Do any video games tie to a specific memoriesfor you?
Yoshi's Island is tied specifically to me munching on carrots while playing the game when I was a kid. Now when I eat carrots I think of Yoshi's Island.
Do any video games tie to a specific memoriesfor you?
Yoshi's Island is tied specifically to me munching on carrots while playing the game when I was a kid. Now when I eat carrots I think of Yoshi's Island.
>Gunbird 2
Was playing through the DC version when 9/11 happened.
>various old 1980s arcade games
I remember every single place I played each and every one of them. Something about my memory as a kid and positions of things was tight even to this day.
I was in a phase of listening to the same few albums on repeat when I played WoW a few years back. Now when I listen to them I just remember the crushing boredom and loneliness of levelling
During the summer I'd get up at like 6 and watch Total Drama Island reruns while playing Banjo Kazooie on an emulator. So now if I play BK I'll think of TDI and if I'm watching TDI I'll think of BK.
Walking down sidestreets in my city reminds me of playing old GBA games in the car or on a schoolbus.
Playing Pokemon DP reminds me of middleschool when I'd walk from my house to school every morning and I'd listen to low-quality mp3 recordings of the route music so it feels like an adventure. Similar thing went for listening to NG Audio portal music later in middle school.
Every time i remember my fourth grade year i remember pic related.
I remember about having my head on this game while in school all the time, i talked about it constantly and couldn't wait to get home to play it.
It took me a year to beat the game, i felt extremely empty after that
I had a ton of fun playing Saints Row 3 with my friend when it was free on PS3.
When the couple of times MCR comes on the radio I think of being 12 and grinding in EPL during vanilla and if by some odd reason I hear linkin parks minutes to midnight I think of lvling in nagrand
>Now when I eat carrots I think of Yoshi's Island.
i was playing fallout 3 when my dog died
i havent played since, i still have the save
>eating carrots as a child
Literally who ever did this
Literally anyone who wasn't a picky faggot
I played that a bugs life game for n64 when i was young and my mom made these for me and my brothers
And now i associate the game with this food
>not having sentiment
You're the autistic one.
>cooking a banana pell
to what end
you can get high with those
Emulating Goldeneye on my laptop while listening to Super Shooter by Rip Slyme on repeat back in middle or early highschool.
Left 4 Dead and summer, listening to Pendulum, sweating my ass off in a room which had the sun directly on it. PC case open, fan pointed at PC case. It would still crash from overheating after an hour of play.
>being so deprived as a child you have to eat fucking carrots as a snack while you play videogames
I was in the hospital a lot as a kid and played a fuck ton of Smash Bros melee with another patient there, always get flashbacks of hospitals when I play Smash Bros now
I have a similar memory of this but for far cry 2. We were getting our house renovated so while I played the game it was like 90 degrees because we had to shut off the AC for the week or however long it took to complete it. It made it so much more immersive.
Carrots are delicious you slut
what about yoshi's eggs...haha...
okami and gin and tonic
Whenever I go for walks around town on summer evenings I get reminded of Nocturne because I used to go for walks every evening during the summer I played through it. I miss high school summers, having those two months off was great
Funny you bring up Yoshi's Island. For me, Yoshi's Island is tied to a time when me and my younger brother went over to our best friends house every day for the first two weeks of summer. We got there early in the morning and stay through the evening. My friend's dad built a clubhouse in their backyard, it had a tv with a super nintendo and a few games, and after we got tired of running around the beach and board work we'd go into the clubhouse for a lunch of pizza (his mom owned a pizza shop on the Santa Monica board walk) and play Yoshi's Island. Taking turns, we beat the whole game over those two weeks. Best summer of my life.
nice try but that's a certified Sup Forums meme
Fuck man, you guys lived a pretty middle class life. That's pretty neat.
i know that feel. new family guy episode was starting in 5 minutes and i was excited for it. found out my dog had to get put down and i've never watched family guy since
this was 11 years ago