It's Saturday, anons. What are ya

It's Saturday, anons. What are ya


Day of Infamy and maybe some of TLOU. Finally getting around to the latter.
Random streams currently, need to switch over to Netflix and start something here soon.
Tom Petty
Just had a sub sammie from a local place
Cherry Coke now, IPAs later tonight
9/10 comfy right now. It's currently raining outside and I have a nice full day of vidya and chilling with bros on Discord before some friends come over for dinner tonight.

Other urls found in this thread:

Borderlands 1 or overwatch
Probably some noodles later
9/10 its raining outside aswell so it really adds

It's just mid day but whatever
Gundam Breaker 3
with my blanket, it's sunny outside, but I prefer to stay inside.

Sam Hyde standup
Tigers Jaw
Making chili later
Gotta work tomorrow, but other than that I'm pretty good

>Roofs are still working
And it's the day I'm spending studying for my finals! All I feel is blinding rag and taste my own bile in the back of my throat.

DoW2 Retribution
The Night Manager
Might and Magic Soundtrack

Regalia, pretty fun sRPG if maybe a little too hard for most people.
7/10, tore my meniscus last week so not entirely comfy.

Rainbow Six Siege
The official podcast
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
I'm going to college soon after working and NEETing it up. I sure as shit dont feel comfy.

God Eater
The Leftovers
Mew, Streetlight Manifesto and Mogwai
Tiki Masala
It's hot as fuck and i have to pick up my parents later.

How is regalia? I heard it was part FFT and part Rance.

>not eating while drinking beer
>drinking when it's hardly noon in most civilized places
You're fucking trash.

It's 13:51 but whatever...

Call of Duty and Nayuta no Kiseki.
The Winking Owl
Oh!! Everywhere Their Exploding
Pizza for lunch.
I don't know.

I will have a nice dinner with my gf in her house because her parents are out and then we will go to a house party to celebrate a birthday.

I will play tomorrow to kill the hangover.

It's pretty fun if the style of humor suits you, the writers really went overboard with memes and references, it can get a little cringy at times. The combat itself is relatively simple but punishing if you make mistakes, since you have only so much time to complete every objective getting stuck can force you to restart the game. Altho you'd have to be really, really fucking up before you run out of time.

The artist seems to be heavily influenced by eroge, the banner image itself is almost straight lifted from Kichikuou Rance for example.
It would've been fitting to add adult content to the game tbqh.

It's 7PM here, after 6PM alcohol is allowed imho.

10am but whatever
Phantom Dust
gonna be watching a stream with Sup Forums later, Log Horizon for now
Baked some fish and drizzled lemon on it. Tasty.
9/10, its hot outside but my roommate is gone for the weekend and I have the day off

Dragon Quest Heroes 2
some nasty pizza
I'm alright

Gonna get comfy and play morrowind and some spyro later
Gonna watch some it's always sunny in philidelphia later. Fuckin love that show
Jazz while I work on my novel
Honestly thinking I'll make some corbonara later
Coffee for now, might get some fat tire later
Got my 3ds hacked and looking at all these fucking games I missed since I had no free time in college. Gonna make the most of my free time before I go back for my master's in the fall. Also finally getting started on this novel is a huge accomplishment

gotta work again tonight
and also tomorrow night

EVE.. about to start ganking explorers, Lord willing.

Terraria Otherworld videos are tabbed from the /vg/ thread, but I don't really have much more to watch right now.

I'm not much into playing music while also trying to post on Sup Forums and play.

Protein powder and stevia, mostly, in some form. Milk / orange juice, etc. This stevia is the best I've found (made with leaves instead of bitter parts).

Stevia, whey, and OJ tastes like an Orange Julius.


>Gundam Breaker 3
I wonder if there are any 3D arena games on PC. There was RoI on Steam, but it was removed.

Prey and Siege. It's been about a week since I played any Siege and now I can't hit the broadside of a user's mother. While buddies have found Platinun groups, I got worse since we last played. What do?
Ed Rec 100 and Oingo Boingo
Leftover steak for breakfast in a minute.
Is there a juice better than orange juice?
Woke up late. Coffee and stress don't make sleeping any easier, so I woke up way late. Hopefully before work, I want to do some writing. Weather is nice too.

My negro. Which Spyro? Which season?

Me too, user. Bills ain't gonna pay themselves. Hopefully we get breaks we can shitpost in between.

Enjoy your evening, user.

Comfiness is always on the other side. We have to work for it.

