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Kings Honor, friend
What can I do for you?
Point the way.
*FOR THE HORDE intensifies*
>tfw I literally still have dreams of playing Vanilla WoW
I'm going to say Vanilla was the best video game ever made.
Is the "Only faggots play Alliance" meme still a thing in WoW?
It wasn't but whatever floats your boat.
Faggot alliance player detected
vanilla was the worst version of WoW by far
I'm not sure. the game is so dead that only people who care about the 1 player experience play it anymore. everyone I talk to that still plays tells me they love how they don't have to interact with anyone and can just quest alone. it's fucking weird because the game was about the exact opposite of that when it was in its prime.
>being this retarded
>denying the truth
I've played WoW since release, stopped after Pandaria and honestly you all don't know what you're talking about or just jumped on the WoW train after Vanilla and are jelly you missed out.
Each faction use to have a distinct culture, even severs had their history, but with the proliferation of cross-realm mechanics, the character boosts, the eased leveling, Blizzard has stripped away all character from the factions and realms on the player-side. They are indistinguishable nowadays. It's a far cry from the Vanilla/TBC animosity and distinctness.
It was a broken and fundamentally flawed game, and a lot of people enjoyed that. But it was far from the best WoW ever was.
I played vanilla, WoW was not my first MMO, I was not an underage kid when I played vanilla, vanilla is objectively shit and the worst WoW has ever been.
have you ever heard of the japanese concept of wabi-sabi? that shit is true. it was the perfect game because of its imperfections.
Must be why people love XIV so damn much. Also if you were really all about wabi-sabi you would consider WoW to still be the perfect game because it's as imperfect and flawed as ever.
No, you think it was perfect because you were probably in high school, 0 responsibilities, playing all day with your friends.
Now you are in uni or out of uni, working some boring ass job to pay for bills and have a fuckton of responsibilities.
No longer can you spend your whole summer vacation doing nothing but play video games.
See you in barrens...
no wabi-sabi only applies when something has small imperfections, not when it's a steaming pile of shit that's not wabi-sabi. also I'm sorry but nostalrius shows that you're objectively wrong
Well I played before release (Stress Test Beta #1) to Panda and I think you're wrong.
But it's just opinions, anyway.
>not when it's a steaming pile of shit
like vanilla
Oookay, whatever you say pal.
I understand it OP!
You see, I've watched South Park too!
Us gamers, right?
nostalrius again proves you wrong. maybe you just have garbage taste is all. enjoy WoW then how it is, alone.
>nostalrius shows that you're objectively wrong
That buggy chinese infested piece of shit proves I'm wrong? Remember all the promises the Nost team had and then went completely back on because they're fucking inept? Like releasing the code and all that shit?
Why are you people unironically responding to the avatarfag?
Give me your fucking address you inbred faggot so I can send you a pack of razors so you can end your fucking life and make the world a better place
>if I post a reaction image of a cartoon laughing then I win :)
>Hating vanilla
>Being ok with TBC
>Loving the shit out of MoP
>Liking WoD more than Legion
That's some misguided taste there.
>But it was far from the best WoW ever was.
BC was the only expansion that could realistically compete with it quality-wise, and I wouldn't personally consider that better since it started introducing a lot of the stuff that would later turn the game into the garbage heap we've had for the past several years. WoW was kinda fucked from the very beginning, since it was always meant to be a more accessible casual-friendly EQ, but it wins by default for me since they just hadn't gotten around to completely fucking it up by the time it was over.
Everything from Wrath onward is soulless garbage that I got almost zero enjoyment out of. The only reason I played until Legion was pure habit/addiction and whatever lingering shreds of nostalgia I had left.
Thank god for Nost/Elysium :^)
Vanilla wasn't the best game
Vanilla was the best experience
Yeah, it was obnoxious with half of specs being useless, blatant balance issues, not much to do, pvp had a million things wrong about it, waiting for hours to get a group through lfg and then travel for one more hour to Scarlet Monastery as alliance only to wipe repeatedly was infuriating. I can go on for hours how it was a shitty game.
