Walking and talking replacing cutscenes

Can someone tell what piece of shit faggot game started this shit trend of replacing cutscenes with lazy walking and talking to explain the plot and how I can kill the faggot who made it?

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Gears of Wars 1 was the first.


Walk-and-talk is meant to replace hard cutscenes in a few ways.
>Still pushes the plot forward
>Still moves people from A to B
>Still allows the dialogue you were going to get anyway from a cutscene
The main difference is that by keeping it in-engine and not cutting away, the player feels like they're still in control of the character.


And it was only done to mask loading times. Modern games shouldn't have the same streaming problems as a game from 2006.

More like Half Life 2

I want to kill Gaben.

I think Half Life started the idea though of cutscenes as gameplay, its just its been dumbed down so far to just walk and talk.

George Lucas invented it

No it just seems lazy like they couldn't afford a cutscenes so they just made them move their arms about and speak what makes it worse is that it's also unskippable.

It's really annoying on games that had lots of cutscenes then suddenly don't like mgs5

That outfit must be a bitch to wear properly, i wonder how much time does she spend dressing.

I prefer walk n talk.

desu I find games changing the standard control scheme in order to accommodate these things more jarring than actual cutscenes or locking you in a certain area HL-style. It's one of my least favorite things about games and at this point I don't even bother with ones that do it.

Half-Life 1 did it first as far as I know.

Don't even bother. It's pure garbage.

Blame Half Life 2, the most overrated game of all time.

How do you think that ten minutes of boring exposition would get any better if it was tied to cutscene?
Other than making skipping it easier.

Which, actually, is quite the improvement.

The shit I hate, that is common as fuck in games like FFXV, are the one's where you have camera control while you're listening to the characters talk.

PC version when?

Star Ocean 5 bought it for that booty should be pretty cheap now

>people complain when theres cutscenes
>people complain when theres no cutscenes

make up your fucking minds!

I was surprised by how the terrible battle system and no story/cutscene Star Ocean 5 made me really appreciate 4.

But I didn't complain when there was cutscenes I watched and enjoyed them.

the big kick is that you can't skip them

They did it in SO5 to cut the costs. Game had no fucking budget.

This game was so clearly rushed and I have no idea why.

Standard cutscenes, especially as a reward, can be pretty great. See W3 or Thief 1&2.
Gameplay heavy games can often go without cutscenes of any kind.
Cinematic "cutscenes" are a load of trash and it's all the fault, and it's all the fault of shallow immersionfags.

There is also the road of simple readable content i.e. RPG dialogues, logs, descriptions, which can be hit or miss depending on the quality of the writing itself. Kids tend to fucking hate this, tho.

SPECIAL MENTION: QTE in cutscenes, I don't really have to say more, don't I?

It wasn't rushed. See

Its up to developers to find the proper solution, not for us not to voice our dissatisfaction.

Skyrim popularized it

Has anyone tried to cosplay this chick yet?

literal semen demon

Yeah but if you don't actually see her asshole or her nips who gives a FUCK

Best girl. Don't understand why she had such an accent though

Did you guys know the character designer for Street fighter,Red Dead Revolver,Gundam and this game were all the same person?

Crazy right?

>Gameplay heavy games can often go without cutscenes of any kind.
I remember Sakurai explicitly made it a point to minimize if not remove cutscenes entirely from his Kid Icarus game, because it cuts into the gameplay. All dialogue is made during gameplay.

>Red Dead Revolver
How? Wasn't this a western game?

No it was made by Capcom and bought by Rockstar, crazy right?

Playing this game currently.

This game has some ideas that didn't mesh well, for instance the rock paper scissors battle system sounds good on paper but then you combine it with having a hundred people fighting in battle where things become too chaotic too quickly and it just gets thrown out the window for button mashing.

Yes indeed. The guy has range.

>rock paper scissors
>good idea


If you're referring to SO5's walking and talking their actual cutscenes were rather weird looking due to the mocap.

I never finished SO5 I only got to the point where Fiore first joins the party, how is it?

Man Thief cutscenes are perfect.
>unique style
>well written
>unintrusive, only occur between levels
>not too long
>skippable and replayable
Unfortunately ones like them wouldn't really work outside of a mission-based game.


