Just finished Doom

Just finished Doom.

And dam was is fun and good and how they actually made the doom lore interesting.

Why the fuck was Sup Forums shitting on this ?

Other urls found in this thread:


Meh it's ok I guess

Coulda done without that shitty platforming to be perfectly honest. As well as that shitty weapons upgrades system and all the almost useless upgrades for assorted weapons.

because Sup Forums is contrarian. Half of Sup Forums dislikes it because it's not exactly like Doom 2, the other half of the people who dislike the game just hate fun.

>And dam was is fun and good

or maybe some people don't like lockdown sequences every 5 minutes

>walk down corridor
>kill 3 stragglers and 1 non straggler enemy
>check map
>obviously giant battle arena room at the end of corridor like its a surprise
>doors lock
>giant battle arena room
>walk down corridor
>poor platforming segment
>walk down corridor
>kill 3 stragglers and 1 non straggler enemy
>check map

The entire game.

It was one of my favorite games in modern memory. Extremely well done IMO

I've had it in my steam library for awhile and beat it recently. r8 it a 7/10. It's fun but like some other dude said it's a mix of lame corridor battles and moving from "arena" to arena.

>And dam was is fun and good

I'm eager for DOOM 2016 2

Weakest point is really the platforming. That was the one thing that really should've died with classical shooters.

... so doom 2018?

>I'm too old to play video games: the post
go look for that girlfriend already your mom said she wants grand kids 7 years ago

I would have preferred a few more enemies on screen but it was good

Unironically my favorite game of all time, only the original is equal

one of the problems is that the game really doesn't force you to play smart, it just keeps giving you more and more weapons and upgrades. the arenas get huger and huger so even though additional enemy types are added later on to compensate for the progression of your character, the arenas are so big that none of the enemies are really a threat. the winning strategy that works every time is to run around the arena mindlessly in a big circle and spam your favorite two weapons. having to be in the same area that long while wave after wave of demons spawn in gets pretty boring when it's so easy

even ultra nightmare is easy after map 3, but it's pretty fucking hard on map 1 and 2 since you don't have many upgrades or weapons and the arenas are more small and so you're forced to play smarter to deal with the multiple enemies in close proximity

the graphics are the best though

>they actually made the doom lore interesting
Ah, no they did not.

But yes, it's a good game with shit level design

>the graphics are the best though

This game's graphics don't get enough love. id tech 6 has got to be the best engine on the market right now. actually getting it to run on consoles at near-constant 60 fps while looking just a little worse than PC is a huge achievement


I agree, they've got a brilliant tech team right now. I'm hoping that we see other games run on id tech 6 soon

I've been playing this game and it runs fine (though I've put everything on lowest settings for best fps since some of my rig is kinda old), but the loading times are abhorrent. I've heard that getting an SSD helps this. I'm considering getting a modestly-sized SSD just to run games from, while having my HDD hold everything else. Would this be a viable setup, and would it actually make a difference?

Yes, and yes. Though in that case you should also put the OS on the SSD.

The whole intros can't be skipped unfortunatly, but everything else loads in 5 seconds max from SSD for me.

Sup Forums only likes 'comfy', easy to progress games with good customization.

Hence why the Souls series is seen as amazing despite it being to action rpg what Halo was/is to arena fps.

Original DooM had alot of sequences which more or less "Lockdown". TnT and Plutonia especially were full of them, not to mention the tons of .WADs that use this mechanic such as Scythe and the like. Try harder Senpai.

If you have to check the map then ur just retarded

It's kinda fun but I feel they wasted too much on gimmicks like the rune-trials, half the weapon mods, collectibles etc. They could have put that into seperate modes instead of incorporate it into the main story game.

Doom graphics are stunning

Do they have OSHA in hell, or why is there a "danger" warning on the gun?

