The open beta is on for the entire weekend boys.
What do you think of the game?
The open beta is on for the entire weekend boys.
What do you think of the game?
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Shills get the fuck out
>discussing video games is "shilling"
Thank you for making me aware of this
Played the first game for some hours
It's aight for me, RO2 looks fun
>the open beta is literally fucking free
hey summer please leave
>Implying it isn't
Like i said, fuck off.
you can't shill a free product you actual fucking retard
stop posting any time
>The final product is free
it's not shilling it's a free weekend.
>the thread is about the open beta weekend
learn to read dude you're stumbling all over yourself
why is /v so shit today? I just wanna talk about the game too...
>pick up m60 as pointman
>smoke out bunker then put 100 rounds of real fuckin' nato through the windows
I got one kill but I guarantee you I caused some major psychological damage to all the gooks.
are you me? I did the same shit, felt like I was animal mother
And people are shilling it so Tripjew gets more money from actual sales aka SHILLING. Stop moving the goalposts you mong.
>install game
>hit play
>no servers
Bugs like these are always a good sign, amirite?
Spoonfeed me on how the radio works.
Also why the fuck SL now has a purple smoke AND binoculars?
>tripjew gets more money from actual sales
its a good thing the beta is free you mong
actually kill yourself my dude youre hopeless
It's ass tbqh
Rather go back to Rising Storm.
How's the optimization tho?
>guy is spamming the mic with memes all game
>can't communicate worth shit
>always lose when this happens
>try to votekick
>nobody votes
>switch teams
>get votekicked
community is the most cancerous cancer that ever cancered
not bad. it was weird though, after i installed it it had really bad microstuttering that made it unplayable even on the lowest settings. I restarted and then it was fine and I could put everything on ultra, turn off all the light rays/motion blur/bloom, and it ran a solid 60 fps on my 970.
Is that you cheese?
I keep getting retards using all chat as their personal blog. No meme-spouters yet.
funny thing, if you lower the graphic settings you get worse performance, "ultra" setting has the least stuttering for me for some reason
is it just me or landing huey is almost impossible?
why is control so fuck?
or maybe Im just too used to BF's helo control
I think the purple smoke acts just like a SL mark that you throw instead of using the binoculars.
Not too sure why you'd use that over the original way but you can.
It's like RO2 but with no atmosphere and with more bug
The funny thing is if this was a game Sup Forums doesn't like people would be agreeing with you (like PUBG)
>no atmosphere
waddaya mean? the jungle's atmospheric as fuck, especially with the music
>more bug
I dunno about that. Never forgetti RO2 release.
100% with you on the lack of atmosphere. It's just not the same...
Anyone know if Day of Infamy is any good/alive? I need a new WWII MP shooter.
It's pretty fucking shit.
Thank god I got to try before I buy, because now I'm not going to buy.
Anyone who likes videogames is a subhuman shill who needs to get back to r*ddit
it's kind of dead but has a very dedicated base. it's worth hopping on imo.
You can drop an SL mark regularly too, at least on the RO2 control scheme
>kind of dead
well shit. Looking at the steam stats for it and it's not looking great. 1400 player all time peak is ridiculous. But it seems to be somewhat stable. Still, only a few more players than RO2 and that's because most RO2 players are probably playing RS2.
Opinion after 10 hrs of playing it
Its a new settings for Rising Storm so it makes the game feel fresh and new again
Graphics are pretty good and game runs well even on a semi-toaster
Customizing your own character is pretty cool
Net code is shit
Balance is fucked (Currently a 70% winrate on america and 40% on vietcongs)
Nearly every single map looks exactly the same
Helicopters pilot like shit
snipers are just too strong, every game I've been in top fragger is usually a sniper (excluding commanders)
I won't be buying it, but its fun to fuck around in. Maybe if it goes on sale during winter and people are still playing it.
marking grenade is there so he doesnt need to stand up and get shot in the face
Not enough weapon variety
At least 2 of the maps are complete shit
Really hope there's more of everything at release and this isn't the full game.
Anyone else having severely long wait times for joining and leaving matches? It is a memory leak?
it's only $20
>net code is shit
What? I can be on a server with 200 ping and it's perfectly fine
When does the 25% discount offer end? After the beta ends?
When the game releases supposedly.
I can't see the purpose of it. It's not like you can throw it far enough to get a good mark since the artillery radius is even larger than RO2/RS
Just buy it on kinguin it's like 12 dollars
I've poured over 60 hours into the beta already, went ahead and just bought the game lmao
Tell that to the FFXIV general
Does anyone know if those are actual keys or beta keys? I find it REALLY suspicious for the full game to be that cheap before release.
you can throw it like 30 meters dude they made it where greandes don't flop out of your hand like a limp dick anymore
It's not noticeable most the time since long range combat is who shoots first wins. But if you do close range engagements you can see how bad it can be at times.
Also the kill feed is broken to hell. Multiple times I didn't realize I had gotten kills cause they never showed up but when I checked the scoreboard it showed I got them.