That's like 40 minutes in and the game is only like 20 hours

y'know sometimes I think 'jesus christ what a fucking stupid set of clothes' and I forgive it because it's just japanese cartoon shit

But god damn that hat is fucking retarded

Are the older Star Ocean games good?

Never played any.

half life 1


>people shitting on Half-life
You autists realize that the "scenes" in Half-Life games are rarely more than a few minutes, right? And at least let you run around and fiddle with shit instead of being stuck in a slow-walk every single time or literally on rails in some cases where the action won't continue at all unless you "play along" with the NPC, right?

Fucking children.

Half-Life did it before you consoletard fucker.

Cutscenes became complete cancer when they were no longer FMV with real actors, that shit was fun. I'm glad they are going again and have been dying ever since Half Life. You should never have control taken away from you for no reason, I want to play a game not watch a film.

Walk and talk is still flawed because if you manage to complete the task too early or do something to exit the talking audio, it makes it seem as of the dialogue didn't matter in the first place.

star ocean 2 is one of the greatest jrpg's ever made, on all fronts. battle system, customization, story, world. it's all really good.

>FMV with real actors
Not that many games were. Hell, C&C is really the only series that even made a huge deal about such things. Other games either did it because they didn't have the money to make CG scenes (or competent enough animators, sometimes both), or they were trying to make their obviously hammy story more ham than it already was.

Isn't Daiz in that?

Real actors look awful hope this a joke post.

half life 2

>what is Jedi Knight

not him but it never felt out of place in half life. in gears it was like being stuck in quicksand for 3 min while they talk.

also gears was on pc, and half life was on console so that insult doesnt work

Except Half Life (particularly HL2) do it in the worst possible way where "cutscenes" are replaced by listening to characters gob on just as long except you can walk around the room with nothing to do until it's over, whoopie.

At least you can skip a cutscene. HL shit is a hard-coded part of the game you can never skip.

Nothing wrong with cutscenes except for when it becomes the best thing about your game compare to the rest like recent Naughty Dog games.

you mean Diaz? the blue haired nigga with the sword? yeah

>How do you think that ten minutes of boring exposition would get any better if it was tied to cutscene?
Because you actually get a directed cutscene instead of watching the same hand waving gesture for the entire period. You can't do anything anyway, so you're just going to put the controller down either way.

Half-Life was a PC game designed for the PC that got ported, Gears was a console shooter that got ported to PC, they are like opposites.

You are right about the skipping thing at least, I swear I've played a game with this style of cutscenes that still lets you hold down a button to skip ahead.

>I never finished SO5 I only got to the point where Fiore first joins the party, how is it?
It's shit.

I fucking hate this shit, and it's a problem SO5 had too.
>Characters start talking when you're walking around
>Keep walking around
>Suddenly step over a loading zone trigger or enemy encounter or something else
>Conversation is killed and you can't see how much you missed or access it again
>Every time characters start talking in the future you have to just stop and stand still until they're done to make sure you don't miss anything

Pretty sure it was half life, and everyone sat around and circlejerked it at the time.

I remember thinking it was awful back then too. Why would anyone think that having to stand around and look at an NPC would be better than having a cinematic with proper lighting and camera angles? Most people I've talked to just ended up walking away from whoever they were supposed to be listening to and started fucking around because the presentation of the story is so fucking dry and boring.

Gears started the "modern" version though, i.e it literally slows your character down to a walk in order to force you to listen to stupid fucking dialogue.

At least in Half-Life you could still do shit. BioShock's version was good though, picking up audio recorders and hearing backstory and plot while you continue on at full speed, I'm sure System Shock did that too but I've never played it so can't comment.

SO5 was even worse about it. It has scenes where you have multiple characters talking at once through text boxes above their heads, and if you don't have the camera focused on them at the time you won't see what they're saying.


people are allowed to disagree, dumb dumb
although I'm a person who says if someone 'doesn't like cut scenes' they're probably a simpleton

Sums it up pretty nicely.
Another thing he missed though is controlling other party members.