FE Echoes, might play SMTIV:A or DeSu: Overclocked later
TWD, I finally got myself caught up to the part where the marathon that got me interested started.
P5 soundtrack mostly
Might make myself a poptart or a quesadilla
Need coffee right now
Uh, 6/10 I guess? Would be 8 but I can't breathe because of all the god damn pecan trees around my house.

How is the actual combat though, does levelling characters and learning skills feel rewarding?

I don't know yet. Maybe BotW.
Penny dreadful. It's shit, but Eva Green is my waifu
The Sword
I gotta get to my dealer, maybe getting some McD's on the way home

No idea yet, I'll keep working on my backlog.
Got a pot of pea soup simmering on the stove, should be ready about half an hour from now. I tossed in a slab of some incredibly tasty smoked pork side, should be good.
The weather's nice and warm and I have nothing to worry about, so yeah I'm pretty comfy. I'd say 9.5/10.

How is Prey, my man? I've loved everything Arkane has done and this kind of caught me off guard at release.

Final Fantasy XIV
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Samurai Jack later and something on Netflix.
Nothing at moment.

Nothing - Fasting today

I was expecting "Dishonored in space" but it's much closer to a proper System Shock successor, even more so than Bioshock. Probably better than Dishonored 2 if you ask me. Performance isn't even an issue.

Exploring and navigating the station is top notch, but I don't think story sticks its landing. Besides the last few hours feeling like padding, actually playing around with powers and weapons feels great.

Honestly it's a little too much like Persona when learning skills. Winning in combat and leveling up itself gives you no unique skills or abilities, it just gives you more ''slots'' to add skills into. To actually get these skills you have to around town and spend time with your companions. It's a shame the vast majority of these skill addons just make your abilities more powerful or potent, they don't actually unlock new abilities -- just a new way to play with existing abilities. Beyond that leveling up increases your base stats, but that's all fixed so there's very little to do there.

Finding items in adventures (Similar system to king of dragon pass, choose your own adventure style) feels a lot more exciting than just adding another level to your character.

FE: Echoes. I think I'm halfway through Act 3
Nothing, too busy playing vidya
Caravan Palace
Just had a sausage, egg & toast breakfast
10/10, no work today and I'm in my chilled basement wrapped up in a sleeping bag.

How long you fasting for user?

I'm thinking season 3 and spyro 2

Not sure. Maybe bash my head against Rust or Verdun or maybe even Battlefield 1
Just finished The Expanse, not sure what to start with.
Pizza and Nachos
Coca-Cola with Cherry syrup, shit's hella better than 'Cherry Coke'
Actually anxiety as fuck, hoping I'll hear back from a job prospect. Not leaving my phone alone for a moment.

Dragon quest builders and maybe EDF
turkey I think
you bet.

ah, all right.

Vargskelethor on Youtube
See above
A sandwitch
It's too hot to be comfy.


Thanks. Word of mouth seems to be pretty hype for the game, I'll have to pick it up soon.

You're gonna be okay, user. God bless.

Fire Emblem Echoes
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul later on (family visiting and someone had to play the cool uncle, here's hoping the movie isn't as bad as those NotMyRodrick tards says it is)
chicken flavored ramen
9/10 spending time with family followed by cosplay shopping with friends before sleeping for work tomorrow

Prey its pretty meh get dead space instead
youtube trash
youtube trash
hot dogs
ice tea
6/10 too much water

Thanks user, needed to hear that.

GB P4 endurance run
roast veggies
vodka cruisers
yep you bet

Fallout New Vegas
Jojo maybe
Old school hip-hop or something
Mc Donalds later maybe
Going to a party later so all sorts of shit I should think

Not him but everyone stresses over exams and shit. Just keep your head on straight, remember what you can from the class, and you'll do just fine.


>mfw every day is saturday

Persona 5
Recovering Samurai Jack's seasons
Frozen pizza
Comfy af, my dudes

Muh waifu. Pic related.

Kingdom Hearts for the first time ever. In 4k i might add.
Recommend me a tv show.
The Pharcyde
Choco milk
Could be comfier, have to work sunday and i'm obsessed with the thought of shooting myself in the head

Peep Show if you want a giggle.

Maybe an RPG later. Can't afford a FFXIV sub right now and i have the itch
New Gorillaz album. It's aight
Cooking dinner right now. Chicken and chips
7/10 Pretty comfy but Have work on sunday and want to hang myself

>3 KB

>playing some Nier: Automata
>Watching some youtube vidya
>not listening to any music at
>eating some chicken flavored Ramen
>drinking some water
>feeling comfy on my couch, just got a call for a job interview tomorrow. So feeling pretty good

Modded XCOM 2 and Persona 5
My dog is noisy today
I finished off some pizza I ordered earlier
Cold soda
8/10 pretty comfy

what kind of job?

