Tfw the best game of 2017 hasnt even been finished

>tfw the best game of 2017 hasnt even been finished.

This game is LITERALLY the best game I've ever played. It's basically the true Roguelike experience. You have to buy it.

I really, really don't care about the "Darksouls" combat. But I love good roguelikes. Should I bother?

If you want the true roguelike experience, just play Rouge

No that's outdated and boring.


Think of Castlevania but harder and even smoother combat, If you think thats enough to buy you should

Castlevania wasn't random generated

Alos, Dead Shills isnt metroidvania at all

Biter Swarm is completely OP for clearing levels.

I'm referring to the combat, you utter dunghole

But that´s not CrossCode

Castlevania combat itself wasn't my favorite part about it, but that makes sense. I'll probably wait until it's further along, thanks.

>permanent upgrades
no thanks, if i want the true rogue-like experience I'll stick to spelunky.

I'm waiting on the heavily rumoured Switch release.
The Switch is such a blessing and a curse... Amazing ports coming to it like this, Gungeon, Isaac, Thumper, but then misses out on other, more complicated ports that are on other consoles. It's a shame that Nintendo has made a very powerful portable that doubles as a less powerful console too.

you mean
>tfw the best game of 2017 hasn't even been released yet

Not as OP as damage boost + electric whip.

every time damage boost is up you oneshot everything for 6 seconds with auto aim and crazy range

i stumbled upon it and finally cleared fjord fogg before dying to invisible enemies in graveyard. after aiming for it again and knowing that shit is invisible there, i spammed my way trough graveyard and the second boss.

Shame there isn't anything after that.

It's a weird move, I agree. It sucks that I wont be able to play more advanced games on it, but the stuff it is getting is really satisfying, like having half of the best dinner you ever had in a fancy restaurant

>tfw best game of 2017 hasn't even been announced yet

>get biter swarm with poison affix
>tear through anything on the ground, including the first boss

>stuff for this game keeps popping up
>check release date for nth time
>3 months away


I suck at this game. Any tips?

>Keep on fucking up ONE TIME and getting stunlocked to death

Get a shield and memorize the Enemies tells.
It gets kinda ridiculous how much leeway you can get just by a shield

Git gud.

keep playing and get better at the mechanics so you can survive the first few levels. then build something cheesy as fuck and slowroll the later floors with something like a turret or magnetic grenade

Next time you die, head left and jump up the platforms

when is this coming out?

>Mfw using the spear.

it's in early access right now, they said they wanted another 8 months tho implement everything they wanted and might need 4 more months to implement community feedback and requests. so 8-12 months.

>Half the weapons do 50% extra damage to enemies on fire
>I've got the things to climb vines and teleport through tombs and I've still not seen a weapon that sets stuff on fire yet

you start off with a firebomb item and there's an amulet that makes your jump attack set enemies on fire. might be more then that. i haven't really gone though sewers and osuary yet.

the oil sword and firebomb is pretty strong but it's such a waste to have a firebomb when there's so much better stuff.

I'll probably be getting both eventually but for now should I get Hollow Knight or this? I figure Hollow Knight might get a discount next month in the Steam sale but on the flip side Dead Cells is early access. Anybody played both?

Dead Cells is pretty short, you can see all content in like 30-60 minutes. And it gets stale very quickly.

Hollow Knight is like 20-40hrs of content and it is finished release but more than that free content update is coming soon

Hollow Knight is a more complete game right now. I'd hold off on Dead Cells for at least another few months.

This game is shit, the combat is extremely mindless and there's no variety. There's nothing Souls, Metroid, Castlevania, OR Rogue about it. It's just blatant lies.

Alright, thanks guys.

How have I never found this!

The game is pretty decent but needs some massive balancing overhauls. After the first two or three zones I often feel like I'm cheesing the game than playing it but if you try to legitimately play through some segments you can die way too easily.

The damage taken while "vulnerable" is a bit too high, I think.

>Best game
>Hasn't even been finished
Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Until there's a 1.0 version of the game (And even then really) the chance that they could fuck it all up tomorrow is STRONG.

NEVER buy into an unfinished product.

What is there left for the game to be considered complete?

IIRC from the devs, the current amount of content is roughly 40% of what they want the complete game to be.

next time your at promenade of the damned, go up the second building and jump back over to the first(the building you spawned in) jump up those platforms as well

these are the only 2 secret blueprints i know of

there's only 11 zones, 2 runes and 2 bosses. they wanted to double that in about 8-12 months.