How do I build Lloyd for the next Arena reset? Assuming I don't have access to any other bonus units and Lucina/Lobster.
Fire Emblem Heroes
You build Anna and Sharena instead.
Why does Lloyd look like he's from a cover of a poorly drawn yaoi doujin?
>Really enjoy using my 5* Xander in this arena
>Going to have to use a 4* drug addict in the next reset
bonus heroes were a mistake
>tfw in the process of creating a monster
>make a team with high BST for higher arena score
>get paired with a team of mages and a dancer anyway
What's the fucking point of this system. My score still takes a tool if I try to pick one of my own mages with tome breakers to deal with these fuckers.
It's understandable to not 5* Alfone because he is laughably outclassed as a swordsmen, but sharena and Anna are top tier spear/axe users. Might as well have them as token bonus units
What do I do with her if I already have Linde?
You use both and glue them together like some mage conga formation for Owl boosts
>finished all the available quests
>did my deathless arena streak and rank up
>got my defense win
>gauntlet is over
>all my better units are leveled up (except for a -Spd Ryoma)
>only enough feathers to 5 star one unit
>no more orbs to gamble
And I have nothing else to do now. So I guess I should 5 star someone, I'll just do Anna, I guess.
Mating press
Should I 5* a +atk/-spd Eirika?
Even with that bane she'd get like 32 speed at level 40
Sharena's the next rotation, if you haven't done her yet.
>can't resist urge to use 20 orbs for Mae
>4 blues 1 green
>get Boey instead
Shid. Anyways is -Spd +Def Nowi or +Spd -Res a better blue to invest feathers in?
I already have Sharena, but she's missing a B skill. I might give her Desperation since I still have a spare Shanna and I already gave Vantage to Anna anyway.
What skills does a Julia need to learn?
Crap, +Spd -Res Cordelia
>roll for Celica after 80 orbs
>get her
>-Atk +Spd
Can she be saved?
G tome breaker, her other default ones are fine
Anna has vantage naturally but you Definitely want to give Anna desperation, Sharena has too low speed to use it and Anna I'd the fastest axe plus in synergizies with Annas unique weapon
Special: Draconic Aura/Iceberg
A: Fury/TA
B: G Tomebreaker/Desperation?
C: memes
I still don't quite understand how she's a top tier unit. 32 speed is "alright" and she has good attack for the most part(although my experiance with a -attack ephraim shows that she'll fail to one hit a lot of important reds[same attack]), but 28/22 defenses doesn't really seem all that impressive. Granted I'm still aiming to 5 star her next for future arena runs but outside of that she doesn't seem that special.
Julia is way too slow for desperation
Is it true that Xander is superior to Eldigan?
res +3 and bof? i tried reading the wiki but its filled with memes like fury 3 but res + 3 doesnt seem right
>TA when she already rapes every blue abs dragon
Fury is better
Death Blow for A as well
I'd build her
Draco aura
Deathly blow/fury
G tomebreaker
>roll a 4* Nowi and Raven in one day
>both are -atk
go all the way man, its beautiful. Being able to take down a +6 Julia with your blue tome is so satisfying.
Then what could be a better B skill for Sharena?
Swordbreaker maybe? If speed really is an issue
She is available to everyone, has a high BST, good typing, decent stock abilities, A Cute! Post skill inheritance she isn't top tier anymore but still one of the best spears
Possibly lancebreaker 3
Fensalir and Fury do wonders on her
Swordbreaker or Lancebreaker depending on what you want her to deal with or Seal Spd if you want a debuffer
Some user some time ago recommended me Lancebreaker, but thinking about it, you rarely see lance users in Arena. Swordbreaker might be useful but I'm not convinced yet.
I might meme it and give her WoM or Escape Route.
Mask Lucy
Rate my lethal loli
Just do swordbreaker, lancebreaker won't let her kill effie and Ephraim anyway so it useless on her. You can keep all her other natural abilities and have her be a swordlord killer/buffer
Xander is basically eldigan with distant counter on his weapon
>blow 60 orbs during the zephiel banner
>not a single dragon loli waifu
feels bad man
What's the best A skill and special for Anna? I'm trying to grind her in the tower and night sky/astra is terrible.
Mine is like yours except she's -Def instead of -Res.
Gave her TA and I don't regret it. Rooceena and Morth can't do squat if Nowi attack first.
Fury/draconic aura
>Use 70 orbs for Hinoka on the pegasus banner
>Use another 60 orbs on this current banner
>No Hinoka
Fuck, she isn't even my waifu, I just really want that hone fliers for my Flier Emblem team, it's the only thing I'm missing.
I wish I could trade you one of my Hinokas I got one trying to summon Nowi and one trying to get Linder.
What heroes do you need for a flier team?
Fury 3 And moonbow. Surprise surprise
Wait I'm wrong, ice berg is better since it on average adds 2 more damage
Assume I have no Hinata, would Fury 2 be sufficient as I don't want to spend 20k feathers for a skill I can get with a 4* or would another skill be better?
Is moonbow better than draconic aura? I know that draconic is always better for 50+ Atk stats but Anna does not have that
Fuck I would so trade with you, I have a spare Nowi just lying around that I got trying for Hinoka. For flier team you ideally need a Hone and Goad Fliers user (Hinoka and Palla), Fortify Fliers user (Caeda, but she sucks, better to SI the skill to someone else). For attacking you generally want Spring Camilla (really strong with Gronnblade + buffs), Cordelia or Minerva. You can add Subaki, Michalis or Beruka if you want a tank.
