Destiny 2 was announced to be exclusive on PC, and chaos ensued on the forums because muh Blizzard purity. Forums in Flames
This guy knows his history.
Both of those posts are autistic as fuck
Shouldn't someone tell them that Blizzard and Activision are one company.
>loyal to a brand
People like this need help.
>ruin blizzard's reputation
>third party game
But it's from the same company
Activision will take over Blizzard in a year. Screencap this.
>b--b-b-b-b-ut Blizzard MAKES more!
kek. Activision suits will use investor strength to eat Blizzard and avoid a King takeover.
Publishing =/= development
does this mean the new call of duty will be on blizzard launcher too?
i hate fan boys
plot twist: valve sells steam to activision-blizzard so they can go back to focusing on video games
Found another one screeching on multiple posts.
>hardcore blizzard fan
But blizzard fans are all casuals
I mean I understand why some Steam users were pissed off about Greenlight, but what the fuck is wrong with these people?
I knew blizzdrones were bad, but this is next level
it's funny cause if blizz north was still around "hardcore blizzard fan" would be a compliment
brand loyalist should die
I fucking hate sonyphonies/nintenbros/blizzdrones/etcetcetc
>comparing completely voluntary exchanges to historical conquest
The fuck is wrong with these people?
Are they really this hysterical over one game that isn't made by Blizzard?
where were you when the bungie army invaded?
Imagine being so autistic, you solely play on Battlenet.
Imagine being so autistic, you get made when a new game gets released on Battlenet.
Brand loyalty is one of the most retard thing you could do.
Blizzard has been running independently over the past couple years but ultimately they signed their death warrant when they sold out to Activision.
The next Call of Duty will be on battleNet.
ITT a bunch of 19-24 year olds talk shit about the ongoing conversations between 12-15 year olds on game forums
>no dedicated servers
>pay to play
This just in, you can't have an opinion unless you own all of Blizzard's games.
People really really wanted to pretend that Blizzard was still Blizzard despite being Activision Blizzard for like 10 fucking years now. This is basically the straw that's breaking their delusion's back.
Fact: The reason this upsets Blizzard fanboys is because they've denied up and down activision influence on "based blizzard" development of games since Blizz was bought and became the property of Acitivision.
Them having to see proof that they've been lying to themselves for a year shy of a whole decade every time they launch now, and I could not be fucking happier that the most deluded of the Blizzdrones are suffering.
Are gamers the most autist fanbase on earth?
May 19 2017
the day that will live in infamy
They are still blizzard. If Activision took over management they'd be out of business by now.
>Them having
They have to*
Love when people type "Fact:" followed by insane ramblings.
>when they sold out to Activision.
They never did. Blizzard were owned by CUC (lol) who were bought out by a fraudulent company, who were found out and had to sell their assets. Blizzard went to a French company, which was bought by Vivendi. Vivendi finally merged with Activision.
The two key players were Kotick and Penisson, neither of which was really part of Blizzard itself.
tl;dr Blizzard as a company was passed around like a whore from hand to hand. Not like they were saints themselves since they killed their share of promising companies like Condor (later Blizzard North), but still.
At the end of the day they're a subsidiary. Blizzard answers to Activision Blizzard. Kotick is the boss, and if shit's not making money then he'll make them make it make money. There's a reason more and more of WoW's money is coming from cash shop transactions than subscriptions. Otherwise Activision shuts it down.
Activision has far more influence on Blizzard's designs than their fans want to admit.
>playing games designed by idiots
>posting "news" nobody gives a fuck about
get out
Willing to go to such extremes all because of one game? How delusional are these people?
These poor children.
Their Overwatch App will have seven whole games on it.
Seriously it's time for these people to swallow the Activision-Blizzard redpill, it's not worth whining over.
And then there's this guy who keeps bringing up Activision = Blizzard
>Literally every side on this is being downvoted.
I don't like the idea of becomming another uplay/gog/steam but w/e it's up to blizzard.
but doesn't activision own blizzard?
How does extra games on the battle net server affect Blizzard games? Will Destiny make Overwatch laggy?
I actually saw someone claiming that Destiny 2 will increase the price of WoW tokens thus ruining the WoW economy, so I wouldn't doubt that they are gonna claim that too.
Activision merged with Vivendi, Vivendi owned Blizzard.
>hardcore fan
HA... ahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaaahahahaa
I thought the move actually made sense. This way they can keep more of the profit instead of handing over 30% to steam or whatever. Do people really care about a fucking launcher that much?
Yes they basically do, but there's enough legal jargon surrounding it that Blizzbabbies can pretend they aren't owned by Activision and are still playing games with "Grassroots gone big" Blizzard
>I actually saw someone claiming that Destiny 2 will increase the price of WoW tokens thus ruining the WoW economy, so I wouldn't doubt that they are gonna claim that too.
It already has. Token price shot up 20k on announcement day. Doubt it will ruin the economy, but he is half right.
Boy, couldn't care less.
The last good game there was/is Diablo II + LoD.
>there are people in this world actually upset Metzen left
>metzen is no more
>giving a single fuck about blizzard and "battlenet"
it's over guys
>news about nublizzard
who cares, they haven't made a good game in like one decade
>there are people upset over more games on their platform
Who even cares.
Hell, who even opens the launcher first to play whatever game they have on it?
