Switch momentum has officially come to a screeching halt

Switch momentum has officially come to a screeching halt.

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Those prices make me think that is Canadia.

That's good, they want the slack in the line to start just before another 1st party game comes out (ARMS).

>Implying ARMS is going to move any significant number of switch units
Yeah, the kids punching simulator will surely pull what BTOW or MK8D did.
That game is going to perform so mediocre

Every store in Canada is sold out of everything switch related.
At least in BC.


Out of stock on every retailer's website.

>$79.99 for BOTW
Leaf detected

I got my Switch from Toys R Us yesterday, they had 30 and it sold out not even 10 minutes after the doors opened, what could that mean, OP?

None of the stores near me have had it in stock since release.

Just like Splatoon?

>Wii U first party games still this fucking expensive

Then why can't I find one?

A company that clearly value their product? Are you retarded?

Half the reason I sold my 3DS was the game prices never went down.

Instead of their loyal customers? Fuck jewtendo

but e3 is SOON!!!

Yar har

>buying games in canada
>after having to pay obscene internet, food, clothing, gas, electricity, and water bills

Loyal customers buy products at full price on release. Once again, are you retarded? Poor?

No, this is different.
ARMS goes directly against the core design feature of the switch, playing on the go and undocked.
What nigga is going to set up their switch out in public or on break and start punching with the joycons? Sure you can play with the cons attached but that's going to be a shitty gaming experience on the go.
The only people who are going to buy this are people who want to get in to it competitively and those who will buy anything Nintendo shits out.

You can quite literally pirate every Wii U game from Nintendo's own servers, using their own bandwidth, and can install them to your system memory or USB HDD and even play online.


Arms is literally "let's just apply the Splatoon formula to another genre, surely it we'll sell just as well!"
Its not going to match Splatoons sales like Nintendo thinks it will. They're going to get burned and not make any other new first party IPs besides some eshop titles for the rest of the gen.

I can't tell if you're memeing or not, but the Wii U and all of its related shit being so goddamn overpriced for what it is, is part of what killed it

it is
BoTW for wiiU is fucking 80$

Can't wait. Fuck Arms.

>Wii U is literally dead and buried
>Nintendo wants to pretend it never fucking existed
>Wii U games are still full fucking price

Well, yeah. 95% of the early adopters have their system now, and there are no new killer apps out right now. You'll see spikes again at Splatoon and Mario/Christmas.

Its everywhere in canada when compared to the rest of the civilized world. Have you ever compared what you pay for products to what other countries pay in terms of % of your take home pay? Even in the prairie provinces where everything is cheapest Canadians pay more than americans for goods, they make less money after taxes, and then they pay more money on top of it.

>Switch products finally starting to be refilled on shelves after weeks of being sold out everywhere
>some Canadian user takes a picture of his local Wal*Igloo in bumfuck nowhere
I've never been one to fanboy after one particular company, but I can almost see why some people do. The amount of salt and tears coming from people who want to see the Switch fail and won't is hilarious.

If there was a store within 150 miles of me that had a Switch in stock I'd buy it right now. I don't know why.

Got any proof their bro?


>ninety (90) dollars for a controller

straya or leaf?

Yeah, his proof is that I went to Toys R Us at 4 am and there were already 2 people lined up

Literally one space for consoles and all that space to take up accessories. Explains why this shit was never on shelves.

i count two (2) there

average consumer:
>hmmmmmm should I get a $350 Wii U that has 32 GB of storage or a PS4 for $350 that has 500 GB of storage

>hmmmmm should i get a console thats worth having or a shitty version of a pc

not to mention the plenty of decent games for cheap on the other consoles compared to Nintendo's first party machine where every game is still full priced.

nintendriod confirmed

>>hmmmmm should i get a console thats worth having
You should. That's why you should get a PS4 over a Wii U.
Wii U was never worth owning

Well he is right about Toys R Us having a restock yesterday. It's on the TRU Twitter. Additionally, their website now says sold out so they must have run out between yesterday and today art ther very most.

