Coworker asks what your favorite game is

>coworker asks what your favorite game is

>"Never heard of it."

>"Ninja Gaiden Black"
>"Never heard of it"
>I bring it when we hang after work
>they can't even beat Murai

>hanging with people

I could hang myself, but there's too many video games to play.

>"I don't play a lot of games"
>"Oh ok"

There, problem solved. Don't reveal your interests to other people

>"don't really know much about it"
>you should try it sometime
>"tried demo, didn't like it"
>you have to give it time
>Generations comes out
>"podcast keeps mentioning it, giving it praise"
>I like it, give it a shot
>"watching streams, starting to understand a bit"
>"gave generations demo a shot, starting to get it"
>"bought generations, can't put it down"

went pretty well all in all.

>"Tales of The Abyss."
>"You mean Symphonia?"

>Don't reveal your interests to other people

Then what the fuck am I supposed to talk about? My interests are all I have

>"Super Robot Wars"
>"Which one"

>"Dwarf Fortress"

>Work with a bunch of middle aged women
Priblem avoided

Just pretend you like mainstream garbage unless they reveal what they actually like.

If you revealed what you like and they judge you because of it, then you lost.

More like
>"Isnt that the show with Craig Charles in it?"

Been meaning to get into that shit. Give me some recommendations on where to start.

>"Monster Girl Quest, here let me show you some game play videos"
>"Oh uh looks cool man"
>shunned forever


me on top

>tfw you convinced all the guys in your office that owns a ps4 to get Persona 5
>they all picked the teacher to fug
>they now want to play other SMT games

Just say you like Dark Souls. It's the new standard. Casuals will remark how hard it is, but they still respect it. The hardcore will know there are better games, but they still respect it.

>cue awkward silence
>"Cher- Cha- Sherdow of Chernobyl"
>commence awkward silence

Very fast principal stretching calf at incredibly high speed

>Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
>Oh the one that's like Skyrim?

>ask cashier gamur girl for guilty gear xrd
>confused face, obviously has fucking clue what I'm talking about
>turn 360 degrees and walk away

>picking the worst girl.
She's good to do my laundry and shit but to love she's the worst.

"I don't know, but I'm currently playing *game*"
Unless it's Pro Evolution Soccer, FIFA, Heroes of Might and Magic or League of Legends, they probably don't know it anyway.

>what's your favorite game.
Solitare on my mobile phone.

>Gothic 2
>never heard of it
so many plebs out in the wild

>>turn 360 degrees and walk away
You mean 180, retard, you'd still be facing her

>say normiewatch to try to relate
>he's too trash at even that to play anything other than easy vs ai

>being a newfag

Pretty much, over hyped normie trash

>Coworkers are all too old to ever have cared about video games

>Known by normies
Maybe if you live in eastern Europe

>commenting on the obvious meme instead of the fact that someone would walk away from a cashier with A COMPUTER TO LOOK THINGS UP because she hadn't heard of something

V is the newest, has an English translation and physical release, and has lots of fanservice goodness but also has dlc jewery and its gameplay is not nearly the best the series offers besides a few QoL improvements.

J is a lot older and for the GBA but has a fan translation, and some fan favorite OCs. Easy to emulate too.

If you're in it for gameplay and not fanservice, Moon Dwellers has a poor but understandable translation and pretty gud gameplay. But it's like the fourth game in the series and you'd need to play the much older and dated OG1 and OG2 to get the gist of what is going on.

And Z1 is generally considered the absolute best of the whole series but isn't in English at all, to understand the plot you'll need to read along with the (completed and admittedly good) LP thats been archived.

Beyond that, just pick a game with a roster you like and check the general on /m/ to see if there's any translation.

>say anything that didn't come out in the past 2 years
>"but that game's so old, why would you still play that?"
>or the classic "never heard of it"
>but then you meet that one nigga that says something crazy like Seiken Densetsu 3

Now he's going to have expectations for the series that will never be met since MHX is an anniversary game and borderline spin-off.
He's going to be wondering why his epic anime moves aren't in MH5.


>mention dorf fortress or monster hunter
>they never ask me again

user pls

For some reason, I feel you guys are lying

Not true, coworkers have looked at me funny and said
>how can you beat that game? It's way to hard unless you spend all your free time playing video games...
All it does is mark you as a loser that plays games all day, I only know 1 person that beat Dark Souls at my job, and even he never played Bloodborne.

>coworker asks what your favourite weebshit is

Oh shit I didn't ever think of looking on /m/ for this shit. Thanks user! I love these kinds of games and big robutts but because of the sparse state of the translations for this series I've never been able to get into them.

In early 2000's, people played like 5 games. Heroes III was one of them.
I live in Israel so you weren't far off.

Probably OG1 (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong)
also check srwg for more info

>coworker talks to you

It's a good starting point but its gameplay is REALLY barebones, and the animations are all but non-existent if you aren't Kyosuke.

well, what is it?

>"It's not as hard as it's advertised."
There you go.

Is this a Green Eggs and Ham reference?

does it suck having terrible taste?

