Where the fuck is my ps4 emulator goddammit?

Where the fuck is my ps4 emulator goddammit?

I'm on the verge of breaking down and buying a ps4

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There's not even good PS3 emulation yet, so my guess is that you have to wait another decade or two.

>I'm on the verge of breaking down and buying a ps4
>inb4 UC4 and Bloodborne

Persona 5
Yakuza 0

Oh, you like weeb stuff, ok

>Racism prevents him from playing some of the best games of this gen

Have fun with military shooter # 178

Op here.
This right here desu senpai

I think that's exactly what I'm gonna go once summertime rolls around

I bought one and it's not worth it. May be in the future when they're cheaper though.

It's not racism I finished Cave Story yesterday and Asura's Wrath is one of my favorite games, I just don't like these anime style games (most of them are like this), I hope you get what I mean

How do you feel about Dark Souls

game sucks man

Again, have fun with Big muscles military guys sim #897

Whoever replied to you wasn't me. I like Dark Souls from what I've seen but haven't played it yet

Probably not the other 2 unless Sega have a change of mind, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Nioh on PC eventually

Gotta play Dark Souls dude. Single handedly change my mind about Japanese game design. Also, it sucks the art style of some of these games hold you back from playing them. There's a lot of great design and depth in a lot of them. Nioh and Persona especially.

That would be sweet, however with it already running perfectly at 60fps on my pro, it really isn't a big deal to me.

I definitely will, someday yeah. Maybe I'll give Persona and Nioh a go in the future I'll try to stop being biased senpai

Niohs great, but honestly Dark Souls is better. Also you can get it dirt cheap nowadays. Persona 5 is just an incredibly unique experience, and as someone who has almost no experience with anime and turn based JRPGs, its easily my GOTY so far.

For 3 games? Really?

Also Bloodborne, HZD, UC4, Gravity Rush 2, Until Dawn etc.

Want me to keep going?

Do it

Its also the most powerful console to play non-PC multi-plats on. Like FFXV and RDR2. More exclusives too like Infamous, Ratchet and Clank, the Uncharted and Last of Us remasters...

It really is a fantastic library, especially relative to its competition. Xbox literally has on game (Sunset Overdrive) that I am mildly interested in. Everything else is either meh AND also on PC (Quantum Break, Dead Rising 4, Gears of War 4) or Halo.

Go on...

>Asuras Wrath is one of my favorite games

Wew. That is more movie than Uncharted.

Nioh will not come to PC. Sony helped fund the project and would not have been made if not for Sony.

Sorry about your brain tumor.

>press x to watch your waifu hit something
truly the golden age of gaming

That's pretty much it.


Do you like video games OP?

What game are you talking about here? Persona 5?

You know, you could contribut to writing one if you feel so strongly about it. Otherwise the PS4 is not an expensive console by any means, and I have yet to pay more than $13 for any PS4 games.

>claims he doesn't like anime style games
>played Asura's "Literally an Anime" Wrath





I like video games

Tearaway is absolute fucking garbage and should be removed from that image because it hurts its integrity.

>Waiting for a low quality emulator to play games at a wopping 5fps

You can get a PS4 for 150 dollars if you really wanted to.

>Sony helped fund the project and would not have been made if not for Sony.
Where is proofs
I know sony published the game outside of Japan but I haven't seen any evidence about funding, which is also something that people bring up about P5 but mostly appears to be hearsay

To play what?

How am I, a poorfag PCfat who pirates, supposed to afford all of those games? Like, I can get a PS4 not problem with neetbux but paying up towards full price for games? Heck no.

>Persona 5
You can play that on a PS3, so buy one of those instead.

Yakuza is coming to PC and Persona 5 is on PS3.

>Yakuza is coming to PC

>Yakuza is coming to PC

No it isn't.

Hmm i see...

>yakuza PC


Yakuza 0 will never come to PC, and Persona 5 is better on PS4.


Nioh is nothing like Dark Souls.

The console hasn't been fully reverse engineered yet unlike the Wii U. Not only that, but there is no full public jailbreak for 4.55 yet as well.