>retards cant understand that activision own destiny
>retards cant understand that activision and blizzard are one company
>retards cant seem to understand that this DRM is their own DRM and saves them big cash than putting it on steam or origin.
is this what it is like to be a blizcuck?
>There are actual "hardcore" fans of Blizzard
>They actual think modern Blizzard puts out good games
>They actually think that by having a new money grubbing game next to their existing money grubbing games in their client, somehow the quality and reputation of they latter will be tarnished
really opens the eyes...
>it's up to blizzard.
No, it's up to Activision. They saw EA and Ubisoft get their own platforms, they decided to get their own.
Or rather, repurpose the one they already had.
That doesn't make any sense. Anyone who grew up on Blizzard jumped the gun because the later games sucked dick. Those people you see in the pictures are pretty obviously underage aka not millenials.
Look at the fucking names. Who names himself "Valkyrie", "SuperNinja", "Yuna", "Slows" and is a 30 year old man.
So who are more """hardcore""" blizzdrones or biodrones?
it's not battlenet anymore
it's blizzard app
How do Blizzard fanboys even exist still? They've ruined just about all of their major franchises and have horrendous pricing for all their shit. I'm hard pressed to think of a company that is less pro-consumer than Blizzard, but people still eat up all their shit.
Close. You need to be a bit more delusional though. And a lot more angry.
>jumped the gun
this doesn't mean what you think it means.
who cares I will only support my one and only overlord and because of others pushing their shit even harder I also have reason to push harder
one platform for all video games or else everyone can fuck off
I mean, he isn't wrong.
Why are blizzard fanbois are getting mad Blizzard-Activision is using to publisher bungie's shitty Overwatch clone? Did they expect Blizzard-Activision to publish it on Steam because is super special only for blizzard products? This could be a sign Blizzard-Actvision may be considering pulling their new Activision titles out of Steam like EA did and publishing everything through, blizzdrones better get used to not-Blizzard games on "muh"
Destiny 2
>no dedicated servers
>pvp is 4 v 4 max
>$30 a year to keep playing
Thanks, but no thanks.
>we share the planet with those """""people"""""
*boops user*
>This could be a sign Blizzard-Actvision may be considering pulling their new Activision titles out of Steam like EA did
has never affected me because only the shitters pulled out so far and made their own pointless DRM platform that is one big shit compared to Valve's Steam
Well he's not wrong.
Blizzard fanboys do not play other video games. They can't know any better.
I fail to see the issue.
Steam has non-valve games
Origin has non-EA games
So now has non-Blizzard games?
they just kids on a reddit forum, I see no problem there mr. boopeti boop
The issue is that it brings Blizzard fans closer to the realization that Destiny 2 and every other Activision game is a Blizzard game
I don't want Destiny on because
1) It made token prices shoot up YET AGAIN.
2) I like how the launcher is small and isn't riddled with gay shit everywhere like Steam, Uplay, Origin etc.
So let me get this straight.
"I am refusing to play and/or purchase any further games on your platform because you have decided to release a game you have not developed for, on the same platform. I am doing this to show that my loyalty has been betrayed and hope by doing this, you see the error of your ways and decide not to."
Or, Blizz loses a few hundred autists for a few weeks max and in return gains hundreds thousands, to potential millions of further players.
Really makes you think...
One game isn't really going to change anything though. Destiny 2 is an exception, at least that's what they're claiming. I'll join the uproar if CoD comes to but right now there's nothing really to whine about.
>your game could ruin Blizzards reputation
>The company that agreed to merge with one of the most despicable publishers in the industry
>The company that made Diablo 3
>The company that dumbed down WoW to a point of no return
>The company that turned Heartstone into a shitfest
>Destiny 2 is an exception, at least that's what they're claiming.
Yes, but I don't trust Activision.
die you degenerate barneyfag
naw this is just like what happend on Steam forums, people also tried to fight when Valve opened the flood gates and they still fight it
if they manage that you can sort through the piles of shit then its a win for everyone but so far Valve won't even implenent into their discovery q that you can upfront exclude badly rated games
>Two posts from some retard with -1 and -4 respectively
>chaos ensued
Try not to focus on how much of a waste of human resource you are.
We need many types of DRM for DRM to be less jew.
Healthy competition and such.
Does the launcher always show a game you don't own on the list to entice you to buy, is that why people are upset? im confused at all the fuss.
Huh, this looks much better than the infamous Zerg screenshot. I dig the terrain details. Goliaths looks even more like ED-209 rip-offs.
Yes, because launcher only has 5 games total.
People argue about this? I don't think there was even this much outrage when Steam started putting up non-valve games. What was the first one anyways?
>shitty overwatch clone
>doesn't realize it's actually fps world of warcraft
I hope you were being ironic. If those were true retailers then I would agree but they aren't since the DRM restirctions. There is always one big company over it that is part of the video game industry aswell which turns it into a conflict of interest. All they really want is more money for themselves like Valve. They don't give a fuck about proper curation, consumers right or anything. Even Valve admitted the reason they opened the floodgates Is because they don't wanna miss that one gem that makes them a fuckton of money.
6 games, and you can remove icons for games you don't want to see. By default, though, it lists everything to get you interested.
The real cause of the whining, though, is that forum users have been babied by the company for so long that their sense of entitlement is off the fucking charts.
ragdoll kung fu if I remember correctly
you cant stat any of these game if the launcher is not open at first
I'm sure it will hold up to the quality of Blizzard too just look at how bad their games are now