But! Back when you actually played with people from your realm, shitposted on the forums, had guild drama, made friends while questing for years to come, progressed, spent hours fishing with friends, then you got your first epic and felt like hot shit for a week, saved a lot for an epic mount, raided with 40 people, did world raids, kited world bosses into towns, had endless AVs and scirmishes in Southshore. You made friends, you talked to people to enchant, to sign guild weaver, to port somewhere, to help with a quest. You didn't play 25 different MMOs that all looked exactly the same and the world felt huge, amazing and full of wonders.
That social aspect and the feeling of progression and exploration is all but lost now. You can get to max level, level professions to the max as well, gear out in full epics without saying a single word or talking to a person ever. It's not even a fucking MMO now.
There were a lot of nails to that WoW coffin for me. Cross-realm bullshit, dumbed down quests with retard markers, resilience, flying mounts, LFG tool, welfare epics for everyone just for logging in and sucking dick at one BG a day, cash shop, legality of gold selling which lead to huge inflation, daily quests, that incomplete feeling of everything below last expansion while leveling, almost year-long gaps without new content, balance issues, but it doesn't really matter all that much if the game is not fun anymore and will never be fun again.
vanilla was shit and boring
Tbh the only reason I'm still playing is some friends I made in TBC.
Plus being in the same 2 day good progress guild since MoP with a lot of fun and chill dudes helps.
>avatarfag with tumblr and facebook filenames
Real talk: why did WoW go to shit after TBC and vanilla? Was it arena? dungeon finder? Everything being too cinematic?
the death of any mmo is when the community turns to shit rather than the gameplay itself, but dungeon finders definitely contribute to that
>not liking wotlk
Blizzard added more conveniences as people began to realize that MMO's are just a huge waste of time.
yes, i too enjoy playing Chinese invasion simulator
Not that poster, you can be disgusted all you want. It just further ruined game balance in the worst directions while throwing a few okay mechanics on top to keep retards busy like that open world pvp siege which was okay but nothing amazing.
WoD and Legion were pure shit.
>rogue/warlock/mage/warrior player detected
Vanilla was trash. The very fact that more than half the classes had useless specs (the vast majority of which were classes cornholed into healing only) made the game absolute fucking garbage. Every single paladin, shaman, priest and druid fucking HATED vanilla. Fuck that and fuck that nigger tigole.
Spot on
You don't belong here, you belong on xbox live or youtube comments or some similar shithole
7/10 bait
playable nerubians fucking when
cant tell if your baiting or just a huge faggit who didnt actually experience vanilla
I played vanilla and it was the number one most horrible wow experience I ever had by far. The fact that the spec I wanted to play was completely unviable hamstrung ANYTHING that could have been good about it.
I agree with this
The only people who suck vanillas dick are the people who never actually played it.
>have you ever heard of the japanese concept of wabi-sabi?
2 nukes werent enough
TBC was way more fun than vanilla
You only like vanilla and wow in general because you didn't know better, it was mediocre among other mmorpgs released during that time, even before wow
How do we destroy anons like this?
I agree.
TBC was only marginally more fun than vanilla because specs were STILL fucking broken.
I'm particularly salty about only horde paladins getting seal of blood which was the ONE THING that made Ret viable. Alliance had fucking nothing.
WoTLK is when the game was good.
Not him but as a mage, I did not enjoy my rotation consisting of Frostbolt, more Frostbolt, and occasionally drinking a mana potion.
Ignore and report. Avatarfagging is against the rules. Whatever his arguments are, they'd be far less obnoxious with no picture attached
Yeah in terms of class playability WotLK was definitely the peak but the problem was just that it had a lot of design flaws that left a bad taste in my mouth and eas basically the progenitor or everything that went wrong with WoW. Still a great xpac though.
The biggest thing to me was that all those problems led to player communication and interdependence. You couldn't solo vanilla WoW and expect to do well at all. Pretty much every other MMO I've played since makes things too easy to do alone. People partied up all the time with randoms in vanilla. Now you end up having to use queues for just about everything. If I didn't want to engage in the social aspect, I wouldn't be playing MMOs in the first place.
There's no better WoW than WoW: WOTLK
prove me wrong
WotLK was hot dogshit though
I will.
