Dex > str

dex > str


HAHAHAHA no, you couldn't be more wrong faggot.

It's always STR-fags making thse threads, like they have to prove something instead of just being comfortable and confident.

"in real life", strength fags always have dex equal to pure dexfags

Theres absolutely no DEX going on here
Just brutal STR vs low STR

Dexterity implies youre good with your hands/fingers.

A DEX fag would be poking at all the vital points to eliminate and destroy their will to fight back.

> not LUK>STR

CHA > everything else

Why not both?

Holy shit this is the epitome of dexterity niggers.

A whole bunch of faggots who want to do so many attacks with such a low amount of incremental damage, 1 HP x 50 in 20 seconds, while they get fucking obliterated by a strength guy who unloads 100 - 200 HP damage every successful hit and landed attack rekting their fucking asshole.

>damage every successful hit
The reason people pick DEX characters is because they have lots of options to overwhelm the STR opponent from even getting attacks out or even landing them.

Flurries of attacks, parries, blocks and the STR's HP is gone within seconds while they were trying to get out an attack.

Any DEX player who loses to a STR player is just a bad player in general.

.....unless youre playing an RPG where taking damage is inevitable, then STR and DEF is always ideal.

Charisma > all

>No technique
>Weak flurry of punches and pathetic knees
>Pushes against the cage when hurt

dude deserved to get heemed

>Modern-day business-woman brown elves

My dick has been awakened.

Become enlightened.



I forget the name of this artist.

Nice video games.

Doesn't even have to be brown.
Elves in general wearing modern clothing is top patrician tier.

>Not just summoning undead
Get with the times

They are barely elves anymore, the pointy ears are nothing but an accessory.

Why would i summon trash?

That's the lamest fight I've ever seen.

>letting dead people do your job for you

Because if you're going to adventure through a land fill, having power over trash makes you the strongest

Good thing there's a built in image search function so nobody has to spoonfeed you!


>implying david didn't dump all his stats into faith

Depends on the game.

>clothing damage during the fight

>not going full INT and becoming a Lich
You're all just food for the strong.

Do you know this story at all? David has to use a sling to kill Goliath. A sling would be a Dex weapon. Which means you're wrong.


Just get really strong, get a big-ass sling and chuck a boulder at something so you can't miss. Once again dexbabs prove that each point in dex drops your int by one too with their lack of critical thinking skills.

But user, that's Faith

Dude, I'm not even a Dex player but what you're talking about isn't even feasible. And how is a ranged weapon not Dex? How thick are you?