>$65 for Smash 4
are you joking

>says increasingly nervous man for seventh time this year
>m-maybe if i post a rare l-local store that isn't s-sold out...


Make an argument or fuck off.

Amazon, Best Buy and EB which are basically the top video game hardware online retailers in leaf land have been sold out consistently since launch. The plain Switch was up on Amazon for maybe a few hours last week and that was it.

Face it: it's a success. 3rd parties are going to flock to it now. I don't want one yet but I'm glad it will be good one day instead of rotting like the Wii U.

Not an argument.

Fake news, there are tons of switches in southern Ontario

The Wii U flopped like a prom night dumpster baby and there's nothing you can do but cry about how badly the PS4 crushed it :)

Fake news, they sell out within 1 day of being in stock.

>sales = better

Not an argument.

Lol stay mad

So Sales can only be used as an argument when the Switch is winning, right?

Arms is literally "We want the Wii waggle babies back"

No it has games so theres no need to resort to that.

>it has games
No exclusives though, every game worth playing is on Wii U.

Lol, stay mad

>the ps4 sold like gangbusters
>"sales don't matter, the normies are all stupid and evil, only niche products are good"

>The Switch sells like gangbusters
>"see how popular this product is? It's gotta be good because normies wouldn't buy something bad. Why haven't you bought one yet Sup Forums?

So let me ask you this, Sup Forums? Do sales make a product good? because I keep hearing contradictions, and I'm hoping they're from different people, because if the same people hold these opinions, it just pisses me off because they're purposely being contrarian, or they're moving goalposts at the speed of light so that their double outlook doesn't collapse.

1v1 fighter is the same formula as a multiplayer shooter?

Arms has more than one control style

Where I live it sells out every goddamn day it goes on sale at Nintendo NYC. Every tech retail store also consistently sells out every time they get the odd shipment.

That's what they get for electing Trudeau.

>canadians are dumb


Good, maybe now I can fucking find one to buy.

stop projecting user

>No exclusives though

Imagine being this retarded.

>sales don't matter, the normies are all stupid and evil, only niche products are good"
I've literally only ever heard this from Sonygerrs back in the PS3 era.

>PS4 has no games because multiplats
>Switch has exclusives even though they're on Wii U
You can only pick one without being a hypocrite goalpost moving faggot.

>most of the games only have a couple copies left behind the front one
>Can only see two Switches in the case

Yeah okay, whatever you say, buddy. Just because the accessories are still in stock doesn't mean shit.

There are only 2 Switch boxes there OP.

How does that prove anything?



You must've not browsed many Wii U threads if you never heard Nintendo fans say that. Can't blame you for not buying one though, no one else did either.

name 3 games that are on switch and wii u

So explain the WiiU era. Also, by this logic, nobody on this board is allowed to dislike the Ps4 since, according to you, sales are final and cannot be argued against. If it sells alot, it's automatically good.


Damn i wish my local store had that kind of stock

>EBGames Store Locator Check availability Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

What does that have to do with the Switch?

BOTW, MK8, Shovel Knight






Nobody said the Wii U was good, only the games were.


Why do shitposters always put themselves in this position?

But they weren't. They didn't sell as much as Overwatch, or Fallout 4. Attach rates mean nothing in comparison.

>only the games were.
And "no normalfags" was frequently cited reason for why the games were good

>implying it's going anywhere after it tops April
>implying it's going anywhere after MK8D became the highest selling game in the last 2 Fucking days

Also my GameStop fills the Switch area with empty boxes, they don't actually have any

Just bought one two days ago without even having to search. Maybe if you left the house once in a while you could find one.

>muh sales

fucking lol, get an argument you nigger

But where is the gameplay?

The damage was done before the last election even happened you fucking neanderthal



You wish, niggers of sony.

So anecdotal evidence verse what EB themselves have?

Physical multiplay bro. Everyone can just bring their switch wherever there's space. Plus, docked is just as much a part of the Switch concept as on the go

>two big exclusives releasing in the next couple months
>a fucking 3d mario in the holidays

Does this mean i can finally find one to buy?

Why are people so desperate for the Switch to fail? What does that gain them in life?