Just got this bad boy off Amazon, what am I in for?

Just got this bad boy off Amazon, what am I in for?

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Great music. Now go play it instead of shitposting you fucking reddit shit

The Holy Trinity.


cinematic shit and memes

You're in for a good time

Have you played 5? I'd recommend playing it first since 0 is a prequel, but it's not super important

A game that suck the player's dick like no other, amazing soundtrack, amazing gameplay, amazing buddy, the best one of the holy trinity

And thanks friend.
See you again.

war crimes and Sapinish guitar

i think they are pretty overrated on Sup Forums
it is just a jet dogfighting game with some ground targets.
so if you are into that ... sure.
it's also not a simulation but just arcadey.


No one played the games cause it made them feel like a bonafied, 4 years in training, lazy ass airforce jock.

The worst Ace Combat game.

inb4 belka

Prepare for the game to suck your dick in a good way. You'll go from some random scrub to some DEMON LORD who'll have the enemies shitting themselves in fear.

Also, great music.

Also, the planes you unlock and the enemy aces you fight change based on your morality slider and the difficulty you're playing.

Have fun Buddy.

I got it off Amazon dude, it has to ship first.

Haven't played any of the Ace Combats before, actually

I honestly believe that ACX could've been a Holy Trinity contender if Bamco'd released it on a home console. That game is basically AC04-light

spanish guitars


The third best game ever to be graced upon human kind, first two being Ace Combat 04: Distant Thunder (Shattered Skies for the Americans) and Ace Combat 5: Squadron Leader (The Unsung War for the Americans). After you play these games, prepare for days of suffering as you will be unable to find games that come even close to these gifts of the gods themselves. Ask yourself, are you prepared to face such suffering in exchange of an irreplaceable experience? An experience better than women, drugs and rock and roll put together. An experience unworthy of mortal souls such as you and I.

>Haven't played any of the Ace Combats before, actually

In my opinion Zero is the best of the bunch, PS2-era onwards. Ace midbosses galore, 170-ish named aces to fight, there you go. My only gripe is that it's pretty short.

AC04 has a great story and interplay with the villains, but the controls are very stiff compared to the later games. Also, there are way to many boring 'score x amount of points in 20 minutes' missions.

AC5 has a lot of graphical and gameplay tweaks but the story goes full ham and is not for everyone. Also, the enemy aces are a bunch of punks.

AC6 looks amazing but the missions are huge and sprawling, so the 'grand battle'-setup means you're babysitting ground units constantly instead of - you know - fighting aces. Additionally, the guys you do fight are pretty lame; Strigon team were a bunch of mustache-twirling fools. The story's pretty shitty, too.

Assault Horizon is an on-rails travesty. Great music though.

Here's hoping AC7 will be decent again. S-see you in 2018, right?

could someone explain to me what is bad about assault horizon?

i second this

>ace combat 3 in two fields


The game completely changed the setting from the established 'not-Earth' superweapon hijinks from the previous games to a cookie-cutter 'Russians versus Murrikans'-story.

To add to that, enemy planes are frequently invincible while the game railroads you through some 'cinematic' spectacle. The only way to shoot down these planes is through a QTE minigame.

A very good game.

The US version was handled very poorly and is missing a ton of missions and all of the story cutscenes. It's practically a demo of the Japanese version, that's how stripped down it is.

there are 2 versions, the JAP version with 52 missions and several endings, and the butchered US version with 39 if im not mistaken


There's an AC3 (Japanese) which tells a branching cyberpunk story about warring mega-corporations.

And there's the AC3 (Western) which was completely gutted and honestly pretty shitty because it lacked all story, flavour and context.

>that filename
kek'ed regardless



People got mad at the real-world setting which ditched the cool strangereal one and the new mechanic which was basically "You can initiate a shitty QTE whenever you want!" that was forced to be necessary to beat the final boss and whatnot. Why the fuck did they have to add QTE's to an arcade-style plane flying shooter game? Reeks of CoD.

New mechanics handled poorly and a new setting nobody wants is a bad combo, especially in the same game.

One of my favorite games, easily in my top 10

Hope you have your flight helmet ready OP.

I can only hope one day Team Aces makes a Yukikaze game with the Ace Combat style.

>never ever

It's call of duty.
>When shot, hide and wait for auto-repair
>No plane in radar (50km), shoot an objective. LOL 12 Magic airplane appear just behind you and they are chasing you
>Some airplane are invincible when you use missiles on them. In order to kill them, you must follow them in a stupid rail shooter and use minigun

>there are belkans ITT that defends Ass Horizon


Gotta stay fly makes me ill and is a metaphor about the game but the instrumental is damn nice.




Well, you're gonna find out that there are three kinds of Aces.


>Islamic European union
they already knew

I liked AC5 the best because it had the biggest, coolest levels

>The Unsung War


Engaging the enemy!

Enjoy your emulation problems.

Finished Drakengard, Xenosaga 1 & 2 without any crash.
Should I expect my first emulator crash on this gmae?

All green!

I'm pretty sure AC4 still has issues with ground textures even on the developer build, but it's entirely possible they've been fixed. 5 and 0 are okay, though.

what do i need to make this run on my potato?

I3 toaster, 4GB ram, a GTX 560TI
That should be enought

i didn't want to anyway

You can always switch to software mode. That's how I completed AC4 a few years back.

I have a ps2, ps3, pc, and tons of free time since I just got laid off. Never played a single Ace Combat game but I've heard great things. I'm interested in doing a run through the series. I'm a big storyfag and I've heard these games deliver on that front.

Which games should I play and in what order/ on what platform?

There's a guide in this very thread, I think. AC04, 5 and Zero are pretty much the best of the bunch and they're all on PS2.

Is emulation good for this series? Don't have a PS2 anymore and I often hear the emulation isn't that great plus the older ones aren't on PS3/4

>No Africa

Literally perfect.

According to this list ( pcsx2.net/compatibility-list.html?letter=A )
99% of ps2 games are perfectly playable

>You'll go from some random scrub to some DEMON LORD who'll have the enemies shitting themselves in fear.
Even the way that they shit themselves depends on the morality slider, with the radio chatter changing accordingly. Great stuff.

So basically this game sucks the player's dick as Sup Forums sucks the game's dick and it's gay all around.

One of the things I like about that is how the characters are reacting to the way the player actually plays the game, rather than simple dialogue options. A lot of RPGs these days have characters reaction to binary decisions made during cutscenes rather than during gameplay.



Protip: enable subtitles

If you didn't like a good dicksucking you wouldn't be on Sup Forums


Missile shot trashed.

And then you face Gelb in your rinky-dink little MiG-21