wizard in order to stop him from killing people who are such complete assholes and imbeciles that they all actually deserve it, and their gods too. Also you can eventually turn into a hydralisk but then have to give money to a church in order to fix your reputation. It also somehow has a secret vampire guild in a large city, a goddamn pirate island, a thieves' guild you get introduced to by a guy who screams COOOOOO every third sentence, and Spellhold, which while fun to play through makes absolutely no sense as anything other than a video game level. And so on. Lots of content, no reason for any of it to actually be there.

notr was supposed to be played that way

this logic is almost as dumb as the "zelda is an RPG because you play the role of link" people

>how can anyone believe bg2 was more linear than bg1?

Because the map wasn't geographically connected and everything after you rescue Imoen is just a straight run to the end, adding nothing to the game after except 3 small, mostly empty filler areas. Athkatla wasn't geographically connected either. Half the shit you have to do is in Athkatla so the other areas only have 1 major quest

bg2 is still my favorite video game, and the most immersive video game experience ive had

>more annoying companions
More annoying than Khaleed and the witch? No nigga.

Only Bioware game ever that can be made to have fun combat. Other than that, meh.

ummm yes it is sweetie


Nope, NOTR was made hard because fanbase complained that lategame was a joke to go through, so they upped every monster and made character progression exponentially slower

yes, so the game is made to be played with a fresh character, doing the main quest and the expansion simoulatneously. which i did. but apparently in the wrong fucking order. im not complaninig that its hard, im complaining that the game obstructs me from getting the the expansion area to level

>Only Bioware game ever that can be made to have fun combat
I know I'll be flamed for this, but I actually enjoyed combat in ME3. Or rather, I liked playing vanguard and charge/meleeing or charge/novaing everything and anything.

i cant believe i fell for this meme. This game is fucking garbage

t. killed by bandits before reaching the farm

>a quest location needed to enter the add-on content is now mobbed with 5 seekers
Which one?

>start gothic 1
>controls are weird but get used to it
>have a blast

i need to gather three ornament pieces, one of which is at the stone circle near the farm near the starting area, which now has 4-5 seekers. im mage, fireball and skeleton skilled. fireball does no damage, skelly dies in three hits

>killed by bandits
How can you even get killed by bandits when you need to get past wolves to get to them I'll never know.
Not to mention that IIRC they just knock you out.

Now, the boar on the slope. That faggot is hard to deal with at level one.

Someone post the list of necessary games to play

Mass Effect 2 and 3 are just third person shooters with abilities.

What level are you even man? Chapter 3 and only two runes should mean you're either skilled with a bow or in melee. Kite the fuckers.

>Mass Effect 2 and 3 are just third person shooters with abilities.
Unlike 1? I really don't see how you can separate the three games aside from the writing getting rather shittier for every new one.

Same here. I guess I should have noticed the huge red flag that Sup Forums doesn't ever talk about the characters, lore, quests etc. of this game. Pretty much only "discussion" about these games are muh atmosphere or which one of these cookie cutter camps did you join and even those barely spark any conversation.

level 13 or so, farmed nearly the entire old prison valley map with the help of diego, inclunding like a dozen orcs which you shouldnt be able to at that point. i have two handed weaps skilled to the second level

>can kill fucking orcs
>can't kill seekers
I'm confused. Well just fucking kite them. One at a time they're a joke if you have any melee skill.


Gothic is amazing you pleb

Lunar Lander

i was able to kill orcs because diego is overpowered. i just cheesed them with his help. seekers are not a joke one on one for me, i barely do damage to them and they just continue firing undodgeable fireballs

This is exactly what I mean. This game is supposedly so amazing that nobody bothers to discuss about the actual content.

Get ice block. Seekers are a joke 1v1 with that.

Huh. Well I'm pretty sure the stone guardians are going to engage the seekers on activation, so maybe just try to run up to the buttons and let them kill each other.

gonna try that, thanks

>is mage
>can't deal with seekers
Boy are you gonna hate chapter 5.

>best RPG

Dragon's Dogma is a neat game, but it's pretty shallow, to be honest.

It's one of those games that you can really only play through once, or start a new game a year later. Still fun, though.

I'm new. Is this shitposting or a meme that needs a context? Why is this thread being posted the exact same way all the time?
It's my favorite game of all time, so I'm worried that you guys might not like it here.

i managed to kill one of the seekers, the other three are just barely out of the range of one of the buttons on the stone circle. thing is, after pressing all three buttons, theres a log entry and a ground shaking sound, but no golem spawns, which is supposed to carry the ornament. i think im fucked


Stop giving a shit what other people think about things you like.

for fuck sake when are you retards going to stop replying to obvious bait? jesus christ

nevermind, the golem is not supposed to spawn, a nearby npc continues the quest. finally out of that area thank god




I was baiting you

Seems interesting. Does this game have paladins?