Mount and Blade Warband

What do you guys think of this game?

I've been playing the following mods:
-Floris (got quite bored of this one)
-1257 AD (seems pretty boring, haven't invested much time)

What are some other single player mods? How to make game more fun? Will making it difficult make it more fun?

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh dear. Here we go.

>I'm a woman and pregnant but I'm still working, look how progressive we are

Fucking disgusting, hope her and the baby die


>sweden is controlled by females

that explain everything

>ain't got time to rest

It's all about that protestant work ethic, my man.

So neither Sweden nor America has a diverse government?

>the ones in control are the ones getting raped
makes you think

No, no, no. US is good, Sweden is bad. Because Trump.

You'd need to be a total leftycuckhomo to not realize that.

>US government is pro-Israel
>Swedish government is anti-Israel
Who are the good goys now???

you really didnt have another picture to attach to your thread?

Hahahahahahahahahah loooooolooooooooooool

politicos am I right


I love mobile posting Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Trump for thw win looooooooooool

The upper class live no where near the immigrants

It's not the Swedish government though.

really makes you think

Man, your thread was doomed because of the very poor choice of OP image. Nobody cares about the actual subject itself, even though it looks like you actually wanted to discuss about it unlike the average threads with such OP images.

They live in controlled, white neighborhoods. They're not the ones getting raped.

*cherrypicks fragments of the 2nd amendment"
*shoots gun*
*marries cousin*

now post the one where those cunts are all wearing hijabs

Meaningless list is meaningless


subhuman chicano trash? or faggy white kid with a blacked account?

What am i looking at

I'm so glad we ruined the country and handed it over to a literal traitor just so we could show those SJWs

>murricans are just a bunch of old fags
>sweden got some HLA
really makes you think.

>blacked account
Be quiet or Sup Forums will flood this thread with BBC on autistic white girl images again.

yeah kek but i'm not disappointed



Anyways, I've been thinking about getting into the M&B series. Seems like it could be my kind of thing. Where should I start? Or should I just check /vg/ since this thread is Sup Forumsshit anyways?

This is the nation ranking in term of rape




ha ha ha keep up the fight fellow red-pill! Let's plan our next attack on r_thed (that's code for r_thedonald, a reddit subforum, in case you didn't know)

Rape depending on the national definition of "rape". In Sweden you get arrested for raping a woman by just looking at her while in Pooinlooland you can participate in a gangrape in the rice fields and it's still considered "flirting with consent".

Fucking hilarious.


Reminder that Sup Forums's been taken over by r/The_Donald and any Trump posts are made by redditors. They're spreading their cancer to other boards.

y-yeah i'm a b-b-big f-fan of moun

Mount and Blade Warband

However, don't play the native. Use mods, which help fix glitches/bugs.

If you are a fan of history, get a historical mod (such as AD 1257. There are Japanese and Roman mods as well) There are also fantasy mods and GoT. Look them up if you are interested.

If you are not a huge fan of history, install the Floris mod.

The New Mount and Blade (bannerlord) is probably going to be announced again at E3 and we'll get a release date. It'll probably be this year. You can decide yourself whether or not you are willing to wait a few months. Mount and Blade Warband is probably around $20.

I see you post this same image all day on Sup Forums, nice shilling but you need new material.


I don't give a fuck that the EU is stupid enough to let in a bunch of terrorists. Electing Trump doesn't change that, it just makes it worse because it discredits people like Le Pen to be associated with him

>*bumps the thread 10 times*

How many in the top image will end up in prison?

A lot of them are just Sup Forumsacks in disguise, you have to recognise b8. There are barely any Democucks here.

>Sup Forums claims anyone who doesn't agree with them is from reddit
>Sup Forums attracts hundreds of r/the_donald redditors during the election


I guess that explains modern day Sweden.

nice regurgitated meme animale

What's it like living in bizarro world? Can you so much as name a street on the entire planet where crime didn't go up when Sonalis moved in?

>15 place
>predicts 25 by 2015
>actually 14th place in 2017
Sasuga UN


Sasuga Jimmie Å

Get the Diplomacy mod. It has some really neat quality of life improvements.
My favourite one being that your soldiers keep fighting even if you get knocked-out in battle. No more losing to a band of 5 peasants because you got insta K.O. by a random rock.

