Detroit: Become Human

Please tell me I'm not the only one looking forward to this Cage Kino?

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I love David Cage, even for all the shit he gets. Been a fan of his games since Indigo Prophecy and I'm looking forward to this game.

Hopefully they don't get distracted by shit addons and actually do the DLC they plan on.


Well, I'd love for them to not do DLC but in this day and age it's hard to think they won't.

It's disgusting, people are getting away with selling season passes for dlc that is yet to be announced. How is this okay?

>"You can't kill me, I'm not alive!"
>"I'm holding all the cards!"

Wow that dialogue is definitely from a David Cage game. It's like he has the mental age of 14.

I hope this game has an awkward shower scene just like all his other games.

>Detroit based game
>Sometime the future
>White people

[ ? ? ?]

>red ring means hes turned evil

Shit, I was writing stuff like this at age 12.

after ok HR and bstosouls i cant watch another kino from the man


Why hasn't the Ellen Page nude model been ripped from BTS yet? Not possible?

Was someone drawing dicks on her or something?

I'm looking forward to watching Matt, Pat, and Woolie play it and laugh my ass off at how terrible it is. It's unbelievable that David Cage is still making "games" and people still defend him when Indigo Prophecy was such a shit heap and everything after has been equally shit.

>rainy night
>MC approaches main bad guy
>bad guy crying
>all my life.... all my life in this city. All i wanted from this place, from Detroit.. one thing from Detroit: Become Human.

Bravo Cage.

>Sony senpais looking forward to another movie game

What else is new?

shut the fuck up

It's going to be a wild ride.

Wait a minute, I saw this movie.

Here's what I really need to know about this game: Will I be able to piss and drink coffee?

Will we be able to stuff that little loli with android penis?

Humanity was able to cure niggerism.

I wish Sup Forums anons would stop kidnapping the cunnies

After playing through Beyond Two Souls and Heavy Rain multiple times (to get the platinum when I cared about that,) I have zero interest in another game like those.

>PS4 Exclusive
>Meaning probably no SFM model

you fags talk about 'kino' all the time,
just because you've watched the godfather parts 1 and 2 doesn't mean you know shit about cinema. This is a fucking joke compared to the works of Kurosawa or Bergman

>sony story games where choices actually exist and matter: bad

>telltale cookie cutter games where there are literally no choices that matter and literally no gameplay: good


>blue finger prints on loli



>retard thinks "kino" actually means what the meme means

>Been a fan of his games since Indigo Prophecy

Touch the loli.

Where's the nazis and gang violence?

I'm looking forward to it but I know I shouldn't be because David Cage's writing is poo balls.

This comment is pure kino

I'm looking forward to the Zaibatsu shitting on it.

I didn't have high hopes for this until they revealed Connor. Honestly even now I'm guessing it'll be an 8/10 at best, but I'll probably get it on sale.

i want to hold a cutie hostage!

I'm gonna watch it. I'm mildly interested.

It's called gentrification. It's how big cities are able to kick out poor colored folks without being called racists.

Iam OK with it. If only Cage's story werent so fucken retarded...

Have game journos been ass blasted over the title yet?

I unironically played Heavy Rain twice in a row because I got a shit ending the first time so yeah I am.

shaun glitch was the only good thing about Cage games after Fahrenheit

Nic Cage would make an amazing David Cage protagonist.

>Press X to BEEEES

that is his worst game though, not representative of his games as a whole.

fahreinheit was great until it went full retard.

heavy rain was very solid for most of the game

Why did he choose to set it in Detroit? Is this some kind of veiled allegorical game with the robots as present black people to show the horrors of the oppression they suffer?

Well they made alot of sarah and ellie porn even though it was PS3 so.
But yea hoping for some porn of that little girl in the OP.

They have serious B-movie appeal. They are strictly speaking terrible, but I just have a lot of fun with them.

because detroit is already rubble. so if someone were to start to build a new city, it'd be easier to get rid of old detroit as there's barely anything there

well that games mistake was being a boring as fuck setting with a female protag. a bladerunner esque world except the protag is an adroid himself seems interesting to me

>until it went full retard

Theres the rub though. If they could just have someone else finish his stories they might be decent.