You can buy second hand and/or wait for the prices to drop.


If Sony didn't publish the game with their money it would still be in development hell. I don't have solid proof of Bayonetta 2 being funded by Nintendo either, but because it was published by them it won't get off their system.

As for Persona 5, main Persona games have always been on Playstation. If you are hoping to see Persona 5 on PC, the problem is not whether or not Sony funded the game. The problem is ATLUS does not give a single fuck about PC.

Yakuza is about to have its 8th entry into the series, it isn't coming to PC.

I broke down and bought a PS4 over Christmas but honestly speaking I regret it. There's a lot of great games for it, and I've probably spent well over $100 on games since I got it.

I got Bloodborne, it came with UC4, I bought the Uncharted collection cause I had never played it, grabbed Horizon, then I bought Last of Us Remastered, Kingdom Hearts HD collection, Dark Cloud on PSN, and a few other things that were on sale.

I've probably played all of these games for like no more than an hour (other than Kingdom Hearts) because I can't stand the sub-30 FPS on many of them. I'm a big fan of Souls games on PC but playing them at sub-30 FPS just seems impossible to me. I don't know how people enjoy Bloodborne after playing Dark Souls 1/2/3 on PC with 60+FPS. It just felt like a slideshow and I couldn't get used to it in a game where timing and shit is so important.

I honestly just cannot enjoy 30FPS games. Call me an elitist faggot all you want, but I've been using a PC since I was a kid and at this point looking at 30FPS games is just completely unenjoyable for me.

>he thinks Persona isn't coming to Switch

Sorry Homer but the gameplay isn't even close
Nioh is more like Onimusha and Ninja Gaiden, the only thing it took from Souls is online gimmicks


I'd ravage Amanda.

>I've probably spent well over $100 on games
Well each game costs like $70, so I'm not surprised

You never gave yourself time to get used to it. It is a brain defeciency you have. I feel bad for you.
Especially since bloodborne is propably the best game of all time.

Not proof of anything. Vita is dead, Switch is alive and it's going to sell more and more. It's inevitable. Even Vita fags knows this.

Demon's Souls is (moderately) playable

I got most of them on sale, other than Horizon. Even with Kingdom Hearts I got an Amazon discount so it was only $40 for me. Console gaming is a lot cheaper than it used to be.

I guess, I mean I feel bad for me to. I want to enjoy these games, but I just can't. I'm sure I'd love Bloodborne if I could get into it. I just can't.

>Tfw nintendo will go 350% overjew and make Bayonetta 3 switch exclusive

P5 is on PS4, not Vita.

Obviously they have their differences but it's heavily inspired by Souls in multiple ways. You must be blind if you can't see it.

Exactly, so there's no handheld game. Guess what's coming to the Switch? Everything japanese.

>all the time to waste playing games
>no time to be productive and get a job
pc niggers everyone

For Bayonetta 2, the sole publisher was Nintendo, KT had their hand in publishing Nioh in Japan but roped in Sony in releasing it worldwide since they wanted it to have as big a release as possible. I can't find any evidence to suggest Sony money was necessary for it to be finished.
Also, for Persona, it's probably less about Atlus and more about Sega of Japan, but I know that Sega of Japan is very conservative with how they treat games they view as being for the Japanese market primarily

>Guess what's coming to the Switch?
Nothing, there are no announcements.

Wait and see, user. Switch is going to be huge in Japan.

Seems like a very Switch owner thing to do.

It isn't, SMT is.

When you get Ape Escape 4

If the publishers were flipped I would believe it would come to PC, meaning Japan publisher is Sony and WW is KT. With it is the way it is now I don't see why Sony would give up the exclusive and port to PC.

Well I'm neet and work is for suckers. If I worked I wouldn't have time and energy to play so no thanks!

Depends on what the publishing deal looks like, whether they retain exclusive rights or not forever or for a set period of time

Check back in 20 years, the PS3 emulator can still barely run ports of old as fuck games and the PS3 has been around for 10 years or so