Cool thread

probably the majority of them should go to prison but will be "acquitted" least they implicate a wider conspiracy/tattle on everyone else. certain Records will Mysteriously vanish..

Probably Trump or someone in his cabinet will be a "Fall Guy".. so the GOP doesn't have to look inward or change at all.

As for OP: I've tried Nova Aetas, has the vanilla map (if I remember correctly) it's also got some of the same problems (IE: the map feels too small a lot of the time)...

cannot wait for Bannerlord

diplomacy is built into basically every half decent mod, and has been for years

Too bad these rich fucking females live in secure rich neighborhoods while low scum get raped and tortured by nigger and mudslime scum.

Is there a graphic overhaul mod? Cause I can't stand it's shitty graphics.

>carrying Jamal's child in your womb at the work place

So progressive!

Very few. Remember, if you're wealthy and politically connected the law rarely means much to you.

Case in point: The men responsible for the biggest loss of American life in U.S. history were never punished for what they did.

yes its called bannerlord

Social democrats and greens get their ass torn wide open in Germany right now though.


White helmets are so fucking terrorist sponsored, holy shit.

We don't need a diverse government, we need a competent one.

OP, don't make threads starting with politics images, it's too much of a shitstorm creator

polite sage and report


I still remember those days when sweden was the meme country

And then /vint/ happened

hahahahahahaha jesus christ pure evil

What's happening?

>country gets taken over by women
>becomes rape capital of Europe

Photo-Op showing a "rebel" supposedly gassed by Assad.

evil assad bombing brave rebels

It's the second highest rape country in the entire world.

Play Prophesy of Pendor then you adhd little piece of trash.

Can somebody explain to me how a 2 party system where only super rich people can participate is anywhere close to "democracy"?

btw. The game is good.


This the nation ranking in term of niggers

Sweet fuck I can't recommend 1257 enough, it's such great fun, especially if you know anything about the period.

There are other parties than democrats and republicans you can vote for.

Nobody does it though because lol reasons.

>defending a fort/castle/whatever
>stand at ladder and bonk 500+ dudes on the head over and over and over and over for a few days straight

>attacking fort
>watch party members/allies die because they're AI is shit and trying to tell them what to do only confuses their AI more
>try to climb ladder to fort
>have to stand at the edge and bonk 500+ dudes on the head til I can get in and finish off the others with a bonk on the head

this, this is not fun. this is tedious as tedious can be.
does the game ever get better? it's bad enough the 20 hours I spent leveling up my men, only for them to get shit on by one mid level dude at a ladder, was all wasted

Funny how allegedly "fake propaganda" footage like this never actually appears in the news, but only on conspiracy sites. Makes you think.

I was going to make a thread for this but I can't be assed.
Is a link to free mountain blade from GoG, just in case this isn't a thread about politics as it appears.

Daily reminder that the EU literally cannot sustain its socialist model with the likes of """refugees""" and Baltic welfare states sucking up all the funds.

Rape rates by country.

How many layers of tribalism is this thread on?

The USA is a democracy because there is one party more than in single-party countries.

Someone has mother issues.

announcing your reports is also against the rules but you wouldnt know that would you faggot.

But they are both very similar and both of them clearly collude with each other anyway

girls are just girls, the guys are feminate fagbois.

Not the entire EU is full of socialist parties m80.
UK, conservatives in charge. GER conservatives, NED conservatives, HUN conservative, I could go on and on.

damn i wish i could stop time too

Daily reminder that the USA is also neck deep in debt which you conveniently ignore because you are just pushing an agenda like every other retard on this site

Report all Sup Forums dogshit

>footage like this never actually appears in the news
Why (((indeed)))
The nose knows

Play TLD
Remember about nightly patch

Why is Sweden ranked higher than the US in the happiness, trustworthiness, life expectancy etc categories? Also, why do Americans allow Turkish dictators to come to their country and attack their people on their own soil?

The GOP were as dead as the Democratic Party following Nov. 8. They put everything they had into Not Trump and he beat them. All he has to is last till midterms and then primary the fuck out of whomever is up for reelection. Republican voters pissed off enough to nominate Donald Trump are also pissed off enough to be amenable to his calls to help drain the swamp.

>Nobody does it though because lol reasons.
It's not because lol reasons but because there is absolutely no chance that a 3rd party would win with the way your country is structured.

Voting for anyone outside of the 2 parties is throwing your vote away.