>Resident Evil 4
>Oh, cool game man
>Yea, knife or rocketlauncher only is pretty fun

True story

Your fault for divulging what you do on your spare time. You gave them an advantage. Prepare to get fucked. You wanted to get fucked.


My german coworker hadn't heard of it. What a pleb.

>Not lying and saying FIFA or Madden 20xx
ITT: Fucking failed normies. You know how us autists are taking over? Fucking hiding our PLs and mimicking what normal faggots do.

that's a loser excuse

love too have paranoid schizophrenia

>New Vegas
>"I thought it was much worse than 3"

Custom Maid 3D 2

Speak English.


No coworkers, but a lot of my uni classmates and dormmates know I'm really big on fighting games. Even did a presentation on BlazBlue at the suggestion of one of my friends.

>at work
>coworkers are all total normies
>king of normies suddenly starts talking about how Shenmue is the best game ever made

>"Oh, is that that one game with guns?"

You would be surprised, persona is a pretty casual series.

>presenting anything vidya related
Why. Like, what would be the fucking point. What could ANYONE get out of it.

>violated heroine
>mfw its an actual well tailored game
>mfw no face

>tfw all the people I know are either playing LoL or MMOs, while the rest are playing COD and Fifa

I can find people who watch different movies from the fucking 40s to international ones, but never anything about vidya

Why is that?

This is a really sad picture, and I'm no fan of Hitler.

All of my coworkers are turbo normies or older adults so I'm saved from questions like this.

But what if I like SotFS more?

>giving a fuck if people judge you

"Monster Hunter"
>"What's that game about?"

>guy I'm talking too says he likes video games
>ask him what games he plays
>gives a vague, generic response like "pretty much any game"
>realize that he probably has good taste in vidya but he's too embarrassed to tell anyone because I do the same thing

I think you're just imagining some autist in a sonic outfit listing their favorite characters.

You could talk a great deal about animation or sound design from fighting games alone, there's plenty of relevant things you can present about vidya in a class.

>NV was too buggy and boring
>the world and story wasn't as good as FO3's

>People too ashamed of the games they play to talk about them with other people
Is this actually a thing? What kind of sissy ass motherfucker thinks this way?

Monster Hunter is a pretty good answer for me.
>what's it about?
>you hunt monsters
Always gets a laugh or two.

Your problems are just beginning im afraid

i met a guy at a fighting game tournament that also liked SRW

My personal life isn't your business. Literally simple as that. Coworkers are for work and maybe bullshit conversations. Anything more is grounds for a face pounding.

I`d answer "recent or all-time favourite"?

Recent I`d say XCOM 2.

All-time would be harder, probably Diablo 2 or Heroes of Might and Magic 3.

You are a fucking autist, like medical grade autistm

See... Here's the mistake you're making right now: Assuming that the distinction matters to them. It doesn't. It matter to *you*. If they don't care enough to dig for more information, then don't be so eager to hoist it upon them. Just say you like Dark Souls 2.

It was fun to make, our teacher was a huge gaming guy, a friend of mine specifically requested it (I was going to talk about Queen originally), and since it was a test of our presentation skills and English speaking abilities (English being a foreign language for us, I'm a eurofag), we could talk about literally anything. Mine wasn't even the most "out there" one. People actually seemed somewhat interested, much to my surprise.

>Mimicking what normal faggots do
Why in the fuck would I want to mimic normalfags? They annoy me enough as is, I'd rather just be my usual self and have them stay away from me

Just say JoJo and that you read the manga.

>Anything more is grounds for a face pounding.

Imagine being such an insecure little pansy that you have to talk tough because you can't even handle talking about the video games you play with other people

Don't know who you think you're fooling, kiddo, but it ain't me.

>Living in university owned apartments
>There's a common area near the leasing office
>It has a T.V. and an xbox
>Walk in one day because I'm checking it out
>Some guy is playing Arkham Asylum on the T.V.
>Ask if it's fun, intending to be a quick little "hello"
>He says it is, that it's his favorite game
>But it was not cool
>This autist traps me into a 20 minute conversation about the game, autistically explaining all the boss fights and challenges and Riddler clues
>I just say "nice" and nod my head to whatever he's saying
>Asks if I want to play
>Turn him down, say I gotta go

I do not understand these people. Do they think that people are interested in a 20 minute walkthrough of the game and its many facets? Can they not see the pain on other people's faces when they do shit like this?

I swear to god

If the statement you make can't get you into political office, it isn't worth saying.

They are co-workers, not family, not friends. Say something to make the cunt happy and help them move along.

You really want me to say "Ar Nosurge" and then try to explain that it's about 7dimensional self-insert robot that gets to marry a waifu with singing superpowers?

>Deus Ex
>"Oh, you mean the Square Enix game"?
Guess I'm glad the series is at least getting slightly more recognition now.



Sure, why not? I've told co-workers about the Neptunia series before. You don't have to go into detail, just give a brief description of the game and move on to another topic

fucking autists I swear

>Just be yourself
>Im just "keeping it real"

Leave that mindset to women and Fagbookers. Never show all of your cards. If it doesn't benefit you, don't announce it.

>Trump shakes a hand then invites foreigners in to the country to beat up his citizens on their own soil.

>turn 360 degrees
>and walk away