I feel like it fleshes out the game and gives it a "modern" feel while not actually being important enough that it'll fuck your shit up if you don't use it

Pure default weapon runs are fun

Have you ever just been floored by how good a game looks, Sup Forums?
what I actually dont understand is if the preator suit was a hell creation and not standard military armor, why it has English letters and numbers

>Though in that case you should also put the OS on the SSD.
Thank you for bringing that up because it reminded me of something I'm fairly sure about but need to clarify just in case. In such a setup, would my SSD and HDD show up in the My Computer as icons like the HDD and various drives do now? I'm positive I'm confusing having multiple drives with having separate partitions, but better I make absolutely sure now than after I buy one.

May have been added later


>Have you ever just been floored by how good a game looks, Sup Forums?

Yeah, twice. GTA V back in 2013 (even on last gen lol) and then in 2016 with Doom

Am I the only person who thinks that Doom 2's level design was complete shit and inferior to 1 for that reason?

>Why the fuck was Sup Forums shitting on this ?
because it's casualized, even on ultra nightmare, has atrocious level design that is chock full of monster arenas that just lock you in and only spawn a small amount of enemies, MMO-tier highly telegraphed "boss fights" when the bosses should be regular enemies in numerous amounts in later levels, has weapon upgrades which are not a Doom feature, has sync kills that make you invulnerable while performing them, enemies drop health and ammo when killed, even more when killed with a chainsaw, which is an instantkill weapon that requires ammo (also not very doomlike)

i honestly cannot believe any original doom fan would like this game at all, especially when classic doom wads give you great stuff like pic related.

hell i have even seen okuplok post here from time to time, one of the most famous doom speedrunners/slaughter players, and he doesn't like it either.


As it stands, windows uses icons for partitions. But every drive that you use has at least one partition, so if you don't split a drive up, it'll just show up as the single partition that's the entire drive.

* Unnecesary weapons. The origibal ones were good enough
* Pinhata enemies
* Useless leveling up shit. Weapon upgrades? Totally unnnecesary.
* Not using real rock/metal songs, lost the oportunity to get Alice In Chains, Pantera and others to make the soundtrack.

That's it. Fun game, but FUCKING BETHESDA YOU FUCKING JEWS ruin the chance of an epic legendary game instead of a 'fun' game.

Groovy, thanks.

>Why the fuck was Sup Forums shitting on this ?
Because it's new and published by Bethesda

The ultimate mystery of this game is whether Doomguy tries to wipe off the mark on the praetor helmet at the start of the game (implying that it was never there before) or whether he just rubs it for no particular reason

I wonder what he thinks of the new Doom

>what I actually dont understand is if the preator suit was a hell creation and not standard military armor
my theory is that originally the praetor suit was not supposed to be a hell creation but they changed their minds mid-development. notably in the E3 presentation, all hell marks that you'll see on the helmet in the final game are not there. maybe doomguy was supposed to be a super marine originally or something and the praetor suit was what the UAC built for him

skip to 2:20

Probably glad someone made a good game with his shit franchise

>meanwhile hundreds of games with worse graphics get released with 30 fps max and constant drops

how can this industry be so full of incompetence?

No one cares loser. Lmao

I guess you went to the wrong threads, every thread that mentioned doom that I've been to praised it.

I was having a GREAT time with the game initially until I realised every level was this.

Spiderfags, not even once

>i honestly cannot believe anyone's opinion would differ from mine
Actual autism symptom, sorry user.

Well I assume he IS a marine since they hint at his original backstory. So That would mean he didnt have it at first. It doesnt really matter but since they hype up the suit as particularly badass compared to guards corpses everywhere its confusing. Also the helmet says F70 in that video, I wonder what the thought process is for putting those WARNING DANGER stuff everywhere

more like most devs dont spend want to spend a decade making a game, rebuilding it from the ground up over and over.

Yearly titles did this.
Instead of surprising the world with something new and original, why not just take the easy route and churn out the same thing but minor tweaks?
Also publishers.

