*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

But can it stand up to the forbidden one?

Is Kuriboh the YGO equivalent of Pikachu?

yeah, look here's sphere pikachu

Why is Duel Links so bad?

It isn't even Yu-Gi-Oh! I don't know why they made it like that when they could have had a proper mobile app.

did someone say "Yu-Gi-Oh"?

lmaoing @ your life

I just want fun cards and combos. Duel Links is just fucking boring and has mostly shit cards, and the ones that aren't shit are generally SR or UR, making it tedious to actually get them. Can't even just buy certain cards unless they're at the card trader, and the card trader also takes 12 hours to rotate for some reason instead of just giving you the whole pool of cards so you don't have to sit on your ass for 12 hours hoping the card you actually want will show up.

>Opens close to 100 packs of Ultimate Rising
>Absolutely no Sphere Kuriboh
>Meanwhile I get 2 BEUD, Raider Axe, a 2nd Fusion Zone, and a BUNCH of retarded SR

XYZ/Synchro is fun, though. I got a Yugioh game for the 3DS and using those monsters is really fun. I wouldn't say I want them for DL, but it would be dope.

It says odd eyes

More like if I want to play classic Yu-gi-oh i'd want to play it by the actual rules instead of speed duel garbage.

Why is this card good in Duel Links?

This is exactly what genwunners sound like though.

Banned card

Banned card

It says "ODD"

>using this or e-con in duel links
literally cheating

Duel Links plays nothing like YGO even prior to the introduction of those cards.

>plays nothing like Yu-Gi-Oh

>ritual summon from the graveyard for 1*
That seems extremely situational.

Neither does this game

>speed duel format

It's good because you can nullify an attack if that card is in your hand without even needing to play it or anything on your turn, not the effect you describe

What an ugly art

>Offecial rule set of the game and is even the main format used in the last two episodes of the anime

>literally a straight upgrade
YGO was a mistake

The other effect isn't situational at all, and even this one might be good for ritual decks. I imagine it is specially good if you run Relinquished (not that I do), then it alone makes up for the whole tributing.

>tfw sudden urge to play one of the old YGO games on DS but don't have any
Shit man. Which one was the best? I remember playing Nightmare Troubadour, Spirit Caller, and one of the World Championship ones (not sure which one it was but it had great content).

This isn't TF2 or some shit. A lot of cards have straight upgrades.

speed duels are much, much better for mobile games though.

What even is there missing besides the second main phase?

Without having full exodia on the first turn, what's the lowest amount of turns you can win in with this nu-yugioh

i've won on the second turn a few times

Is this what autism looks like?

Well I guess that's what you get for resetting the box before getting what you want.

in some GBA games you could easily win on your first turn if you turnaround some 8000ATK bullshit that kaiba summons turn one.

level 4 toolbox XYZ were/are a fucking plague

Like it's always been

By "nu-yugioh", do you mean Duel Links, the real TCG, or the upcoming format?

Before they banned fun, I could win turn 1 with a mill deck if I got all the right cards. Rip morphing jar.

>Start with 4000 life points instead of 8000
>Only start with 3~4 cards in your hand
>3 monster and spell/traps zones
>5 extra deck cards
It doesn't even have all the old cards so you can't even build nostalgic classic decks.

>It doesn't even have all the old cards so you can't even build nostalgic classic decks.

this is an outright lie

you could summon blue-eyes ultimate dragon and win in the second turn if your opponent didn't set monsters or traps. duel links doesn't have exodia

I've won on my second turn quite often with The Atmosphere

I put down bubonic vermin face down turn one, then they put down an attack position monster, flip and kill my bubonic vermin which lets me put down another face down, then it's my turn I flip the new bubonic vermin to special summon another bubonic vermin then I special summon the atmosphere with the two bubonic vermin on the field and the one my opponent killed and then I use the atmosphere's effect to equip their attack position monster to my The Atmosphere which now has usually 2700ish attack and then then I summon a monster to do the remaining 1300 which can be whatever

It happens fairly often, you just need to go first and have one of your three bubonic vermin in your hand and draw atmosphere either turn 1 or 2

You wouldn't be able to build them regardless because of deck size limitations.

I'm more disappointing about how they lock shit behind events, like how you can't play toons at all if you don't get lucky with your drops during the Pegasus event, and how the Magnet Warriors were also event drops. At least let me just buy the shit if I want it and not have to worry about RNG screwing me over.

I'm kind of disappointed you didn't say nugioh.

Turn 1 with Karate Man OTK memeing

It's hilarious when you draw all 3 cards you need on the first turn

nice. i have all those cards and i've never thought of that combo

8000 lps were relatively new, you start with only one less card than usual, you rarely have/need 5 monster on the terrain
Why would you need more than 5 fusion monsters?

Instead of giving you broken cards and then banning them they just try not to give them to you

Stupid Super Joey event in Duel Links right now. Mothefucker can summon two Red Eyes Black Dragons on his first turn sometimes.

Honestly the most "damaging" thing is the 20 card decks that lets you have perfect decks more easily

>fight new Joey 20 times
>10 times he doesn't give you anything
>8 times he gives you useless garbage
>2 times he gives you almost useless garbage

there's only three cards worth having from him

There is no "were," it's still "are" and Rank4 is STILL getting better new tools to toolbox with.

