What games are, in your opinion, timeless?

What games are, in your opinion, timeless?

i.e. they've withstood the onslaught of new hardware, evolution in gameplay mechanics, and general graphical improvements.

Whether it was released in '88 or '01, what are some timeless games that are still fun to this day Sup Forums?

Starting with an obvious one.

Other urls found in this thread:



I feel this is the oldest game that will always be relevant for what it is and not just what it inspired or set the stage for

That said, I respect the kind of e-sports that now surround Pac-Man or Donkey Kong but the appeal there is VERY narrow

I never understood the notion of games 'aging'
Why shouldn't someone play XCOM or Half-Life in 2100?

Pic related will always be the greatest RPG to ever be made. Ask me again in 50 years and I doubt that will have changed.

Great choice, picked this up on the 3DS e-store and it's still amazing.

It's so fucking deep

>they've withstood the onslaught of new hardware, evolution in gameplay mechanics, and general graphical improvements.
>old rts
>especially sc1
yeah, nah

Sometimes mechanical limitations are so great that a game can be revolutionary when it comes out but be so thoroughly surpassed by it's successors that it's no longer relevant and objectively superior alternatives exist

I agree with everything in the thread.

was gonna post for JA2
was also gonna post for X-Com

was also gonna post for UT99 and quake 3.

Am I banned?

I think the reasoning behind it is the same as the whole "Seinfeld Isn't Funny" trope (tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SeinfeldIsUnfunny) where people go back to play classic games for the first time after being brought up on the games that were inspired by the classics.

The result is usually "why would I play Half-Life when I can play X modern shooter that was directly inspired by Half-Life but has better graphics, not to mention all my friends are playing it"

> Ctrl+f
> Doom
> 0 results

Save for multiple elevations that game has it all

Considering that SC1 still looks fantastic and unique while SC2 like cartoony mess, I tend to agree with OP

I see it more as a game could have a flaw so glaring that it makes it less enjoyable now that you're aware of it because of it's absence in other games

Like how as much as everyone loves Ocarina of Time does any installment after it have this fucking asshole after every dungeon, or the necessity to open the start menu every 5 seconds to equip/unequip your Iron Boots, or an inexplicable sequence where you watch an obese fish man slowly shift to the left for 90 seconds?

Thief 2

I love the isometric-esque style that most older games adapted and I think majority of them still look great today, They hold up much better over time than the old 3d games.

Almost every Mario game is still fun. Simple mechanics and graphics that don't attempt to be realistic because what's top of the line today will look terrible tomorrow

Eh. What keeps Doom relevant, even the original episodes, is that the presentation evolves as time goes by. I can't imagine many people play it in it's "original context" anymore, as in a tiny grainy keyboard-only software rendered postage stamp window

>the most perfectly balanced RTS ever made
>a 20 year old game with an active competitive scene
>Shifted RTS games from being Dune clones to being Starcraft clones
>literally free

It's an historic work of art, nothing less

Go to /vr/ and post that out loud.
Even I play like that on my toaster laptop.

Star Fox 64
Silent Hill 2
Diablo 2
Donkey Kong Country 2

On that note though, Starcraft and Warcraft 3 basically murdered Warcraft 2 in spite of it being a 10/10 game itself when it was released

>Donkey Kong Country game
>not aged

t b h as great as WCII was WCIII improved on it in every way imaginable

Chrono Trigger

as much as i hate the fandom that embraced it, the fact that a tiny 4-5 hour game thrown in with TF2 and HL2 ep.2 has had such an impact is nuts.

it might be a great game but it's old and aged
current tech would let rts games have great features like
>dynamically changing terrain
>projectile physics
>units that don't just stand in one place and shoot as default way of fighting

but no, even the new rts games try to "go back to the roots" or whatever stupid shit they think will sell and fail hard as fuck
look at Grey Goo, where the fuck it is now?
there's also DoW3 but that just a simple trainwreck

WCII = extremely boring, there are few meaningful distinctions between the races and it is obsolete.

Fastest speed campaign is really fun.

>cartoony mess
Are you blind or just retarded?

I tried to get into this recently.

I might be spoilt by modern games but the UI was very unintuitive and I couldn't wrap my head around the 30+ hotkeys needed to play it.

>4-5 hour game

My game desu

This works for pretty much every classic TBS, the games were made to be played with the manual at your side and you either have two displays or pray dosbox or whatever it is that runs these games to not shit itself between incessant alt-tabbing


super metroid

Still the greatest 2D Action RPG of all time.

The fact that it spawned those excellent DS games is a nice bonus.

those are features that sound good, but don't actualy make the game better. plenty of newer rts have even had them, but none of them were better than starcraft.