>B-movie appeal
They aren't B-movie at all.

They are very much an attempt at a big budget movie style but a game.

combo! combo!

So, it's just LA Noire with androids?

If it's anything like Heavy Rain, I'll pick it up. That game/movie was fun as fuck

Oh I agree. They very much fail at what they attempt to be: but in the process become something unique and entertaining imo.

I'm the only one who think this does not look that great? the graphics feel odd

>sign in to confirm your age
Fucking youtube.

We havent seen any gameplay yet so there's alot of theories what could be and so.

looks promising

>niggers aren't the biggest threat

Heavy Rain was shit, I played for about 12 hours then refunded it, and I even bought Fahrenheit the day it came out and thought it was pretty cool in parts.
I was like 17 back then though.

>Cage games

>12 hours

People like you are a cancer

They cleaned up the city in the future.

You don't think 12 hours is long enough to know you don't like something?

>removes all niggers from Detroit
>city becomes human again
Is David Cage/ourguy/

There are co-writers now, so there's a possibility it won't be a complete train wreck. Sadly.

We'll always have Omikron.

when do we get to see some porn of that cunny

>I played for about 12 hours then refunded it
top kek, butthurt poorfag with shit taste

I'll never turn down another terrible David Cage game.

Just like the Resident Evil(movie) series, it's so bad it's good

>looking forward to a David Cage "game"

Either you've played none of his previous cinematic multimedia QTE experiences, or you're a Youtube LPer looking to make fun of it. Anyone reasonable lost all faith in him back in Heavy Rain.

>There are co-writers now, so there's a possibility it won't be a complete train wreck

Don't worry, David Cage is an egomaniac and will reject all improvements the co-writers could make. Also the gameplay will still be absolute, lowest possible shit.

I thought the main character was originally a girl? Also is it only that it? Only one crime, or is that the prologue?

12 hours is the entire game and then some, no you don't deserve a refund after that much time. There's a reason why steam only allows 1/2 hours or whatever it is.

>Only one crime, or is that the prologue?
are you fucking retarded?

It's going to be like Heavy Rain, multiple playable characters who live or die depending on your actions

Go to bed cage.

that's what the trailer focused on.
Why can you not be an edgy faggot and give a reasonable response like

>that's what the trailer focused on.
you want trailers to spoil all crime scenes?

fucking retard

>it'll be an 8/10 at best,

Is that suppose to be bad?

Release date fucking when?

The game is goint to be good to average for a few hours then proceed to crumble into absolute drivel like all of his games.
He can't stop himself

First day? How about you stop trying so hard to fit in.

they became human

difference being that Beyond: Two: Soul:s started as absolute shit too.


No thanks. I can't stand sub30fps, not even shitposting cause I get a fucking headache playing a ps4.

>get btfo
>call someone a newfag based on nothing

>cause I get a fucking headache playing a ps4.

So don't play it?

If it has VR I will definitely consider picking it up.

yeah i guess, the trailer made it seem just as good as this tho

How can I be hyped if I haven't seen any gameplay? Oh wait, this "game" is probably an interactive cut scene. In that case, I can't be hyped at all.

>white people move out of an area
>"that's racist"

>white people move into an area
>"that's racist"

>12 hours is the entire game and then some, no you don't deserve a refund after that much time

If you buy a shit game you should always get a full refund no matter what. Shit games deserve no money. Same applies to movies, etc. Just full refund if it's bad.


>the trailer made it seem just as good as this tho
fuck no, beyond sucked ass as soon as it was announced.

I remember having high hopes for it until I saw David Cage's name.

>Act like an edgy faggot
>get surprised when someone calls you an newfag

Consoles are only for highly resistant top tier gene pool humans who can stand silky smooth 24 fps I guess

If you buy a shit game and play the shit game for 12 hours then you're a complete moron. People are entitled to refunds if they walk out of a film before it's over, not if they sit through the entire thing.