Sup Forums hates what's popular.
my only real complains are lack of NG+, which should be obvious thing to have, and lack of SP DLC/expansions, instead all DLCs are for MP which is rather meh.

also D4T v2 just came out, in case you didn't hear

triggered much?

Doomworld hates it

As someone who likes the game:

-The level design is awful. It's like a mix between Painkiller and Doom 3--small but plentiful corridors of little significance connecting large battlefields where the majority of the game takes place. But even Painkiller's level design forced you to be more aware of your surroundings, whereas much of this game was so open that you'd never have an issue with your placement

-The upgrades, especially the Praetor tokens, are simply unnecessary. The game is entirely manageable without using a single one. A few of them add a little more variety, but they don't make a significant difference in how you play.

-Combat is made somewhat trivial due to, on top of the things mentioned above, glory kills and the fact that the game showers you with health once you're in any danger. I don't have a problem with the glory kills in concept, but the fact that you're invincible during them and the game is designed in a way that expects you to do them for health.

more like most devs dont want to spend any time making games because theyre all on Sup Forums shitposting

>Why the fuck was Sup Forums shitting on this ?

Are you fucking kidding me? Sup Forums cant stop sucking its overrated cock constantly.

one thing that pisses me with no end, is that you can't disable introduction cutscenes for new monster even when replaying level. That thing should be optional to begin with!

>Doomworld hates it
Tell me again who cares? It IS popular. That some autists don't like it is hardly an argument against that.

from doom wiki and in game logs
>The suit is told to have been given to the Doom Marine by an entity only referred to as "the wretch". While the demons' scriptures claim that the armor was made in hell, closer examination reveals english text and even logos for human manufactures, suggesting the armor was actually made on Earth.
the game's text files claims that no one knows how to activate it, which should be BS if the UAC really did make it, so I think it's true that someone from Hell made it but this wasn't always the story for the game and id just didn't change the English text on the suit for some reason after they changed (?) the story. We may never know for sure

Are you seriously complaining about that? They're like 5 seconds long max and only a few monsters in the game have them

It bums me out that so many people hated the multiplayer because I thought it was pretty fun. Yeah it's a bit bland and repetitive, but I always had a good time with it.

Maybe it's human-made, but demon-modified?

because the Cyberdemon is a manmade creation. They took a reanimated dead demon and hooked it up with a bunch of shit thinking they could control it as a living weapon. Surprisingly, it didn't work out as planned.

It becomes really obvious early on how much this game insists upon itself. In retrospect it makes a lot of sense that you can't skip the developer logos.

I though it was funny how the game starts with Doomguy punching monitors some dude is using to try to talk to him for plot introduction, but the game still stops you to force the plot down your throat anyway. It's like the devs wanted it to be cool by saying fuck-plot-kill-demons but were too fond of their own writing to let the game go without it.

>id tech 6 has got to be the best engine on the market right now.
>when a 10 hour corridor shooter takes up 80gb's of space

Yeah nope.

I think it's more likely that it was just regular power armor at some point that was modified by some entity in hell.

What doesn't Sup Forums shit on?


>Have you ever just been floored by how good a game looks, Sup Forums?
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Earth 2160 (shame about gameplay)
Far Cry
War Thunder
ArmA 3

One of the demon voice recordins uses the literal phrasing 'wrought in the fires of hell', which doesn't actually mean it was produced in hell- just that it was 'worked' in hell. Meaning it could be human technology that was modified, reverse-engineered, etc in hell.

This would make sense as the armor doesn't look anything like what else exists in hell or in the demons' arsenal (that isn't modified with UAC tech anyway).

What *most* likely happened, though, is that the story of the Doomguy and his equipment changed midway through development.

Regardless I think I like the current idea better than the alternative.

>muh precious HDD space

am I missing something? I have the shotgun and assualt rifles whose hotkeys are 2 & 4 respectively, is there a gun I missed?

Because the platforming is fucking awful and so is the pacing. Difficulty is all over the place too, either being too easy on normal or insanely difficult on hard.

