
Why Sup Forums no longer talks about Reddit-Rabbit?

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Nice shoes

>Go to hang out at the beach
>Suddenly see this

What do?

Has there been any news on more DLC? I think there's at least one more TBD sign in the game?

yes in the starting forest
may be a placeholder for future DLC

Are there any other metroidvania/platformer/bullethell mashups of similar quality? I can think of Chelsea and the Seven Devils, and probably some Touhou fangames.


have you beat all the austistic difficulty options yet? go back to playing rabi ribi right now

You kidding OP? Reddit hates it.

yuri sex

I'm still trying to dodge master Rumi on Hard. I see a faint light at the end of the tunnel.

I don't know how the hell I'm going to dodge master Irisu.

>bunny girls looks for her master
>master is a girl
Dropped the game. It's meh aside from bosses, but do not support degeneracy.

That's the joke.

What the fuck was her problem?

what's wrong with a girl keeping a bunny as a pet? erina wasn't even a human before Rabi-Ribi story started

developers decided the plot wasn't worth continuing even though it took 80% of game length and went with adventures of lesbian rapist maid


My head cannon likes to think the cave and hall of memory areas are where everyone's memories of the fight with the outside world were sealed away. They didn't really go into what they were though and Noah was delet so she couldn't explain.



>lets take reisen
>give her tits
>and make her a slut
what did they mean by this?

That a funny way to misspell "Irisu"

too hard for Sup Forums


Only in the manga

Canon Erina is too naive to know how sex works

Because it's a fucking shit game, it's really quite mediocre, people only play for HNNG MUH WAIFUS

I was enjoying it for the first 3 hours but dumped it because it got very repetitive and boring

There's the Komajou Densetsu series, a crossover between Touhou and Castlevania. Second game is better than Rabi-Ribi in every way except gameplay.

Yuri sex
is there a mod for this game?

She didn't mind finding out in the the final chapter.

This is basically all I'm waiting on. Been since January that there hasn't an update on it.

Shit visuals
Shit art style
Shit music
Shit story
Shit dialogue
Shit characters

Stellar fucking gameplay that averages the game back to 9/10

How the hell did they accomplish that?

>Shit music
You take that back!

Hentai game version of Rabi Ribi when?

All next words are not canonical (at least yet), so here's my thoughts:
During all the game we see, that a) Noah looks like mix between Erina and Ribbon b) is able to summon Erina+Ribbon clones c) Pandora remembers something about someone look like Erina put on that barrier between all Earth world and that Rabi-Ribi island and told the previous owners of the island about dangers of outer world d) Noah said about "returning", which might mean, that this barrier was built by Noah, but in the process she had to erase memory about herself from everyone's mind and separate her consciousness from her body, and her body splitted into Erina and Ribbon (some entities, which later were reborn as Erina and Ribbon accidentially/keikaku dori by Noah to return into world and live happily with everyone. Therefore this entities had accidentialy(?) received their own consciousness, so Noah had to swap them and herself. So it's kinda sad story of a girl, who partily sacrificed herself to protect island and wanted to return later, but were unable to.

>Lets take reisen
>and make her a slut

But Reisen is a slutty bunny by default, like all bunnies who are only good for their sex appeal.


The music is fucking incredible. I can agree to everything else you said though even though it's all subjective.

Like, what were they thinking with those terrible mixels? Whose idea was it to draw the characters at 1/8 the resolution of everything else and then scale them up in MS Paint? A game this good is worthy of better graphics than it has.

>thinking Erina is based on Reisen
>when she is both obviously a palette swap of Rami and confirmed by the creator to be a palette swap of Rami

I believe you are what is known as a "fake weeb".

Has anyone here tried playing it with an arcade stick?


There's two, one in the forest and one in Cicini's lab.

There's also a path in the ravine it's impossible to reach currently.

This. Where the fuck is it?

Tried this game, couldn't get past the early parts without getting utterly bored. The boss fights later on look fun, but I can't be bothered getting there.
That being said, I've got to admit that the music is fucking incredible and I occasionally have streams of the game open in the background just for those tunes.


EU later this year, no word so far for Burgerland.

useless rabbit

Pretty good. The consoles are region free anyway so it should be fine even if one has to import it.

Burger has Limited Run Games to deal with and I'm not giving those fucks any money.

which ribi wud u fug

For hug, not for fug.

>still no Erina porn

They don't share any romantic feelings, it's just a pet + pet owner relationship, which is now kinda weird because the pet is now humanoid.

Not that you shouldn't expect yuri in this game.

Vita version when?

>Not that you shouldn't expect yuri in this game.
Like the succubus who lewds every girl ingame. And the girls very much approve

kek why do these cucks hate it?, because the characters aren't obese nigger transexuals?

Because sexualized anime characters are bad.

Also they assume girls hate playing as cute/sexy anime characters and will get offended in their place for them.

shit taste, son of man.

>still no rabi porn in general
fuck it all

RBRB was ignored by every mainstream website and I wouldn't have known about it if not for Sup Forums. Based Christ Centered Gamer was literally the only website who reviewed it and they gave it 88%

It's a mystery how the game managed to sell as well as it did.

>Christ Centered Gamer
>has a huniepop review

Did you know Rabi-Ribi is #7 top rated game on Steam between Nekopara vol. 2 and Va-11 Hall-A?

Anime truly is the best thing to happen since sliced bread.

Are these gifs from a specific game or is it standalone pixel art?

It's from the newest Touhou fighting game demo. Or the PS4 release of the last Touhou fighting game.

Before you ask, it's shit in a billion ways, but the sprite work is nice.

>Genre: bullet heck