SFV, just got into the Super Plat rankings. Will probably play some Shadowverse later.
Lupin the III, watched about five episodes a couple weeks ago and it was pretty good.
I dunno, a couple of Anons recommended me some bands a while back so I might listen to those.
Lamb chops and chips.
Lime juice probably.
Around a 7/10, everything today has gone better than expected, but my neck is fucking killing me.

Just downloaded Mount and Blade: Warband. So I'm gonna try to get lost in that.
Bellator now, idk later. Maybe find a movie.
Last Podcast on the Left
Idk. Chicken and veggies later.
I drank alot last night. So water.
Didnt get back home until 530am this morning so I'm looking forward to laying around and not doing anything. Focusing on changing my perception to not be depressed.
>Comfy Level
5/10 right now but I'm hoping to top a 9 as the day gets long.

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
Various let's plays
P4DAN ost
Dunno. Might get some mexican food
Lying in bed with my 3ds. 10/10 comfy.

I want to play FFXI.
I won't because I can't justify a million hour timesink.

Some Puyo Puyo Tetris right now. Just started the story mode and I'm planning to play MK8D with some friends tonight.
Probably a film on Netflix and the final episode of Samurai Jack when I get up tomorrow
NWC podcast while
Chicken tikka malai with rice. Also had some naan bread and papadum.
About to drink some cider.
10/10. It's sunny outside, I've finally compiled a list of backlog games, exams are over this year and life is good.


League of Legends which looks okay visually nowadays but community seems to be full of polishfags and idiots, also lag spikes switch ping from 70-90MS to 2000-5000 at times. Might pick up FFXV late night.
Injustice 2 cutscenes

mentos candy
blood orange cola
not rly i tried shaving with razors and cut myself

Something from this list, probably evil within.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and rewatching true detective season 2.

Nothing much

Erdinger weissbier

7/10 stomach-ache creeping in, but otherwise quite relaxing.

based eliphas

RPG itch or mmo itch?

new prey?

motherfucking chad

go with verdun

why are you fasting?

break the cycle

Dragon's Dogma, after spending weeks away from it to play Persona 5. About to murder the dragon
Marathoning Criken's Dark Souls 3 videos
Just had some Mini Wheats for my 1 PM breakfast
Nothing now, beer later
Extremely comfy. It's gloomy and cold outside so I'm relaxing in my sweatpants and houseshoes. I have fuck all to do during summer when I'm home from college so I'm just dicking around all day every day

MMO itch

Rising Storm 2
Gooks and G.I.'s die
Gun shots
Maybe some chinese food soon
water, diet soda for dinner
It's overcast and cool, i'm in comfy clothes, i wish i had some lsd but i'll probably get some soon i wish i wasnt so tired all the time, but other than that I'm feeling good.

Thinking of doing the final dungeon in P5, maybe some Overwatch or getting bopped a bit in TTT2.
Just dicking around on youtube
Planning on listening to Forest Sword's new LP in just a wee bit. Maybe some neofolk or black metal later.
Had some vomb ass wings earlier, so I'm just chilling right now.
Le gay water
Didn't get to go out with friends, but I'm pretty comfy. Can't complain too much.

yeah old prey was pretty cool when it came out I should replay it to see how it holds up

Played Alien: Isolation at all yet?

Hotline Miami 2 will only take you the rest of the afternoon unless you're shit.

fuck MMOs get MOBAs that shit is way faster and relaxing

Your format sucks OP
Something on my N64, help me decide
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, it still holds up
The TV
Ciaphas Cain
Going to a family dinner at a nice Italian-American restaurant we like
See above
some IRL thicc I know
Pretty alright, looking forward to seeing my family later

The Witcher 3. Just finished the main storyline of the Hearts of Stone expansion. Going to explore and complete the remaining sidequests/ get the new gear before installing Blood and Wine.
Samurai Gourmet. Japanese Netflix Original series about a timid old man who envisions the spirit of a samurai to help gather the courage he needs to try new foods. It's very wholesome and well, its basically food porn.
Audiobook recording of The Halfling's Gem by R.A. Salvatore.
Just spent almost 2 hours making a pulled salsa chicken bake with mexican style rice, beans, corn, and hot salsa. It's fucking delicious. But I might have used a little too spicy of salsa because it's already giving me some heartburn.
Had some dark roast coffee earlier. Drinking water right now. Might have some mountain dew later if I'm feeling up to it.
6/10 comfyness right now. A bit worn out and kind of sweaty from cooking and washing dishes, plus a little heartburn going on. I'm also completely broke and I'm likely going to have to sell my Wii U and my PS4 just to make ends meet this month. Trying not to think about that right now though.