Anna usually wants to tank one hit from a non red unit and then kill them next turn. Since she will have desperation the next turn they're usually won't be enough hits to proc draconic aura.. you get moonbow off more often in general.
I don't think being at 40 speed instead of 41 hurts her that much. Most high speed units are either unused or red sword users, meaning you won't see them that often. The most harmful thing is probably just having a harder time hurting yourself to desperation/warp shenanigan range but I haven't seen how much that 2 hp difference matters. Same deal with attack and defenses, I don't think the one difference is going to matter all that much but I haven't looked into it
>Can't bring myself to get rid of any 5* unit just to trade a few skills
Hopefully that do that with main villain ghb like Ashnard and Garon
m8 I can't even bring myself to send spare 3*s home for feathers unless they truly are garbage in both stats and skills. Looking at you, Beruka and Est.
Is there any way to make her viable?!
What would i need to spend on her?
Anyone around here who put ressourcess into her ?
Desperation, LaD,moonbow,wo dao+
Damn, and Eldigan's the only unit I have that has Fury 3 since I'm not lucky enough to roll a 4* Hinata for SI.
I'd personally hold on to Eldigan and hopefully get someone else to pass fury on to Xander. Only because Eldigan looks pretty cool.
I don't have a blarblade+ so that's on hold
after the next merge to +2, i'll have invested 100k feathers in her lol, not even counting the rest of my meme team. Worth it to have your waifu be such a fucking monster though.
Why is Hana such a shit character? And why do I need to beat five lvl 35 characters in order to get the fucking Seal?
Just kill 5 clerics
I did that and with a level 27 Hana
dude her attack and LAD actually makes it really easy if you baby her
not like fucking Felicia who hits mages 5 levels lower than her for 0x2
Is a Renewal / Fury build the only way to make Alm viable (particularly a -Def / +Res one like mine)?
>tfw not the only one
> it's a "needs a RES special to do any damage" episode
Just do 8-5 Lunatic. Kill every unit but the mounted healer. The healer doesn't have a weapon so Hana can walk right up and beat the shit out of her. Hana only needs to be about level 25 or so to do it.
-Spd +Res Alm here. Unless you have NOT A SINGLE Red that is decent, dont bother. He wont double anything with Renewal on B and his defensive stats still are too low.
Can I become a powerful leader in this fire emblem?
Is this banner worth it or should I wait for 5% focus?
Battling Lloyd is pretty good, all the units have solid reasons for pulling and can put in work.
Celicas banner is less so, Celicas and maybe Mae are the only great ones.
If you need one of the roles they offer filled then roll, they won't be offering another 5% focus banner for a long time.
Yeah I already have a +Atk / -Spd Brave Sword+ Chrom god so making Alm a bit better isn't imperative. But I feel the pain of a -Spd Alm too - I rolled another to replace the -Def one during his banner that was -Spd / +Def. Shit sucks but hopefully some unit comes along that can make better use of Windsweep so I'll just him as SI fodder.
Only Ninian is worth getting maybe
Does anyone know why this enemy unit was red? I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary stat-wise.
you held your pointer down on him and selected him. it tracks his danger area personally until you deselect him.
Ah okay, I didn't realize I did that
>instead of camus, a fucking spear with DA we get another fucking shit sword user
blarblade works too?
well Camus is up next I think
I wish I had a Cecilia to complete a cav team.
>Want to tryhorse meme team
>Only 1 5*horse
>Don't have the 60k feathers needed just to upgrade the 3 4stars I have.
I still think 2k feathers to 20k is too big of a fucking jump. But with skill inheritance I guess it makes sense
Dear pikomaro: Fuck you and stay away from Linus
Even if you have him he's kinda on the tough spot. Red mages are rare in arena, on cav memes he's competing with rein, olwen, and ursula
What skills should I use for Catria? She's +atk -hp
So far my Anna will have Iceberg, Fury and Desperation. What could be a good Support and C skill?
I'm between Draw Back and Reposition and probably Spur Atk. Any help?
>mfw mine is -spd
Reciprocal Aid to get her within Desperation and Noatun range, any Hone or Spur Skill for C
>tfw rolled a perfect 4* reinhardt and spent 40k feathers to set him up
>Dropped 20k to 5* Xander
>No other good horses for the team
Only options are spending 40k to make Ursula viable, another 40k to make a meh second 4* Reinhardt viable, or use the free neutral Cecilia. I hope Camus is good and doesn't require a huge inherit investment.
No it doesn't make sense its fucking retarded and getting feathers is annoying enough as it is.
I just started playing a few days ago. Is Anna actually good? she seemed like a big meme to me because of how low her defense is.
She is a Res tank, instead, and has a very good 38 Spd and innate Escape Route 2 in Noatu. She and Sharena are some very good units when fully SI'd.
How are these?
Which would be better for a neutral Tharja: Fury, Life and Death, or her innate Darting Blow? I'm planning to give her Desperation.
Barst is even worse, but at least it's for orbs and not seals
>friend pulled two Hinokas on this banner