Why didn't the chosen undead just fly on the giant crow to the kiln of the first flame?
Why didn't the chosen undead just fly on the giant crow to the kiln of the first flame?
Because then it wouldn't have been much of an adventure.
The objective was to kill Gwyn and link the fire, not have an adventure though.
He also wouldn't be strong enough to take on Gwyn straight out of the undead asylum.
because the crow only travels between it's 2 nests.
not true
Because crows dont have steering wheels.
He/she had to get to be as strong as the Lords themselves by consuming vast numbers of souls before they could have the strength to defeat Gwyn and potentially kindle the flame
but you dont have to consume them
literally just dont level up and you will face gwyn as if you just left asylum
People have beat Gwyn naked at SL1, plus if enough weak undead swarmed him, they'd eventually wear him down.
Why dont you just kill yourself ?
Skip life, skip adventure.
Kiln is inaccessible without the Souls. Question should be why didnt the CU go straight to Anor Londo.
you give the souls to the lordvessel to open the gate
not to make you stronger
have you even played the game?
Why didn't the Bearer of the Curse just step over this?
I never said they make you stronger.
Wherever the Kiln is, it isn't underground, just look at the sky. No reason the crow couldn't just fly there.
I dont remember the Kiln having a ceiling, you can probably fly in.
It appears to be in another dimension, hence the white spirit stairway and geography not adding up otherwise.
Because the entire point was to collect enough soul power to reignite the first flame. That's why you grab the lord souls.
The Abyss Watchers show that a group of weaker undead can link the fire together actually, so that gives more weight to the idea.
ITT: What are projectiles?
what are projectiles?