Red Dead Redemption 2


Everyone should look up Wild West Online

Just give me more endgame. 100% after just 100 hours and NOTHING to spend the money on in RDR.

Wild West Online is to Read Dead Redemption 2 as APB: Reloaded was to GTAV.


Black holes and revelations

that sounds fun

I want a PC port. Reply with goldenXDface.jpg or whatever, I loved the game on PS3 and this is the first console exclusive this generation I want besides Nintendo games. I would eventually give in and buy a PS4 because I'm not a poorfag though. I've got nothing against it other than online fees and I probably wouldn't even play it online anyway since GTA Online was so shit.

it comes out

How about an ending that doesn't make me want to kill myself after viewing.

Are they going to do anything for the first game or are they just going to let it languish on last gen consoles for eternity?

Mediocre single player with GTAV online type faggotry.

I hope the online is good. That's the only part I care about. Make it like GTA V's.

My literal only hope is that they don't turn online into the shitshow that was GTAO

I hope it still has god tier physics and blood effects

>Red Dead Redemption will forever be stuck at 720p 30 fps
Fuck, this gem deserves better than this.

hey I recognize that gay furry fuccboi

It's never released on PC so I can shitpost about it for years

>Make it like GTA V

shit taste

Not even 720p
Upscaled 644p or something, from what I remember.

No garbage online like gat4/5 or rdr

what do you think they will rename their Shark Cards to? Rattlesnake Bonds maybe?

PC ;___;

GTA V has 6 million owners on steam
I don't think Rockstar is going to turn down that potential money, especially given that they know people will doubledip for a console then a PC release

devoid of life and full of hackers?

I hope it comes out in Fall 2017.

Don't worry user, it'll come.

Less emphasis on multiplayer.

They said there'd be more emphasis on multiplayer.

Honestly? A pc release. I liked the first one but I quit at Mexico. The entire time I was thinking "I wish this was on PC so it didn't look like diarrhea".

Not when Rockstar can tell the interns to shit out a few car and weapon models every month or two and make more money than typical full game releases from sharkcards alone

Well fuck them then.

A PC port.