Why is Swadia so utter shit?

Why is Swadia so utter shit?

*shield walls u*
*throwing axes u*

Whats the best kingdom to join for a newbie?

Going with 2 handed

Nords, the longaxe is literally a free win


Rhodoks have a steep learning curve but they are ultimately the best faction, if you manage to get the hand on the tactics that they require

nords = khergits>swadia>rhodoks>vaegirs

your welcome


>khergits this high
>swadians right after them
horsefucker detected

*recruits 30 peasants*
*fights one battle*
*upgrades them all to max*

*horses u*


"heh, very well indeed, but..."
*recruits 30 swadian peasants*
*fights two groups of bandits*
*upgrades to sharpshooters*
"nothing personel..."
*shoots your horses and then your dumb savages*

*teleports behind you*

*blocks you with doors*

They aren't Nords.
>Huscarls make up for any defecit of archers or cavalry

>what are crossbows
not so tough without your shields now are ya?

Get hundreds of Rhodok crossbowmen.
Hold position.
Ride out in front and run circles around the enemy while bolts fall on them.

This is the only way to play.

Swadians are the best and most versatile kingdom.

>not the best
kys nerd

combine these 2 with nordic front lines with rohodock support
fucking unstoppable

pick one
oh wait you cant, because you are in the middle and everyone partitioned your kingdom between themselves.

Sorry, can't hear you over the sound of my knights running down your armies the moment they step into my land.

ive gone just a pure rhodock crossbowman army
after i got 300 of them i coundt be beat and would play with the tactics
eventually got bored and had to leave them in a castle because there was not much of a challenge anymore
felt bad for the fools who tried to take it

>tfw making mad dosh with my Mamluks
Slaves and prisoners all day

I dont onow how to make money on this game

The only reliable method ive found is to put a max bet on yourself in tournaments and win first place

it helps i guess but lords are always looking for mercenaries or the king might want to recruit you you
also you can just go the merchant route
plenty of ways to make money besides tournaments

Just sell loot until you can buy a brewery.

Steal from the buttermen.