I can not fucking wait until I finally get my GTX 1080 Ti so I can play it in 4k, holy shit

I think the plasma gun slots inbetween them, but I'm not sure you get them in order.

Triggered? You're the one who typed a novel. Also no one cares.

Trips speak the truth

The only negative point about this game is that the whole "Doom slayer hurr le killing hell over and over again le ancient demon-killer in a fucking far-future battle suit" was needless. I much prefer Doomguy being a nameless grunt stationed on mars for assaulting his superior.

i still want to go back and read the reviews for the open beta. when you have a game with the DOOM name and market it as a return to id multiplayer, you don't just make it a CoD/Halo 4 hybrid, and people were justifiably disappointed with what they played in the beta. Now on it's own merit, the multiplayer is pretty good, but the negativity surrounding the MP came from the open beta and that negativity has stuck around

Secret Plasma Rifle. It's in the same level where you find the Assault Rifle.

cool. i guess his hair isn't visible/wasn't modeled?

break flow and look cringy as fuck.
But I can't stand Brutal Doom or Guncaster, so maybe I'm just autistic.

>this game takes up an unnecessary amount of space but I have plenty of space so it's okay

>this antique costs a ridiculous amount of money but I can afford it so I'll buy it

fuck. If I replay a level and get the gun do I lose all my progress

No, it's ok. All collectibles and level progression stays intact.

>Why the fuck was Sup Forums shitting on this ?
Because there's a lot of doom purists that will get angry at it because it's not exactly like doom
It's not perfect, there's probably too many arenas in the game and exposition that doesn't need to lock the player in, but it does a lot of things well and it's a fine way to reintroduce an old franchise to modern conventions.

Drive space is cheap, textures are large, not compressing them leads to better performance. You still have to pay the cost somewhere, and I'd rather pay it where I can throw in another drive for little cost.

thanks my man

i agree, doomguy shouldn't be connected with hell at that level, he should just be one of earth's forces fighting against hell's forces.

Love this game.

Maybe its demon made and humans...worked on it while doomguy slept. Thats the only thing that can connect the dots.

Its not saying "fuck plot" its explaining the character of doomguy not being fond of what he's being told by the monitor. Do people not understand the original Doom is beatable in just a few hours, and has levels beatable in a few minutes or less? When making something that needs to be long so people dont get pissed off with their modern standards, as well as an hour or so long level, but trying to retain the projectile based combat, you kinda need walky or talky sections for pacing reasons. Even Serious Sam does this, as to avoid the arenas being literal straight lines with nothing in between them. A scripted sequence assures the developer there will be at least that much time before the next frantic gameplay moment. The problem is it only works one time and is annoying on replays but, yeah. They are still used sparingly and dont make up a third of the game like they would in a more COD styled FPS.

because muh nuhstaljuh

>When making something that needs to be long so people dont get pissed off with their modern standards
>mondern standards

>its explaining the character of doomguy not being fond of what he's being told by the monitor
Then why doesn't he punch the monitor when the same thing happens in later parts of the game?

But that's what he is.
The demons just turned it into edgy lore because they're demons.

His backstory clearly implies that ID was visiting doom threads on Sup Forums. No one sane would think "he was so badass he went to hell and conquered it" can be used as actual plot

Yeah wasn't modeled

For me he'll always be the nameless grunt sucking dust and watching restricted flicks in the rec room

The arena shit is annoying but I liked it overall. Hopefully the sequel gets rid of those

From a landscape shot and in 4k GTA V on PC looks like real life.

Yes user, people complain when a game comes out, costs $60, and is beatable in five hours. Doom was also a shareware title, which isn't a thing games do anymore. Hitman tried being episodic, had deep gameplay, and no one cared about it

Because it was the first one he saw after being asleep for a long time, he was cranky. He punches other things he's told not to.

other theory is that he recognised Hayden's voice, and knows he's full of shit. When Hayden says "we did it for good of humanity", Doomguy looks down on corpse and punches monitor in disgust