>dynamically changing terrain
>projectile physics
>units that don't just stand in one place and shoot as default way of fighting
And it makes the game more fun, how?
Moar technology =/= better game
People still play chess and poker, not to mention 40K and D&D autists and their toys, it's almost like core gameplay is far more important than random bells and whistles

Sounds like you prefer cosmetic changes over good gameplay but okay

As great as Warcraft3 is I didn't like the RPG elements they added in.
The game became too focused on heroes.

the economical changes had more of an effect

tax above 50 supply meant 80% of pro strategy is about making the best 50 food army possible

The thing about SC1 is that the one thing that makes SC1 bad is also what makes it good. The core unit pathing in the game is garbage, and you had to fight with your units to get them to do what you wanted. On top of that the limited units per grouping (I don't remember if you even could put buildings in control groups, though I know you couldn't select multiple buildings.) Makes controlling your army really difficult, before you even get into the macro portion of the game.

literally the most worst case of nostalgia ever, i bought this game a few years ago and even with that huge fanmade mod/patch it was still trash
combat was ass, no custom characters and the only interesting person in the game was the crazy malk bitch who you never see again after chapter 1.

I guess that's your opinion then.
Mine is that games like Zero-K, SupCom and MoW are much better than any older rts games.
Not saying they are bad tho, I still play RoN and AoM with friends, but it's clearly visible every time how old they are.

The big ass shot of the end game unit gets blocked by the swarm of fighter jets
Also in SupCom there's a tactic to use the Czar(giant flying saucer) to block nukes by flying over the spot it would land. It will kill the Czar and make it drop down on stuff below it, killing them, but the nuke's blast would kill much more in the area below.

Then there's Zero-K full of stuff like this. Terraforming the big slow enemy walker into a pit so it gets stuck, or you Commander for cover. Gauss turret shots can bounce off things, sou manual firing at the ground would fire a bit further than the default range.
Terraforming a ramp and using grav push turrets to launch suicide bombing units over the enemy. Using transports for said suicide bomber units and even if the trans is shot down the unit would still retain the momentum and land further forward.

>alleria got human dicked JUST like all her sisters
elven women love human cock

Great to see someone else appreciating JA2. One of my all-time favorites as well.

Stop you are making me want to re-install SupCom. Never played against people, but god to I have a boner for huge formations of units. Also had some of the best Air and Naval combat in any RTS

As a devout brood war fan, this.

Dragoons especially are fucking retarded

>combat was ass
>no custom characters
>Malk bitch is only interesting character

Why do you openly confess to never playing the game like this?

>they've withstood the onslaught of new hardware
OP pic doesn't count because it's a nightmare to run on new computers
I can't wait for blizzard to somehow fuck up the remake

Yeah, but in my eyes all that is related to the RPG elements they added.
If they reduced the supply to 100 from the 200 W2 had and added the supply-based taxes was to keep the armies as small as possible so heroes and spellcasters become as important as possible.

you can download the original from blizzard for free. As far as I know it works fine. Works on my machineā„¢

This is why Starcraft was so much more successful than any other RTS. It's a game of skill more than strategy. RTS is fairly shallow as a game design no matter how you try to spice it up, it just doesn't have the potential on its own for deep strategy or long-lasting appeal. If you remove the unit limits and awkward pathfinding from Starcraft, you remove the skill-based unit manipulation that forms the core of the game's depth and it becomes indistinguishable from any other RTS.

there's plenty of strategy though. you have to actually understand the game for it though.

Oddly enough the new version doesn't work at all on my shitbox, it requires OpenGL levels this ancient ATI card could never dream of.

Kind of retarded for a game designed to run on a Pentium 133 in the first place.


X-com 1 and terror from the deep
master of orion 2
star control 2
Homeworld 1 and Homeworld cataclysm
Doom 1 and 2
Dungeon Keeper 2
Alpha Centauri
Total Annihilation
Tie Fighter
Master of Magic
Planescape Torment
Baldur's Gate 2
Gothic 2
Freespace 2
Independence War 2
King of Dragon Pass
Beyond Good and Evil
Kerbal space program
Grim Fandango

If you pick any one of these games at random and play it, knowing nothing about the game, you're going to like it.

Why not Dungeon Keeper 1?

Just had to ruin the list didn't you?

Warcraft 3
Been playing it for 15 years now, more multiplayer content than 10 years of AAA titles combined, spawned several game genres, still love the graphics even.

Impeccable taste: except minecraft, why is that fuck-ugly autism simulator among those classics?

>current tech would let rts games have great features like
>dynamically changing terrain
>projectile physics
>units that don't just stand in one place and shoot as default way of fighting

You literally just described total annihilation

It also came out an entire year before starcraft did, and is 10000% a better game all-around; the more recent supreme commander update on it actually plays worse and that's STILL a good game

Last time i checked battle net it was just full of empty dota lobbys made by bots that auto kick you.

do people actually play jungle trolls and stuff?

