

why can't I settle down with a serious man who will provide for a family after having spent my twenties with dozens of sexual partners? :(

Fucking christ. I need to be a faggot and blog for a moment. I turned 28 recently and went to attend my 10 year highschool reunion. It turns out most of the people I graduated with are fucking failures who never left my home town or work dead end jobs.

I'm one of the autists who fell for the STEM meme and actually had it work out for them, plus fell for the /fit/ meme. I landed into a job that pays well in the city (144k + bonuses, because DUDE COMP SCI LMAO). I arrive and start talking to people about what they've been doing and what I do, where people are in their lives, exchanging phone numbers and contact info. I came in a nice car because I bought a nice car for myself (don't know a lot about cars, bought something I thought looked nice).

People started contacting me, people have fucking contacted me. Guys who I know that act friendly and end up asking for money. Women who are obviously trying to suck my dick to see if they can suck out my wallet too. I don't fucking understand. How desperate are these people? Why are they such fucking leeches.

I'm an autist, a huge fucking autist. I have anime figurines, a daki, jack it to anime girls, and fucking worse shit. Fuck. It's infuriating because now I can't fucking trust contact from any of the people I used to know in highschool.

Maybe not everyone has to have kids



Toodle doo toodle dee
Im a man so ill stand when I pee

Recommended: Diabetes
"Breakthrough" The
Medical Establishment
Wants Banned

This, the only people still propagating this "everybody needs children" shit are corporate assholes worried about the supply of new wageslaves and customers

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

Literally just have sex with me, women. It's that easy.

>Decide to focus on your career or live a bachelorette lifestyle in your 20s.
>blame manchildren for you not having any kids

>contact from any of the people I used to know in highschool.
There's your first mistake.

Why would you want to reunite with a bunch of random fucking people you probably didn't even like or get along with.

A sensationalist clickbait headline that has no bearing on reality you say? Hmm

>Get facebook
>Add all people trying to ask for money and suck your dick
>Only post pictures of your anime figures, daki, and weeb games
>People suddenly stop contacting you
thank me later.

I'll admit my parents have attempted to guilt me into having kids because they want grandkids. I can understand why.

At best I'm waiting until my early 30s and only having one of the demon spawn.

Why isn't it considered immoral for 30+ hags to have children?

Fpbp and roasties BTFO

sounds tough, i suggest you don't contact those people if you can't trust them

Fuck women.

Oh shit, I'm sorry.

I think the people who insist we are to do nothing but focus on school until we're 18 are to blame

an entire generation was literally stunted

They want your money. But you already knew that.

Oh look someone who thinks their a journalist posted something dumb on the internet better make a thread on Sup Forums
and repost it every month or so

Muslims will fix this


If that were true then abortions wouldn't exist. Therefore the reality is women are having children early in life but they are too selfish to keep the babies because the party would then end.

Lol ahahhahhaha fuck them whores.

Why would you care about anyone from highschool?
Doesn't matter what your experience was during it. Either leave highschool behind or end up being a completely worthless peace of trash who spends their time trying to get into drama on facebook. It's Humanity 101.

No. :^3

Sup Schlomo

Don't be hard on them. They banked on their own dreams too, you know? But they fell hard against other forces.

Nobody wants to be a kissass. But as you grow older and colder, you find yourself doing it. Like imitating habits your dad used to have when he woke up.

I didn't go back and talk to people I disliked. The people I reconnected with were the football team and people I used to know in theater. Basically football and musical theater were all I did in highschool. I wanted to reconnect with the people I actually liked and fell out of touch with because I went to college several states away.

The football guys are the worst about it. A lot of their lives went severely down hill out of highschool.

This is an idea, but I don't want my job finding this shit. Normally I hide my power level for a reason.

Seems like you made the mistake of going to your 10yr reunion.
I just had my own and am the same age as you, the only people who went were womyn hungry to either show off how well they did by sucking dick or trying to do the same as what you experienced.

So anyway, call me when you are a faggot, I know you are almost there by the "worse shit" comment you homo.




Now you're getting it. But this is our daily 'women are horrible' thread.

I know this is bullshit because my brother is a damn manchild and some girl still had a kid with him, they're both mid 20's

My sister has a kid and a husband with good income so I don't have to worry about that, I honestly do not want the responsibility of raising a child and I am pretty sure I would be a shitty father anyway so everything works out

I don't think that's the reason to be honest

>having kids

I'm an old man (26) and this feeling is ever present in my soul.

>going to reunions


I am sorry you are all bitter cunts that were so focused on insulting men that now you can't get a good fuck because no one wants to touch you with a 10 feet pole.

I remember reading an article like this where their idea of "childish" was the man actually being responsible and telling the woman they couldn't afford a child. Childish is fucking anyway, complaining that the government doesn't pay for your contraceptive, accidentally having a kid, and then expecting the government to pay for it.

That statement is not wrong. If white men are busy jerking off to anime women will flock to get knocked up by abdul.
If they don't get knocked up by the time they reach 30 they literally become insane.

>Implying almost all kids aren't accidents and people have simply wised up about bitches

>don't even contemplate starting a family until you're on the verge of being infertile
>blame men for it

If you haven't really kept in contact or even had the desire to talk with them before the reunion, they aren't really friends and should be avoided at all costs.