Got the sudden urge to replay Morrowind again since I never played the expansions. Also playing Fire Emblem Echoes, and Marvel Super Heroes.

The final episode of Samurai Jack tonight.

Chris Cornell

Just had some homemade pancakes

Lemon Lime Hawaiian Punch

10/10 comfy right now. Sitting in the air conditioning playing vidya all night.

>including fappan in a PLAYAN thread
Degenerate faggots pls go


I need help Sup Forums I can't decide what to play:
Gal*Gun: Double Peace
Neir Automata
Yakuza 0
Sunless Sea

Forgot to add strawpoll

I remember old prey having portals and shit.

Yeah, I'm at chapter 5 or 6 I think.
Enjoying the game but finding the alien more annoying than anything really...

I've finished it, but might do some achievement whoring.

sunless sea, I'm due for a replay myself.


FFXIV. Just did some dungeons with my buddy. Finished main quest a few days ago and not in the mood to gear up since Stormblood is out in a month, so I'm just fucking around and doing blue quests I have skipped. Might play something from my backlog later.
Twitch streams, currently sing_sing.
Currently some Silverstein, but everything is on shuffle.
Ate two burgers a few hours ago. Doubt I'll eat more today.
Way too hot to be comfy. I just want winter to come back.

How on earth do you find mobas relaxing? That shit tilts me to hell and back unless I play with a full stack of friends.

>Yeah, I'm at chapter 5 or 6 I think.
>Enjoying the game but finding the alien more annoying than anything really...
Eventually you figure out how to manipulate it and yeah, it's a lot less scary. Still probably my GOTY that year though, shit was really well done.

World of Tanks
Documentary about the breakup of Yugoslavia
Grateful Dead
Cookout Tray
Yazoo Pale Ale
6/10 Could be better but I miss her ;_;

Overwatch I guess. I feel the need to play some Ana and Junkrat.
Rewatching Hibike! Euphonium with a friend. I forgot how light it is before the drama.
Going to a mall and fun restaurant tomorrow and then playing DnD with the lads. It's going to be a great and comfy day.

Coz i dont give a fuck about being esports i just play for fun and if its not fun ill just fucking uninstall or whatever
Like just get weed and kill shit brah

>taking video games seriously
Take a good long look in a mirror, for your sake.

I don't think I've learned to manipulate it, atm it feels like it's glued to me.

Bump, it's tied up

>If you dislike losing you're taking it way too serious
Dude what

>putting words in my mouth
Never said I did, but how are they relaxing when you're playing the game and your entire team decides you can't win so they quit. Do you understand English?

Yeah, if you dislike losing so much that it makes VIDEO GAMES of all things not relaxing, you're a manchild. Who the fuck cares if you win or lose some turbonerd shit?

>triggered little cuckbois upset they feed in their shitty ASSFAGGOTS

Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 and Runescape
Maybe Prometheus. Already watched Aliens Directors Cut (So fucking good) GF wants to see a movie tomorrow and it's my turn to choose. Can't decide between King Arthur or Aliens: Covenant (Only seen Alien/Aliens so I'd want to watch Prometheus)
Stone Sour: Come What(ever) May
Frozen Pizza
Pretty comfy

Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions on the aul' PS Vita
Probably nothing, I'm reading the One Piece manga atm if that counts
Vidya OST
Yeah it's all chill I suppose

I don't play MOBA's though I'm just wondering how on Earth you find them relaxing.
>Reading comprehension

>Probably gonna play Europa Universalis IV for the first time. Wondering how much I'll fail at it.
>Fargo S03E04/E05
> (Sandy) Alex G - Rocket
>Some small meatballs my dad just made for me.
>Pretty comfy. Was not feeling too good until my dad brought me some food.

>implying I still play mobas

hmm i fucked up the greentext. no more beer for me, i guess

PUBG, Rising Storm 2, Rocket League and Minecraft
Rocket League streams
Just had a sandwich earlier
6/10 Could use a nap right now desu fampai

vanilla wow on shitty russian bootleg
got 2 episodes of fargo to binge on later
Liberty ale
pretty comfy rn, just enjoying my day off

Probably some CS GO or Hearthstone in a bit
Nothing right now.
ate at cicis
6/10. I gotta work tonight, and tonight is like Monday for me. It's also like 95 degrees outside, so that sucks shit pretty hard.