The fact that people say Zelda looks good is mind boggling to me

The fact that people say Zelda looks good is mind boggling to me.

fog and no contrast is an Artistic Choice dude

how many times are you going to make this thread?

As many as it goddamn takes

Takes to do what?

All video games look fucking ugly compared to modern movies

It looks nice


>someone got triggered by one of these threads hard enough to make this image


theyre talking about the gameplay

notice how every time they miserably fail to shitpost about the gameplay they run back to the tried and tested muh graphics tactic

o i am laffin

People say Skyrim is ugly but fucking hell I think the fields and mountains are absolutely beautiful.

The game's shit though

Bottom pic is witcher 3 you can tell by the bendy trees

It looks great, especially in motion (and in handheld mode). Beautiful art style.

Certainly a massive step up from the days of playing LA on gameboy (which kicked ass nonetheless).

Is OP autistic?

>someone got triggered by people liking a video game hard enough to make shitposting threads every single day

stop getting replies, I bet.


stay mad

Because tw3 looks good?

You little faggot cucks on Sup Forums need to be reminded of your stupidity every fucking day or else you'll forget.

Bloodborne > Zelda.
I say this as someone who's played both.

Metacritic score does mean that the game has wide appeal.
GTA 4 doesn't deserve the high metacritic score.

at least botw has destruction, physics, air particles, translucency on grass, and a better atmosphere.

>graphics only matter when I want to

>compare sony to ninty

>comprate sony to pc

Sonyfags are pathetic

Sadest part about this picture is Zelda never got that score

Flaming fanboyism aside that is.

they're both great games but you're delusional if you think BotW doesn't deserve its score. both are games of the generation easily tho

Oh, BotW is only 4/100 score better than Wind Waker, and unfinished game with padding out the ass and barely any equipment, side content and dungeons?
Guess it's not very good, then.

It's called artstyle you cretin.

>what is art direction

>uses the word cuck
>calls other people stupid

the fucking audacity

This, OP.
Washed out colors and contrast is easier on the eyes and gives more of a gamey feel. Less cinematic.

He never said Zelda didn't deserve it's score.
But just because someone doesn't think Zelda deserves 98/100 doesn't make them delusional.

It's called art direction. Tw3 had a great one as well before the downgrade happened.