Reminder that this happened

Reminder that this happened.

Was there a Third Impact in starcraft?

Fuck you I'm still mad

I wasn't expecting anything better after HotS.

Entire SC2 story is a joke and tonally all over the place compared to the first game. They put in excellent production values but that's about it.

This. Nothing but shitty cliches and shitting on what made the original/BW's story great

No it didn't.

SC2 never happened.

I refuse to believe.

What was it that made the original great that SC2 shits on?
I haven't played the games, seriously curious because I have a vague idea of the lore by a couple friends, but can't seem to make any sense of it.

Are there factions within each race?
Are there power levels, as op's pic implies?

Literally Super Saiyan of SC2

Long story short: SC1 had a charming sci fi plot, admittedly with many clichés as well but at the very least it was a comfy story with characters that had motivations, and dealt with each other logically.

SC2's story is your tipical Hollywood movie mess, where everything is done for the sake of being spectacular and movie-like, and the spark of life of SC1 is completely gone.

>original SC
Space rednecks just trying to survive while asshole aliens wage a war against xenocidal insect aliens who exist to consume around them.

>I'll see you dead for this, Kerrigan. For Fenix and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power! It may not be tomorrow, darlin'. It may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured: I'm the man who's going to kill you some day. I'll be seein' you."

>I miss u bby, lemme tap dat ass, i missed you soooooo much.

SC1 was gritty as fuck. Almost every CG cutscene featured people dying horribly, whether it was Terrans getting mutilated by Zerg in a dark abandoned spaceship like something right out of Alien, Dragoons ambushing a Terran outpost.

Thanks man!

Yeah I was so fascinated by all the gory stuff when I was young

>People can't change their mind
>especially when they say something in the heat of the moment

I liked Starcraft when it was just a space war between factions of each race, and it wasn't just 3 games foreboding AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS, and saving the universe plot

Metzen, pls go and stay go.

I just installed SC2 + expansions to get all of the achievements; university is over and no fucking way am I going outside in 125 degrees in the shade.

Why would he change his mind?

yeah, he had a sorta fling with Kerrigan in SC1, but it was short lived.

Then she killed a fuckton of people, killed Phoenix and continued on a quest for carnage.

What happened between Raynor vowing revenge to SC2 to get him to forgive her?

Reminder that this happened.

His name is Fenix.

Raynor committed suicide in the end, right?

same. blizz was supposed to make warhammer and 40k games, but gw said no. so they ended up w/ warcraft and starcraft. just 3 races fighting each other and giving 0 fucks about each other. then everything goes fan fiction.

I never played starcraft is this the Fenix everyone talks about?

It's a real bummer. I think the clincher is they just completely oversold Kerrigan. She was a big deal in SC1, sure, but at the end of it she was just meant to be a powerful agent of the Overmind to give the Zerg the edge to defeat the Protoss.

Her trauma from being abandoned by Mengsk coupled with alien brainwashing and mutation turned her into an arrogant and irredeemable psychopath who was powerful enough to take over from the Overmind after he was killed by Tassadar. That's it.

But then in SC2, Raynor's sudden guilt and Zeratul's tidings of DOOOOOOOOM made Sarah out as if she dindu nuffin and she's now Space Jesus. Of course, the story became a Sophomoric garbage pile because of it. The end result of course being the OP image.

No, that's Sarah Kerrigan, who is racefluid. She changes her race almost every day, better respect her pronouns, shitlord.

How did Starcraft become normie plebshit?

sup my boy Raynor did you hear about tidings of doom

Activis-I mean Blizzard seeking a wider audience for a dying genre.

Blizzad games are always been popular. The catch is that before video games weren't that mainstream, so normies ignored them.

I went to the midnight release of SC2 in Irvine CA. I was so hype for this game after all those years of waiting. Then in the end you shoot Tychus to save your alien waifu and it was all over.

But I didn't use any pronouns

Well, see, he had to save his waifu because she's space jesus because Zeratul said so.

They just fucking ignored brood war.

That's only reasonable explanation.