E3 drinking game rules

Alright Sup Forums.

Me and a couple of friends have decided to get absolutely smashed during E3 year, so I'm looking for suggestions for when to drink during the different conferences.

We have some already, like "Take a shot if Reggie talks about his body being ready" or "Take a shot if a car appears on stage".

General suggestions and conference specific are welcome!


f*cking epic XD

>Me and a couple of friends have decided to get absolutely smashed

normalfag thread

Take a shot for every 5 minutes Microsoft doesn't talk about games

Have you considered the comfytheare E3 stream where we already have drinking games in place

Good one, buzzwords definitely deserve a sip atleast

Happens every goddamn year fuck

shot ever time anyone says "gamers."

I don't want to die yet.

If Kojima announces MGS5 and Death Stranding is Silent Hills you all have to promise to kill yourselves.

Take a Shot everytime Any presenter fails to deliver a joke


take a shot every time you know that todd is lying

>me and a couple friends

OP would die from alcohol poisoning in 5 minutes once Ubisoft starts.




Take this general thread to vg

I still believe in the ruse so I'd rather not
Even though we browse Sup Forums I'm pretty sure we all have atleast one friend my dudes.

Will check that out, thanks!

If Kojima has a crazy entrance finish your drink.

Finish your drink when Ubisoft has their obligatory cringey scripted multiplayer chat.

Every time Shawn Layden takes his hands apart you take a shot.

I need to watch that again.
Anyone have a link?

>pretty sure we all have at least 1 friend

So no shots

Hit half a gram of weed every time a female goes on stage. Up the dose by a half on each iteration

There would be some exceptions. Like when he takes his hands apart to clap, or when he does air quotes (PSX).

Take a sip every time the speaker unsuccessfully waits for an applause.
Two sips if one guy in the audience goes *woo* to break the awkward silence.