Vanilla updates, but before BC was the best the game had ever been.
This. People like to say that WoW is a 3 button game now (which as an aside isn't true, even the most simplistic spec in the game has 7 abilities in it, WoD was worse about this with Balance Druids having 5), but the reality is that for some specs in Vanilla having as many as 3 abilities in your optimal rotation simply didn't exist. Seriously, if you were a mage, you either spammed frostbolt or firebolt depending on your spec, that's it.
Are there any active, high quality TBC or vanilla servers?
This was true, up until Dungeon Finder was added.
WoW was fun when I didn't care about the actual game content and just had fun dicking around and exploring. I was more excited to see the RTS units in-game than anything else really.
Elysium for Vanilla & Warmane for TBC
Even if there was, I wouldn't tell you. People never shutting the fuck up about Nost and making graphs on it and constantly linking to it is what got it noticed by Blizz.
So basically just play on an RP realm today.
>tfw no vanilla and bc with wotlk class viability
I'm too aware how valuable my time is now.
Yet you're here.
You're saying that whilst posting on Sup Forums.. really made me think.
Yes a few.
>High Quality
Listen feller theres no such thing as a high quality private server period.
Theyre all shit in different ways, either your server is missing mortal strike triggers or your server is missing huge boss mechanics.
Private servers are a "pick your poison" type of deal and anyone ANYONE who says "Well my server is superior because X Y Z" are lying to your face so you can sink time into their hellhole instead of someone else's.
My life is in a very shit place right now.
Tfw do this to friends and they lose their shit.
In terms of actual gameplay? The game is in a far better place now than it was back then, though imo it was at its best mechanically with MoP.
This exactly, WotLK was the beginning of the end.
It had great heights and class viability compared to TBC and vanilla before it.
But! It laid the groundwork for the WoW we know and hate today... the long patch cycles, the dungeon finder / phasing system and ofcourse the World of YOUcraft, where the story revolves around the player, despite ya know, there being 2 million+ other players.
I would much rather have an engaging in-depth world rather than getting my ass pampered by my keep's NPCs or whatever the fuck they do now.
>and ofcourse the World of YOUcraft, where the story revolves around the player
Not really considering Tirion basically did everything.
>up until Dungeon Finder was added.
I would argue that the side effects of the dungeon finder started showing early in Cata. The community was still alive through all of wotlk, at least on my server.
Also I think guild levels were just as responsible for ending any sense of community as the Dungeon Finder as they single-handedly killed social guilds.
MOP was a blast really. In terms of customization you could do a shitload to your gear, gem slots were still common, you'd reforge, glyphs were still something you'd have to rebuy, etc. etc. Preparing your class for a raid actually felt like it had weight and deciding to change your spec meant you had to plan all that as well, and it was a good time sink and something that made realm economy keep moving.
It was also before they're started culling more and more spells and shit from classes.
I had a blast with MOP.
>dungeon finder
>rehashed raids
>removed older content
>gear score
>welfare epics hit their peak for awfulness
>rehashed item models
>entire zones cut
>isle of conquest
>vehicle combat
>even more lore rape
>ICC for an entire year
>TOTC raid
Tirion got himself frozen in a block of ice and the players had to do basically everything.
The only thing he did was use Ashbringer to break Frostmourne. After that, Terenas and the rest of the spirits inside Frostmourne broke free, resurrected the players, and stunned Arthas so the players could finish him off.
>implying 4chin is basically what you just said
I find 2 problems with this mindset. The first is that an RPG that isn't about you the player gives you little reason to care about any input you have on anything. The second is that WoW never had a particularly "engaging, in-depth world". There were a couple storylines that stayed with you for a few zones (like how the Defias had to do with the first 4 zones for humans), but for the most part different zones might as well have been different planets for their 0 effect on each other.
MOP managed to recreate some of the feeling vanilla had for me, when the game really felt like you were exploring a world much larger than you rather than having everything revolve around you.
And you know, destroyed Arthas's heart. Organized the joint Horde and Alliance expedition to Northrend. Authorized the attack on Ulduar. Set up the Trials.
>gear score
>blizz is at fault for someone elitist players did