What's the best hyper-realistic military shooter where teammates actually communicate and work together and it's not...

What's the best hyper-realistic military shooter where teammates actually communicate and work together and it's not overly buggy/clunky?

Americas army? Squad? Insurgency? Project realism? arma?

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ArmA is pretty good when you have a unit and stay far away from the public cancer. You also need at least TFAR and Ace3.

Squad is a fun arcade shooter where nobody really communicates. It tries to be realistic but is basically just battlefield and misses content.

PR is basically Squad but even more arcade in exchange for more content.

damn, so arma really IS your best bet isn't it. And what I gather, is you'll never have a good experience playing with randoms?

I'd play arma, but i'm worried about steady 60 fps with my ryzen 5 1600 and gtx 1060

Insurgency is good for all that other than coms is rare you'll find good teamwork online

Just join a community.

fair point, I was searching /vg/ but it seems no one plays those types of games on the chins, besides not sure if I'd want to play with a bunch of memers.

So do you think a ryzen 5 1600 and gtx 1060 6gb would run arma steady 60fps? Can't find any benchmarks on youtube

ArmA's performance problems are a meme desu. You need a good rig but everything that is newer than 2012 and not budget should work.

It's a great game in theory but you will notice the clunky engine really quick. The amount of fun you'll have really depends on your group and the missionmakers experience. I'd instantly jump ship as soon as anyone releases a worthwhile ArmA competitor and many players would do the same. The only thing stopping the players is that there's no game filling the same niche.

Take a look at units.arma3.com/# or in the steamforum to find a realsim or milsim group.

Squad has too much recoil to be an arcade shooter


Maybe this will help in your decision

I would go with project reality or squad. They foster the type of environment you are looking for with pickup game play, without the pressure of joining a community.

Of course, this means your experiences can vary wildly depending on the quality of your squad leader / squad.

Project reality is free, and has an incredible amount of content. On the same server you can go from vietnam, to the falklands, to israel vs hamas, russia vs china, nearly every NATO ally is in the game etc.

I would consider squad to be the most streamlined feeling. Project reality is certainly janky, being on the battlefield 2 engine, but to me still feels less clunky than arma.

Addendum for the performance:

In Multiplayer the FPS heavily depends on
A: The Mission
An experienced missionmaker can save 50~60% performance just by optimizing unit placement and caching, stopping scripts and permanent logic checks

B: The Server
A headless client can greatly increase server performance under heavy AI weight. Also Server fps are a thing.

thanks guys, i'm going to try both of them. But arma honestly sounds like what im looking for. I hope it runs at least okay on the ryzen.
That's what drew me to squad, i'm so used to the silly cartoony csgo "spray patterns"

do lots of people still play P.R? I also don't want to join a dead game. I get that it's a niche genre, but still.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.

Nigger you don't even know what arcade shooter means

I used it to further depict how far away Squad is from a realistic shooter experience. It's a reskinned battlefield with slower animations and you are really fucking desperate if you try to deny that.

That doesn't necessarily have to be something bad. I enjoy Squad/PR myself from time to time but they took a completely wrong direction. It shows in the player numbers.

I'm a wage slave so I only get to play on the weekends and there are always multiple servers full. Servers are 100 player and I usually see 3 or 4 full servers.

I'll grab a screenshot of the browser in a bit.

thank you,

Whats unrealistic about it?

I actually found this utility that shows current servers with players. realitymod.com/prspy/

2 US servers, one full one pretty full. Our definitions of dead game might be alot different, I still enjoy playing BF1942 FHSW mod with the japanese who fill one server nearly every day with 60-70 people. Ive never had trouble finding a game.

Arma is incredibly unrealistic with its clunky pathetic movement. Doesn't mean I can't enjoy it but don't pretend the movement and aiming in Arma is anything realistic. Add on a bunch of widgets and mechanics to represent realism, it all goes to shit when the movement feels like a botched Resident Evil movement system.

jeese talk about hyperbole

>cant give an argument
Like clockwork.

If you want a more casual (as in easier to get into because you don't need to join a community etc): Squad

For combined arms: nothing comes close to ARMA

PR is decent aswell.

>mfw people actually want to simulate my job

>not wanting to simulate your job when not at your job
What the fuck.

What am I, German?

Nothing better than some Forklifttruck simulator after work.

I failed to add that Squad does infantry combat better and movement/shooting feels less clunky. Also whoever said that people don't communicate in Squad must've joined a really bad squad or played during a free weekend.

ARMA's infantry combat isn't bad but there's a lot of annoying tiny issues (deploying bipads etc). But like I said, the game's real strength is in combined arms scenarios: stuff like this is very do-able with a proper community.


Most logical post. I dislike Armas movement and aiming systems but you cannot argue on the level of realism Arma provides on non pub games.

bumpidity bump

well, it's pretty different. Yours is a whole lot of waiting around doing nothing, and the simulators are situations most people overseas wont even have to go through. If it was a hyper realistic sim it would be alot of sitting around eating MRE's playing acoustic guitar.

Call of duty 2

i've actually always wanted to make a roofing simulator (british columbia canada) A bunch of hosers drunk on the roof in the pissing rain.

Interestingly enough, sometimes you get to simulate the waiting around in ARMA. Usually it happens when command is co-ordinating an attack between different squads and elements and making sure everyone are ready and in the right positions., Or when you have to wait in the extraction zone because one of the squads managed to fuck up their vehicle and are now waiting for repairs or on foot. And so on.

How's americas army?

i like that actually

Waiting and preparing is a fun part about ArmA. All the preparation is making the 30~40 minutes of intense combined arms warfare a lot more rewarding than the perpetual cycle of respawning and being near instantly back into combat.