Thoughts on TheGamingBrit?

Thoughts on TheGamingBrit?

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his Overblood and DMC videos are kino

Ask him about Ape Escape's Spike and Gravity Rush's Kat being together

irrelevant meme kid, his "in-depth" reviews are pure cringe

He's a product of his time.


hes ok

His Other M and Prime videos are goat, and his Overblood 1 + 2 videos had me crying.


He's alright, but he's a huge fucking pleb when it comes to Resident Evil

>thinks RE6 is some god tier game because "DUDE WACKY AND OVER THE TOP LMAO"
>thinks that this tone is a staple of the franchise because RE1 had "pale naked dudes" in it

He also sucks jap cock a bit too much like a lot of these Sup Forums-browsing reviewers seem to do.

I can't watch his older videos, he comes off waay to snobby. DMC literally changed the man in a good way.

The whole Brit thing is taken by TB.

From the look of his avatar he's some underage fuck who was born post-9/11.

I liked his ratchet and clank video

I actually like Charlie, he seems bright enough. I do believe his revisit review of Resident Wvil 6 was reaponsible for so many pf Sup Forums going back to retry the game and atart liking it. Unfortunatly.

Sorry Charlie, if you are here, i don't like RE6 tghe same way you don't like DmC

RE6's campaign is mediocre but oh god is the mercenaries good.

...listening to him clearly not.

He sounds OK.

He actually thought 6 was good? Urgh, not even much of a Resi fan but that game is garbage.

Not why i like to buy RE though.

His RE6 apologist video was terrible.

He tries to highlight basically every flaw RE7 has in his critique video because he shat on it prematurely; but he happily handwaves away the fact that the actual campaigns in RE6 are fucking garbage.

>He actually thought 6 was good?

Literally considers it one of his favourite games

I hate it but i understand his position tho. He is literally an actionfag. It's his whole schtick

Thing is, even as an action game RE6 is trash.

Watch his video and see what you think.

Yeah, what is with the weird accent he had in earlier videos? Was it supposed to be a character voice or something?

To see what I mean, watch this:

and compare it to his more recent videos where he sounds much more natural.

He's handsome.

No homo.

him and turb button are by far the best british video game channels on youtube

which granted isn't that much of an accomplishment when your competition is jim sterling

>This is why HyperBitHero is into girls with short haircuts

>forgetting based Clemps

I'm glad Clemps has gained more notoriety

I like that his videos are more positive even when critiquing a game

>The whole Brit thing is taken by TB.

Being British isn't something someone can claim ownership over.

But even if you had to claim it was, Yahtzee did the "cynical British dude rambling about video games" before TB did.

Shit taste. Doesn't know what he's talking about. Move on.

The only good in-depth reviewer on youtube I've seen.
Pretty much every other channel that gets shilled here is either boring 10 hour exercise in autism, mediocre drivel with a host who has never had an interesting thing to say in his entire life or god forbid angry reviews.

>bitches and moans about MGSV's prologue for taking away control from the player
>one scripted scene in a 50-100+ hour game

>endlessly shills for MGS4
>10 hours of cutscenes in a 14 hour game

This is when I realized he's genuinely an idiot. MGSV is not without flaws, but his whole video on MGSV is basically "NOT MUH CANON NOT MUH TIMELINE REEEEEEEEEEE WHY ISN'T THIS A LINEAR MOVIEGAME"

He has a whole video on the difference between cutscenes and unskippable walking segments, which the MGSV intro is the latter. He prefers cutscenes like the ones in MGS4 because they are usually skippable whereas forced walking-and-listening segments in games are almost always mandatory and slow the gameplay down to a screeching halt.

When you have me criticizing your Other M criticisms of all things, that's a fuck up I didn't know was possible. He practically divided by zero. Then he decided to suck RE6's cock for some time. Before MGSV even came out, I thought he was full of shit.

Youtube gamers like him make me wonder if there's some 1 billion dollar prize for shittiest video. It's a race to the bottom.


clemps is GOAT

That's certainly true, but MGSV has so much more gameplay than MGS4 it's not even close. MGS4 has similar segments as well (microwave hallway etc) and while they're more broken up than MGSV's prologue, I'm sure when they're all added up they're of a similar length.

MGS4 only has like two hours of the core stealth gameplay, the rest is all setpieces.

Suddenly I'm reminded of MGS4's microwave scene.

I want to suck his pecker

screenshot this!

Hi Krem and Kagi

What do you disagree with him about Other M?

>tfw Brit is literally reading this thread right now

he's fuckin gay


oh fuck

His post 9/11 ass should rot in the same cell Nintendo puts Metroid in

salty white manc

You discord fags make me wanna kill myself.


Charlie I just want you to know you're a retarded faggot but I love you all the same.

Does anyone remember his top 10 worst Zelda moments? I do

I too liked that video

Hey CHarlie, what if Kat from Gravity Rush and Spike from Ape Escape fucked haha

Join the discord


Where's the wonderful 101 video brit?

I'd post my dick, but id'd get banned

Hey Brit, you're a faggot but a cool faggot, like Freddie Mercury
You're DMC vids got me into the series so thanks for that


Fuck off Dom.

>that time he made his big Nintendo critcism video and drones were making threads for a solid week about it
He encites some quality ass pain.

He's my daddy

uh oh

Haven't watch a single video this guy has made, but he is cute af no homo

he's complete cancer. A slightly worse clemps

Clemps is amazing

Gamingbrit is okay, but I don't care about Resident Evil so I guess I sidestep that controversy.

His Ratchet video was cathartic.

yo thegamingcuck, are you by chance related to Morgan Webb?

>A slightly worse clemps
So still good?

But in Gaming Brit the one doing the analysis is actually doing well at the game to show he knows his shit, while the other loves POV filters so much he installed on in his ass

So he's mainly a /fit/izen, right?

I jack off to his voice. No homo or anything.

His voice is so unfitting of him. He sounds much older than I imagined.

When I first saw a photo of him I was like wtf who is this kid.


No, bad. Because clemps is mediocre. Although his Dirge of Cerb and Eternal Sonata videos are top tier. TGB has nothing


>complains about nero in dmc4
>looks exactly like him
does he hate himself?

his god of war 4 rant is completely on-point

instig8ive journalism was the best Sup Forums youtuber i want that guy to come back so bad

>TGB being worse than Clemps
TGB's videos aren't wikipedia articles

Does Brit play DOOM wads/mods?

The shit that also applies to other Metroid games. It's like a reverse Star Wars EP 7 where reviewers curiously love to ignore flaws what's been in other games too. It's like how Arin from Game Grumps decides to selectively criticize OoT for some things that've been in Link to the Past yet never mentions. I don't give a shit what you're reviewing, any "I like A more than B so I'm ignoring this flaw for game A but not B" is shit.

Fuck you big fat faggots.

Yeha but I wanna fuck Clemps so Clemps > TGBS

Nice non-answer though


I'm expecting a Persona 5 video soon and a Vanquish video soon after that Charlie.

Is he a gay man?

>what do you disagree on

when to use actor faces is one of his best videos
it's also the last good video he made

screencap this

fuck you, charlie


he looks like a normal fag numale, but his taste in games is great

>all the popular Sup Forums tier content creators (MatthewMatosis, Joseph, TBFP, etc) browse Sup Forums

They're shilling their content here!

I liked how he went from being totally apathetic about dmc's story to begging for more.

how can any other E celeb compete?

Good post

Go away HyperBitchHero