>Xyz has the potential to make monsters of differing levels more useful
>most useful Xyz are generally Rank 4s, or can be made from Rank 4s
>They're still doing it

This can't be real

>3k monster that can get THREE attacks per turn

That's forbidden right? that's fucking ridiculous

It is and it's a useless piece of shit even in casual play so its only redeeming quality is to shitpost with it.

>Water Dragon support
>Amazoness support
>Gladiator Beast support
>Vision HEROes
>Cyberdark support
>Fucking Vehicroid support

I don't get it. Why are a bunch of GX things getting supported a decade+ later?

*stops effects*

I still don't get the link cards

they provide a bonus to the monster zone they're pointing at. in the event they're pointing at a nonexistent zone (like that card) it creates a whole new zone to be used. i don't know how they're summoned though

Because we are just getting done with a wave of DM support so its GX's turn now.

>3 monsters special summoned from the extra deck except link monsters
Even for a fake card it's trash.

will he become the new meta?

R10 get out.

It's not pointing a non-existent zone though

i'm not a slav

This joke was never, isn't, and never will be funny.

Great game

So I guess 5Ds is up next then?

If the support is following the anime release order then yes. Honestly synchros can use the boost.

it wouldnt be so bad if everything wasnt FUCKING NEUTRAL. I mean ffs at least make it two of the same type or something

The game started looking at the anime, where strong cards were a rarity and your average player had entire decks of normal monsters with 1000 attack.
The mentality didn't completely disappear until later

>8000 lps were relatively new
No? It's been that way since the beginning.

Well, for the games I believe the first time it became 8000 was with the psp games

what monster zone is behind the current monster zones?

Ah, I was assuming it was in the EDM Zone

Try again. Forbidden Memories on the PS1 had 8000 LP, and most every game afterwards did too.

I miss it when Yu-Gi-Oh! cards had a more dark/mysterious looking art.

Have you ever thought about making your own card game Sup Forums?

Yeah, and then I realized I would be terrible at balancing everything and just gave up.

I tried, but with no way to test it there was really no point.


Nah, that shit is too complicated

Spirit Caller is the best of the non WCT games. Nightmare Troubadour is fucking SLOW as shit to the point I can't stand playing it anymore.

The final WCT game is also the best one, although the one before it had a better story mode.

Huh, my bad, I don't know why I remembered the DS ones as being 4000

WC2008 was great. Had a shit load of duellists and cards

How's vrains?

I wonder how many people know that in Duel Links, if you get a pack that's shining and has blue/gold/rainbow colors coming from it, that swiping extra hard across the top of the pack has a chance to get a critical and get better cards.

All the WC games had great content except for 2009.
>any year
>not having a ds flashcart.

so this........................is the power.............of tulpas...............

Fuck no. It has those effects because it's ridiculously impractical to pull off and waste a shitton of resources. OTK bait is not banworthy, powerful yet still flexible cards are banworthy.

I used to draw card on paper when I was a kid
the best way to balance everything easily is making what 100%OJ and fusing each player decks.

how do you swipe extra hard

5 to summon Exodia the Forbidden one
dubs sends everyone in this thread to the shadow realm
trips sends everyone in the thread to the shadow realm, including me.

>the deck that summons norden the proper way is what finally got him banned
It was a long time coming.

>it's another "I REMEMBER THE OLD DAYS" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me summon summoned skull unga bunga me equip axe of despair" thread
>it's another "well when /I/ play I [long list of backwards house rules that ruin the game]" thread
>it's another "I Solemn Exodia!" thread
>it's another "my 60 card deck of one-ofs beat peep!" thread
>it's another "why do I need a magnifying glass for a card, and I'm not talking about Reinquished, TER, or Last Turn!" thread
>it's another "archetypes (anything non-generic) killed the game but Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, HFD, Heavy Storm, and the rest of Chaos/Goat staples are totally ok" thread
>it's another "is mirror force banned????" thread
>it's another "monster reborn needs to stay banned" thread
>it's another "Synchros/Xyzs/Pendulums killed the game (forgets Airblade Turbo and DAD Return)" thread
>it's another "*holds up summoned skull* let me have fun the wrong way" thread
>it's another "any card thats black or white is sin!" thread
>it's another "pls mak dark majishiun gud" thread
>it's another "unga bunga me hate speed and combos" thread
>it's another "unga bunga we need no white" thread
>it's another "I hate kozmo" thread
>it's another "I hate settingu scales" thread
>it's another "solemn is negated by jinzo" thread
>it's another "lol remember when he attacked le mooooon" thread
>it's another thread full of anime-only secondaries who miss le "golden" days
>it's another "why do you keep slaugheting my gate guardian deck with these 'ritual beasts', they arent even blue!" thread
>it's another "muh kozaky lock" thread
>unga bunga another beatdown only unga thread
>it's another "g-guys why can't I use my Stardust Dragon from Starlight Road again???" thread
>it's another "Ring of Destruction on Peten!" w-what do you mean it missed timing???" thread
>it's another "*flips Despell* you activated my trap card!" thread

>Put your finger on the very edge of your phone
>Where the pack normally rips, swipe across it really fast
>Character portrait will appear, occasionally with the words BAM! underneath
>Get better rares

Honestly I'm just glad I'm not you

That's pikablu you fucking faggot. You would know that if you went to the powerplant, defeated Zapdos and found the secret switch on the wall and taking 5000 steps.

Focking normie.