You can link a Nintendo account to a CoD account
Does this mean what I think it means?

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COD with WaW-tier visuals happening


Call of Duty for the Switch? Yes, it's not like the games are very demanding to begin with, some tweaking will probably be enough.

So the same as the other console versions

Black Ops 2 for Wii U was great and looked good enough compared to the other consoles.

its just going to be xbox360 / ps3 tier visuals.

guess it's better than the Wii's n64 tier graphics in comparison to the 360 and ps3. Wont matter after the next xbox and playstation are released though - the difference between the scorpio and switch is about twice the difference between the wii and 360.

switch will probably get one CoD game.

Isn't that the logo for the old Nintendo network? The Switch doesn't use the same account system as the Wii U and 3DS.

there was call of duty games on the DS.

could mean nothing at all, really.

Forgot who made the video, but I remember watching a video reporting an "insider"'s tweet that confirmed a switch version of CoD WWII.

Don't believe it myself but Nintendo is gonna try to get the latest cowadoody on their console.

silky smooth 30fps

>Wont matter after the next xbox and playstation are released though - the difference between the scorpio and switch is about twice the difference between the wii and 360.

because the pro is selling so good! Because they will now announce a ps5.

There are still many games left to be released. Japanese developers will probably always release on the switch. Do you actually think they will let the chance to have their games on a handheld go away?

ITT: Delusional Nintenbros

there were a gorillion japanese games on the PS2 too. few were localized outside of japan if they didn't have a big rig publisher behind it.

And that's about where you draw the line, given the next xbox and playstation will have double the gap in performance over the switch than the 360/PS3 did over the Wii.

The reason Nintendo lost so much third party support was because of the Wii era, where devs had to spend extra money to create a virtually different downgraded wii port of the PS3/360 multiplats, while not seeing an amicable return cause Ninteniggers only primarily buy Nintendo games.

Nothing has changed. Compacting the Wii U into smaller form factor doesn't mean all the problems that plagued the Wii U don't still exist.

so CoD as normal right?

It does, largely because the major reason the Wii U was such a bitch to port for, was not the less powerful hardware, but the PowerPC architecture. That's why even though the Switch has similar power to the Wii U, frame rates and resolutions of Wii U ports are upped significantly, simply because it has an ARM based processor and can take advantage of the latest libraries, engines, and tricks. Same reason why the PS3 was such a bitch even though it was extremely powerful.

It's the biggest reach of all time.

A company who worked on Modern Warfare Remastered, and Black Ops 3 for 7th gen consoles, as well as a few random Wii and Wii U ports of various Activision titles posted a tweet thanking a visitor from the Canadian army. At the end of the tweet, they wrote "COD"

Can someone tell me how that indicates a Switch release of the next Call of Duty, because it sounds like literally nothing to me.

>as well as a few random Wii and Wii U ports of various Activision titles
This is why.

the reason the Switch can match the Wii U is because of vulkan. If you want to then say vulkan wouldn't have been possible on the Wii U, that's fine - but the the difference in architecture alone isn't even a major factor to how the Switch can perform as well as the Wii U.

It's all vulkan, and Scorpio and the next playstation will also support vulkan.

The Switch is still dramatically underpowered if only just being on par with the Wii U, and will be left in the dust once the next xbox and playstation arrive.

Thank you, I knew it was something like that I just couldn't think of what it was.

>The Switch is still dramatically underpowered if only just being on par with the Wii U, and will be left in the dust once the next xbox and playstation arrive.

Yes, given the Pro and Scorpio, that could still be ways away, and in the meanwhile it's *just* powerful enough to compete

>its just going to be xbox360 / ps3 tier visuals.
So like all of them.

I played Infinite Warfare on my PS4 Pro, it's not impressive.

>Does this mean what I think it means?

What? Another MW3 on Wii-tier game?

I enjoyed Reflex quite a bit, but that was mostly because I loved IR controls.
Not possible on Switch, and I'm not sure if the games these days do support gyro-controls, which I would love.

If they are, they need to fuck all things and go back to making Modern Warfare Relfex with updated Switch controls, that shit is horrendously underrated

>Not possible on Switch

It is if they actually give a shit

user japanese developers are still fucking releasing ps3-ports of their main titles. Do you really think they will actually care about the graphical difference.
>nintendo lost third party support because of wii
yeah user. One of the biggest selling consoles of all time is the reason they didn´t got it. Just because you didn´t get the glory of "brown-shooters" doesn´t mean thirds didn´t supported it.

Switch is more powerfull than the wiiu, don´t come with hurr durr teraflops, the wiiu ones are wrong and the architecture does magical things.
Also the biggest reason the wiiu failed wasn´t it hardware. It was miscommunication, stupd line up, lack of games + urgence to support the 3ds and not to forget the stupid price.

People want the switch, the hype is still there. for fucks sake I still can´t buy a console from amazon and not to forget :

2 days earlier there were only DQ11 as non Nintendo thing.

But how does the tweet imply anything?

A studio that primarily does Activison ports for a Nintendo console is getting advice on CoD.

>Jap devs caring about how powerful a machine is

The 3DS is still horrendously underpowered and they still don't give a damn

Which isn't going to happen for another 2 years and when they do release the Switch will have better momentum because it's current specs are good enough

Reminder that Wii U dominated Fall 2013 when "Next gen" came about because all they had was ports and Knack and that was a single year in

>Reminder that Wii U dominated Fall 2013
Not salewise.

But yeah the Wii U had way better games than the PS4/XBO for years.

>its just going to be xbox360 / ps3 tier visuals.
You mean just like the latest Call of Duty game?

That's what I meant
The power gap isn't going to matter especially with the Switch having more years in by the time "next gen" shows up

Which isn't going to be anytime soon since we have PS4 pro and Scorpio as half gen upgrades

How exactly are two people from the Canadian army going to give advice for developing a video game set in World War II?

What do they have to do with CoD otherwise?


You think cod doesn't run 30fps on PS4 one?
Pointer controls are still possible on Switch, but I doubt they will use it

Thats gonna drift eventual.Its suitable, and I'll take any form of gyro-control, but its not gonna be as nice as IR.