I just got around to playing Earthbound again. I mostly play PC fps games these days, but man, that one really holds the test of time.



the balls of this guy

Don't forget that it helped shape AI's used today in actually important fields.

Max payne 2, so smooth animations, and timeless storytelling and camerwork

fuck you very much

I really really like this gif

Starcraft's single player campaign is kinda slow and boring to me now. And I grow up on this game.

The multiplayer gameplay and meta looks pretty much intact and still dope as fuck.

Combat IS ass

t. someone who played through the game 5+ times with different gameplay styles.

>tfw you will never go back to 2005 WCIII customs
>tfw no more island troll tribes
>tfw no more footman frenzy
>tfw no more of the greatest tower defense platform to ever exist
>tfw no more vampirism
>tfw no more darwins island
>tfw no more hero line wars
>tfw no more massive RPGs with literally dozens of hours of content
>tfw no more Uther party
>tfw no more parasite

We need to go back

>Dungeon Keeper
I wanted to try those games but will I enjoy them even if I'm a sensitive moralfag that hates hurting good guys even in vidya? I mean you lay traps for adventurers right?


Homeworld 1 and 2.


Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings
Timesplitters 2 and FP

HoMM 3 & 4 have timeless art styles an their playability wont even degrade. Same can be said for all the infinity engine cRPG's, still the finest in their genre. Diablo 2 is also just as good as when it was released.

Yeah, but its nice, just think of them as the bad guys.

The damn mercenaries

Not a nostalgia fag, but i feel like people before made games with love, or with little details that tell you "wow, they really put their heart here"

Or maybe, since there werent update systems, or micro transactions, or DLC's and shit, people just gave their all in a game so it could sell well. I mean, that CD was the only game, you can add more content. You can't expand it. It's just that.


To be honest I can't even hate the fan base. Portal is so fucking good it deserves all the love it gets.

slightly peccable taste, sneaking minecraft in there like a madman

I normally just play stuff with my friends, but I did play a few games through tunngle, they have a separate room for dotashit and good custom games, was able to host basically anything and have people roll in to play it

Great fucking list.
But I'd likke to add Blood, Fallout 2, Half Life 1, VMTB, Deus Ex, Halo CE, Chrono Trigger, and Earthbound as well.

back when EA games wasn't a complete dog turd

Doom 2.

Transport Tycoon.


Legitimately one of the Top 10 greatest games ever made

>my eleven year old face when I realized this wasn't going to be just another Mario game

>Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings

Fuck yeah, the card based combat was really well done. I remember being in awe as a kid because it needed two discs on the GC, made it seem like an epic.

Original Doom had mouse controls.

Could somebody please highlight which of these games can be played above 640 x 480 resolution? I am allergic to DOS gfx q.q

>No RCT or Sim City.

But I agree.

Maybe not. In Dungeon Keeper 1 You get fun descriptions of how you've ruined everything in the territory you conquered after every level, you do lay traps for, kill, imprison, and torture adventurers. The final boss you have to kill (not a spoiler, it's in the manual) is literally the Avatar from Ultima, the ultimate embodiment of morality. As I recall Dungeon Keeper 2 toned down the overt evil a bit though so that one might be fine for you, although you still kill the good guys.

Thats directly related to the budgets and production values of modern triple-A's. Shit is so expensive and man-hour-consuming that there is very little room for risks, passion and personal creativity (outside japan where personality cults are still very much a thing). 99% of people involved with high-end game development are simply given a task with a deadline and they complete it to best of their ability.

Indie scene is better than ever though, there are massive amounts of great under marketed gems made by small groups of people.

This game is still insanely appealing to the eyes. And at well over a thousand hours of playtime from this being a staple game of my friend group growing up, me and my friends were still up for games of City Trial to this day.

Computers can still beat us, we can still have upsets and surprise ourselves (I got all 3 piece of the Hydra in like 20 seconds flat by pure coincidence recently) Bossfight King Dedede is still an absolute fuckboy

>Minecraft has always looked and felt like a ugly clunky piece of shit, so it hasn't aged
>Game is smoke and mirrors and good for about one "I made myself a neat base" so if somebody knew nothing about the game they genuinely would enjoy themselves for one go of it
This is a humorous technicality

Good list with 1 obvious exception
>Gothic 2
While the game is amazing, it took me 3 attempts and several hours of forced playing to actually get into it. The character/camera control-scheme and combat feels very unintuitive for a long time when you are used to modern games.

For me, it has to be command and conquer.

>Nobody mentions Age of Empires 2
Its still played by tens of thousands of people every day 18 years after its release.