3x3 thread?

3x3 thread?

3x3 thread.


7/7 good taste
2/3 Gunstar Heroes bores the hell out of me for some reason

3/3 I never owned a Saturn

6/7 I didn't like Splinter Cell when I was younger, but I was also terrible at stealth games then. I've been thinking lately I should probably give the series another shot.

4/5 didn't like Super metroid
2/2 liked fallout 2 and perfect dark
3/4 didn't like counter strike








Didn't like DaS3 all that much.

These threads make me realise I really haven't played that many video games, at least relative to the people who post here.
I have played a bunch of titles ITT to some extent, but not to the amount where I would rate them.

I feel like we should take a page from other boards that have threads like this and recommend games to others based on there charts. Just posting itt with no response of any kind doesn't really garner any conversation and just rating can just cause these threads to devolve into mindless shitposting. Just a thought

They didn't even link the site, it was doomed before it began.

Nice to see explorers of the sky
Have you played DS1?

Haven't played any of these (/enough) to comment on them

7/7 good taste but generic


3/3 likes shooting things

5/5 likes shooting better things


I played DS1 but I like the aesthetic and dodge mechanics of 3 more.

That's my exact early adulthood right there

> knights of the round

My nigga!

Oh man you'll love BB then if you haven't already played it then. The dodge is so fun and viable to boot.

I don't have a PS4. I can only admire the game from a distance.

Sup Forums core as hell aside from Dishonored, 1/1
3/4 -Emerald

Review others/10

3/4 -Anything Bethesda and Gamebyro
3/4 -Bethesda Gamebyro

I might take something off of my list to add Breath of the Wild but I'm having a really hard time deciding what I could remove.

I never played Planescape Torment. Should I check it out? I'm worried I'll hate the isometric DnD mechanics.









The game is prohibitively clunky

Planescape: Torment is one of the easiest cRPGs to get into. If you're that worried about the combat just go ahead and set it to easy (you're not missing much, it's one of the weakest aspects of the game).

Take it slow, be patient and prepared to do a lot of reading, and you'll enjoy it plenty.

1/2 + Spyro - Metroid

2/3 + Fable, CS - Halo

0/2 - Halo, Wipeout

1/1 + Dishonored

1/3 + Steins;Gate - Burnout, Halo

2/2 + Dishonored, Touhou

>posts 3x3
>doesn't rate others

>3x3 thread
>posts top 10


Most plebian, generic taste I've ever seen posted here.


Rate my 3x3



forgot pic

dead space 2 > 1

>didn't like Super Metroid

Can I ask why?

9/9 excellent taste, OP. Nice to see someone start this thing off without going after hipster nonsense bullshit.

"dude what if Mario had a gun"

3x3 is too hard. Here's a 4x4.

I don't share your taste even slightly but cool.
Pretty damn solid taste.
Some good picks, others outside my taste.
Some wtf picks there.
Not bad.
Mixed bag.
Mixed bag.
Not my style aside from AOE.
Some weird picks but overall not bad.
Not my style but okay.
Some good picks there.
Mixed bag.

>Some wtf picks there.
It's a litmus test.

What a special snowflake you are.

If you say so.

Good taste.

mixed bag

In case I don't end up finishing mine before thread dies, some good fuckin taste right here. Some of you fags forget to put shit you might not otherwise see here, instead of reassorted collections of Sup Forums-core games. Also 4x4 so be the norm but I understand it's too hard for some of you fags to even pick 9

what even is Sup Forumscore

the games in my 3x3 I've played and enjoyed long before I even knew this shot place even existed

Take out ocarina and put any other zelda game

Tok a while but I found my actual 3x3 and not the litmus test.
I need to resort my folder structure.

so? those are all good games. nothing wrong with liking them unless you're just putting them to fit in


A Metal Gear game deserves to be there. Dark Souls and Bloodborne is kind of overkill, as they are the same series.

>what even is Sup Forumscore
When its blatantly obvious that some faggot is just parroting what he reads on Sup Forums. Sup Forums core games are typically at least pretty good games.

But the chances of one person game preferences perfectly matching up with Sup Forums's tastes is low, now compound that with how often you see slight variance on this exact 3x3 . Even people who like all sorts of genre's like individual games for certain reasons and have certain preferences about game design. The 9 games in that image are pretty fucking disjointed, it's not impossible that somebody likes all 9 of these games but the chances that these 9 are their absolute favorite is significantly less likely.