Full game I bought it last beta and it's the full digital deluxe game
Even if you could throw it 60 meters you'd still get caught by friendly arty
so fucking walk away from the arty mark
jesus dude you're making this so much more complicated than needed
how are snipers too strong ? they only have a scope
scope makes all the difference when it mainly comes down to who sees who first.
this. fuck this game.
is there bullet drop like in my GOTYAY, PUBG?
There's realistic bullet drop
It's always been that way in Red Orchestra/Real life. Sniper are a form of attrition, both teams have them.
>awful map design
>shitty fucked up casual UI
>shitty fucked up in-game commentary/voices
>weapons sound like shit
>the only improvement from RO2 is character customization
I might be but in roughly 2k hours playing RO games, I don't think I've ever been in a situation where I wanted to place an inaccurate marker ~30m away from me without peeking my head out and then turn and walk away. Maybe it could be okay when retreating from a cap point but there aren't currently any territory maps where the US is on defense. Even then it's still easier to just press F+right mouse.
meh i disagree i'm easily in the 30-40 kills and i just don't play with scopes
sniper are only useful to pick out loner or flankers honestly imo
I liked it, I've never played a RO/RS game before so I cant give my full opinions, but it was fun, should I play RO1/2 first? or with this one I'm good?
You'll definitely miss out on the story, RO1/RO2 cover the 1940's and this one is in the 1960's. There's a lot of lore you can read up on as well.
1 well placed sniper is all it takes to defend a point against a small group.
Last game it took us 5 minutes to realize one was on top of a water tower because our screens were blurry from suppresive fire.
hmph, what a joke
>playing Hue City like always
>waiting to spawn 15 seconds
>timer reaches 0
>waiting to spawn 30 seconds
>finally spawn
great game, brah
alright, what about RS1? and also, should I play 1 or 2?
>casual UI
There is no UI, just a select fire icon and a light magazine indicator.
They're multiplayer only games that follow the same basic formula.
Ostfront is pretty old now, so i'd say at most try RO2 if you're into WWII, because it's fucking great.
But you don't meed to have played the other games, that's for sure.
The majority of the RO1 community moved to RO2 years ago. It's a bit of a shame since there were a lot of great RO1 mods that will never be played again. You'll find some Russians playing Ostfront (vanilla) and there's still people playing Darkest Hour (most popular RO1 mod) but the only populated server is run by the 29th fucking asshole division.
I imagine most RO2 players will migrate to RS2. You can play it if you want, there's always at least one active NA or EU server and it's more polished and offers more content than RS2 does currently.
>no dedicated "GI GO HOME" button for VC
Also if you don't use the AKM when using an AK you're a faggot.
Jesus christ man.
Yeah they are all important.
The basic rundown is that there is an international financial clique compromised mostly of jews. These jews funded and organized communism and various post modern movements, resulting in the third reich. America and Britain were bullied by these jews into a massive, scathing war. First games have a bad end, Hitler loses. In this new one, the communist threat persists, now America is fighting it while also being controlled by the ZOG.
It's pretty cool. There's some books on it too, I recommend Mein Kampf.
I really do like all the Vietcong traps, especially tripwire. American claymores seem kind of useless since you need to babysit the thing to blow it up.
RO1 is really old, people mostly stopped playing it 15 years ago to play a mod an even more hardcore mod called "Darkest Hour".
RO2 is ok. RS1 is probably the most active but don't expect 64 player servers like RS2.
>tfw found prime camping spots on cu Chi and get to BTFO amerifatties all day with an MG
how do you lay the spike trap down anyway
there is nothing like killing 2+ people with well place trip wire
claymore don't explode automatically ?
bf1 is better and actually requires skill
Why the fuck do you cry so much about scopes? I literally been killed by them like one or two times in an entire round, they are just 2 niggers per team ffs
give me a quick rundown of the RO1/2 lore
thanks lads, I guess I'll just play this one and grab the other ones on sale, also is there any official spic server? because as of now every server is from the US or Europe
what's wrong?
>STEAM is required to play the game
What does it mean? It shows me this message when i try to launch the game with steam...
T to toggle ui son.
>American claymores seem kind of useless
It really is. Or at best, it's very situational.
Is there even a dedicated button to make it go off or do you have to equip the detonator?
Equip it, aim at the ground until the white ghost is on the right place and hold M1, then repeat for the other stick.
Playing a grunt just isn't fun. Meat Grinder: the class
is that supposed to be impressive?
I just did bud
You can go all the way back to Marx and even the Old Testament if you want the real OG lore.
>Not killing Cu Chi water tower sniper almost instantly
holy fuck literally git gud or simply get a brain you mouthbreathing retard
>is that supposed to be impressive?
impressive for you grandpa :^)
since you were one of those noobs who died
I convulsed around a trench waving my shovel for 10 seconds trying to plant a trap until a teammate saw me with my back to the American point and shot me.
dem ragdolls
>tfw enemies are retarded and i sit ont he water tower with ah MG and mow down americunts
>Lose F anyway
>still on the tower
>just start mowing them down from behind as they attacking G