Holy shit this is the most fun class in the game once you learn how to aim pipes

Holy shit this is the most fun class in the game once you learn how to aim pipes.

>play demo
>hit every pipe with skill and some luck
>tryhard direct hit soldier is super pissed in chat
>tries to focus me down
>fails 75% of the time, 25% succeeds because direct shit
>trashtalks every time he kills me
>every time i kill him i just tell him the direct hit is lame
>final point
>kritzkrieg medic by my side
>he pops uber
>direct shit tryhard rocketjumps at me
>miss my first pipe
>he hits me
>and my second
>he hits me
>and my third
>"fuck this" i say as i switch to stickybomb launcher
>kill him by spamming stickies at his feet
>cap the point
>he calls me a shitty player for spamming stickies
>tell him we still won and he lost

>realize i have been using the loch and load the entire time
>leave because i realize im just as bad as he is

>not going demopan
I miss the charge n targe but I've got to say the tide turner is still good in its own right

Dead game. Dead thread.

demoman takes skill

Name another non-dead FPS worth playing that requires skill.
You cannot.

TF2 is nearly ten years old and people STILL won't move forward and shoot at close range as Heavy. You know, his desired range?

Why are most Heavy players so reatrded? He is literally one of the easiest classes to learn.

because many experienced players moce out of heavy because of his boring playstyle. that's the reason why there are no heavy mains.


ergo, most of people who play heavy are noobs or jack of all trades players

Holy shit Engineer is the most fun class in the game once you learn how to aim shotgun.


Recently started playing Heavy after never touching him ever. second least played class

I like to run Stock Minigun, Dalokas Bar, and GRU. Obviously positioning is key and getting up close, and i like to toss the chocolate to other players, it regens shockingly fast.

He's fun but presumably only because i never really played him before. i need to work on ammo conservation

>aim pipes

welcome to the club

>ammo conservation

You just need to learn where ammo boxes are for each map. I shoot recklessly and I've never missed out on a kill because of low ammo. May have had to abandon a post for a few seconds, but you need to pick up ammo at some point anyway.

I don't play Heavy much, but I like to bring him with the Natascha if the team already has one Heavy with any other minigun. The slowed + distracted players make better targets for explosive classes

I just started playing again and I never touched Demoman until now (3rd least-played class)

But this time around he's become my go-to. I'm still pretty ass at aiming pipes, but the iron bomber + messing with my fov/viewmodel_fov helped a lot. He just gets the job done if you don't have great team support certain other classes like

I wish I was that good


Everything the spy can do sniper does better

every time
was the guy who made this serious

Is this console TF2?

>remember all the fun shenanigans I used to do with demo
>decide to play it
>only 2 stickies with the sticky jumper
>caber doesn't do shit anymore