You HAVE to use Fidel to start the fight, even if you can set other characters as your default.
If you start a fight with any other character, they will be outside the 'battle area' and that means the escape gauge will automatically fill.
It takes about one and a half seconds to fill completely, most of which that time is spent by your characters taking out their weapons so unless you're holding up as hard as you can as soon as the fight starts you will automatically escape.
It's fucking infuriating.

Google presents a number of attempts that just use a shitty suit that doesn't even have the diamonds in the right places.

Gonna have to be more specific there bud.

Shit, I knew I forgot something. I mainly played Anne so that annoyed the hell out of me too.
There were just so many things wrong with the game to try and list, you know?

Only ADHD addled retards complain about cutscenes.

Posts like "ITS CALLED A GAME! I DONT WANT TO READ/WATCH A FILM" are honestly one of the dumbest opinions I've ever seen.

This gem had it an I didn't mind.

I don't mind cutscenes, but when there's one every 20 minutes like in Bayonetta or MGS4 shit gets really fucking irritating, especially when the game has such fun gameplay.

Don't know which one but it must have been some Rockstar cancer turd.

Half-Life 2 had that too but they reused story reasons for restricting your movement too much in all but a couple of scenes. The slowing down wasn't an innovation, it was the Half-Life series that was famous for bringing in this change, it was hailed for being a fundamental shift in how stories were presented in games.

I don't feel like I'm in control of anything, specially in games like Gears of War or TLoU where the character starts walking slowly while they're talk, it feels like a cheap as fuck cutscene to me.

This, it kills replays for me when I'm forced to slowly progress the plot for 10 minutes

And yet those "scenes" are usually never too long, and at least let you fuck around by grabbing shit and throwing it about as the character prattles on.

Half life deserves to be shit on in this regard. It started the awful trend. You say that "at least" you can fuck around during the cutscene, but it just sounds like you're making excuses for a game that you like.

If the cutscenes are so fucking boring that you actively want to fuck around rather than watch them, that's a bad thing. The presentation of the story in half life sucked dick and the fact that it was praised at the time subsequently led to a trend of awful "interactive cutscenes".

Half Life started it all.

Half Life 2 didn't do it like that, it felt more like an interactive cutscene, because shit was happening, not just talking. It's very different than walking a corridor while characters just talk,.

Star Ocean 1 is ok, the SNES version is really rough, and the story becomes a mess at the end. The PSP version is a straight up improvement.
2 is easily the best in the series with all around great characters, story, music, gameplay, and interactivity. The PSP version fixes a few bugs but should be avoided for gameplay changes and rewriting the entire script to turn everyone into shallow flanderised anime characters.
3 has questionable story and characters and ugly graphics, and totally guts a lot of the gameplay systems from 2, but easily has the best dungeon design in the series.
4 is like 3 but with some of 2's mechanics revived and the combat made slightly more complex, but the story is boring and the characters are horrible.

Just because it started something doesn't make it at fault. It didn't tell other games to do shit like "make the character walk like they shit their pants" or anything.

Real life is an MMO played by higher beings

Nigger what are you talking about? Most of the time you were just locked in a room with some fag talking to you.

Why would they play such a terrible game?

Assassin's Creed was the first game I could think of that did this. Was novel then, now not so much.

yea, for all of maybe 3 minutes and then you're off again to fight monsters. That's hardly as bad as shit like Gears where you have to trek around for 5-10 minutes, even being forced to look at shit like stupid statues just to get the npcs to continue their bits.

It was crap in half life and it proceeded to somehow get even crappier in the PS3/360 gen. Still doesn't excuse half life. Even if it hadn't gotten any worse it would still be bad.

QTEs are shit too. In the end, if you really want to have a strong narrative element in your game just put in a well directed cutscene. As long as it's not 40 minutes long and there's an option to skip then nobody will mind.

>this shit tastes even worse though!
Doesn't excuse the fact that you're eating shit in the first place.

If you don't like it just game over yourself faggot.

Real life is easily the best game ever invented.

Not him but only the minigames are actually fun

I hate it more when

>NPC starts walking and talking
>try to walk alongside NPC at same pace
>NPC is either slower or faster than your RP walking