Seeing a couple of Sup Forums core games on a list is normal, most of us have spent a ton of time here and I'd be surprised to meet somebody who's spent half a decade or more on Sup Forums without having their tastes influenced. When your entire list is Sup Forums core you're just not thinking for yourself.

Most of people's mosaics in these threads are Sup Forumscore + a few nintendo games. It's the same ~30 titles every time.

>The 9 games in that image are pretty fucking disjointed, it's not impossible that somebody likes all 9 of these games but the chances that these 9 are their absolute favorite is significantly less likely.
>Now consider how often you see posts filled with nothing but Sup Forums's favorite games.
Forgot the second sentence.

There's no Sup Forumscore but it's obvious that there's a particular taste in games here, since you see like the same ~30 games in 3x3 images over and over again.

>When its blatantly obvious that some faggot is just parroting what he reads on Sup Forums. Sup Forums core games are typically at least pretty good games.
That's just your retarded definition.

It's just Sup Forums's favorite games, it isn't necessarily for people just trying to fit in. That's a retarded thought, most people rarely have played over 4 or 5 games in most 3x3s, even when it's "Sup Forumscore".

Whoever the user that made the 2010 and above 3x3 threads for awhile had the right idea IMO. I saw a lot more variety in those threads when people didn't feel obligated to put a bunch of classics on their lists.


>Most people don't rate Sup Forums core posts as 9/9 but 9/9 Sup Forums core posts keep appearing constantly in every thread
>This somehow means that there is zero parroting/group think happening
Really activates my almonds

There's not going to be a lot of variety in that either, your mosaic has everything expected.

Surprisingly my tastes didn't line up with most of the other posts in those threads from what I recall.

There's barely any 9/9 "Sup Forumscores", and if you really think so you haven't seen many 3x3 threads. They are all good games, it's not unlikely that they'll be someone's favorites. And they aren't just 9 games, this "Sup Forumscore" has like 20 games, which makes it more likely for someone's favorites to overlap with them.

This is some of the worst taste I have ever seen

You're retarded user. All of these games are great.

Are people meant to not post their favorite games or titles they feel deserve to be listed because they happen to be more or less universally acclaimed, and someone is going to sperg out about it 50 posts later?

Sounds dumb, live and let live anons.


Those are all part of the modern Sup Forumscore.

-Dark Souls
-Dark Souls
-Dark Souls, MGS1

Take your shit taste and fuck off

>Over half the posts in these threads have over half Sup Forumscore games
>This isn't caused by anything other than personal preference, certainly not groupthink
Sure thing pal.

Sup Forumscore isn't the worst tastes you can have, but I'm definitely gonna call you out still. A lot of very good games get released without so much as getting a thread on this board. Diversify nigga

I like you.

Glad to hear, have a nice day user.

5/10 cheater

fucking reddit taste m8

those are good games, but still


SASRT and Bayonetta definitely, Kid Icarus maybe. Though its more of a shitposting target nowadays.

Awakening got replaced by Fates on Sup Forums. I kept Awakening on my list because I fucking hate Fates.

Smash 4, Splatoon, and BotW are mainstream but sure as fuck not Sup Forumscore. High praise for these games is in no fucking way exclusive to Sup Forums.

Supergiant Games titles have literally never been mentioned heon Sup Forums outside of their launch weeks.

+KotoR, Fable, Halo2, CT
-N64 conker is better
+Catherine, Payne, Psychonauts is ok. Haven't finished bayo yet
+Burnout3, S;G,
+Torment, Nocturne
+DA:Origins, WC3
Me and you should date
Strider 2 mah man

Updated my journal. Wonder if same anons will still approve.

Not bad.
Some good picks, mixed bag overall though.
Not my style at all.
Not my style but alright.
Mixed bag / weird picks.
Some very good picks.

Wow look at that nice argument as to why any of these games are bad.


Alien soldier is fucking GOAT. Parasite eve really is a great game, that fucking last boss aside. Weapon crafting was interesting. Never played Ristar, looks kinda like Rayman.

i've been waiting to post this for awhile

P.S. ignore how some of the pics are screwed up

Ristar is 2D platforming perfection. Highly recommend it.

>team fortress

other than that you're solid