You gotta wonder who is behind all this, you know who's pulling the strings?
We may never know.

is this like an american thing? where you are openly hostile to everyone in your vicinity, including your high school peers, for no discernible reason

is it like a Sup Forums autist thing

i dont know if my high school is going to have a reunion, but i know that i'll be going there in hopes of meeting up with old friends rather than to antagonize everyone for some reason

americans in general seem to be plotting against each other constantly

Or what? You gonna withhold sex and have kids even later?

>/fit/ memes
>STEM memes
Best memes to fall for

Would hold hands with

Why the hell would i want kids?

The girl on the right looks kinda cute I guess. Going to assume its the boy to the right's sister?

>The football guys are the worst about it. A lot of their lives went severely down hill out of highschool.
I'm not American, but I assume at least the quarterback did well, since he's the leader?

Nah, not even an american, this is east europe shit.
Women are just parasitic whores everywhere.

All these years and this pic still pisses me off

Where did it all go so wrong?

>i'm perfect and it's always someone else's fault
top fucking kek

>It's manchildren's fault women got bamboozled into "women in workforce" meme so they pursue dead-end careers and get a wake-up call just as they ovaries dry up and they're about to end their life eaten by their 8 cats.
What a shame.

video games


We've gone too long without a full scale war.

doesn't seem to be the case where i live

perhaps your view of the world has been distorted by your myriad of bad experiences


>flock to get knocked up by Abdul
I've thought about this before and it makes no sense. Islam and Arab culture are both steeped in deep patriarchal tones, and males dominate all aspects of culture. Why the fuck do feminazis and euro-liberals think it's a good idea to encourage that lifestyle and for more of them to come over?

I have kept in infrequent contact with a few. The thing is I moved away so it was not so much me not wanted to stay in contact but shit being hard because I was multiple states removed.

Basically the only people I reconnected with who were decent folks were:
>my buddy who joined the airforce out of college
>this art girl who is a massive autist and spent her 20s doing the 'starving artist' thing
>a buddy from the football team who got fat and now somehow ended owning a buffalo wild wings

I learned me and my buddy who joined the airforce actually live in the same state now.

I realize now this was my fucking mistake.

Mostly just wanted to reconnect with folks I fell out of contact with.

Perhaps you are just dumb and can't read between lines

I think it's just an internet thing.

>people pay actual money for this

How does it ends?

me playing videogames

>have unreasonably high standards
>blame others when you have to lower them 10 years later

And they say the male gaze has damaging effects on society.

Are you retarded?

It's much better to have a child later in life once you're in a more stable economical and psychological position to be able to handle the burden of parenting.

why are modern men so fucking worthless?

And tyrannical women are to blame for childish men

>i wanna be a fat ugly bitchy feminazi piece of garbage
>it's men's fault blame them oh my god so fucking childish
I'm just waiting for the day when baby production will completely be autonomous so we can finally kill all the bitches

It's you.
Personal responsibility goes a long way to save people from harm.
>this hooded guy is offering you "time of your life at 200$/gram?
How about no
>A pedophile in a labcoat tells you, your kids should mutilate their genitals?
Call the police.

It's easy to blame a boogeyman like jews or the gubmint.
Pro tip, elect abetter gubmint


When the retarded Nazis handed the Jews their magical get away with everything forever card.

The quarterback for us is now a felon. Also he wasn't the captain, strangely our safety/kicker was.

Like I said one of the guys is doing well and owns a buffalo wild wings now.

Enjoy your autist(s).



I'm completely fine with being called childish if it means I don't have to spend a large portion of my life providing for other people.

More like NU-MALED


>childish women are to blame for the collapse of modern society

>30 year old virgin women starting to realize what feminism really is

No fucks given.

They want to kill all white men or turn them into 50 shades of grey brutes.

Women are sick in the head.

They also want a nice guy husband but not have sex with him until she older and looks haggard, after fucking 56 guys.

Because they idolize niggers

women's right is unironically the most self-destructive humans have ever done
even the nukes we dropped on the japs doesn't even come close


>say no to Roastie
>Roastie goes full feminist sjw
>stalk her FB decade later
>Roastie needs therapy in her 30s for unfulfilling life as looks rapidly diminish

Ahhhhh bullet safely avoided.

She continues playing while getting fucked what the hell do you think?

Even having a kid doesn't help in fixing them.

>beer, pizza and video games

Man I can't wait for E3. One of the only times when I allow myself to freely enjoy all 3.

just kidding, I only enjoy the first two and shitposting on Sup Forums

>How desperate are these people? Why are they such fucking leeches.
You went to a fucking high school reunion. What did you expect?
Most of the people who go to any high school reunion are just hoping that one of the people who got successful (in this case, (You)) are there, just so that they can suck money out of you.

Because they are so focused on pissing off the system and their daddies they are blind to reality. Like they have "fight the system" so ingrained in their brains they don't see whats ahead of them. And if daddy doesn't like muslims they must bring them on the house just to spite them, even if it means to fuck your life forever.

>Why the fuck do feminazis and euro-liberals think it's a good idea to encourage that
because what women say and what women do are completely different.

you cant stop bioligy. a woman has to be dominated to feel safe and secure. plus they are after hakim's saudi money.