>It's OK when Japan does it!
It's OK when Japan does it!
Imply that isn't localization.
Post a screenshot of the JP version, pleb.
Obviously. When Japan does it the Other means traps and futa.
I really couldn't give less of a shit what genders programmers allow you to select.
But it's also worth mentioning that Japan isn't plagued by decadence.
>It's OK
oh you poor fools. still believing in "based" japan.
they fell just like the rest.
ahahaha finally sjweebs getting exposed
Japan has had "Others" for nearly 3 decades.
>It's OK
It's a girl in Japan you underage memefag fuccboi
It's only SJWtendo they have been pozzed for a long time now
I never encountered this. Then again I pirated it if that did anything.
>Gays aren't human
The human body is a complicated messy thing and sometimes it grows in weird ways. It's not haram to acknowledge that.
Inventing fifteen million personal gender words is another story.
How did you get to that conclusion from the post you quoted?
Man, the White Left is really gaining traction in eastern countries, huh?
So what happens if you pick Other?
If you are born xxy or xxxy or whatever other fucked up combo you are going to die very young.
It's about as relevant as making special choices for kids with the disease that turns them into bone
I admit shit like OPs image is retarded because it likely has no effect on anything in the game.
I use to absolutely hate this bullshit trans and million different gender options SJWs have been wanting in games but honestly after a while I started to kind of like the idea of at least having more freeform and unisex character creators in games.
Although I hate the artstyle Dauntless character creator was what made me realize how cool a system like that could be if any of you are familiar with it. It's basically a character creator with just sliders, hairs, and different shit to add to your character. Gender isn't mentioned anywhere.
I wanna be able to make the bearded lady, the qt trap fuccboi, and super muscular tall amazon women. It'd be nice to see a pool of all hairstyles available for any character. I hate when I see a hair I like but it's for the opposite gender, it's kind of limiting from a character theme and roleplay perspective
Instead of simply having labels why do more games just not go for a system like this? It still allows for you to be anything without trying to force a million different gender politic shit in the game.
Just add a biography section to the character creator for lore and backstory that can also be used by special snowflakes who feel like it has to fucking known exactly what gender they are if they really feel it's needed.
Just don't make all these fake genders default options that are shoved in everyone's face, it's stupid.
TL;DR: My opinion is worthless and I just needed somewhere to vent because I'm dumb. Please carry on with your day, nothing to see here.
>There's boys and girls and then there's gays
Instant game over.
you think anyone is going to read that reddit spacing tripe?
What does picking your gender even do in this game? Is there an avatar again or something?
That is infuriating to me
You are a man or a woman, there is nothing else, and trying to claim anything else is mental illness, plain and simple. You can be a manly girl or a feminine guy, neither of these suddenly makes you the other.
STEM was supposed to be my escape from this garbage but now this fucking shit is seeping into my med classes. Whenever some fucking numale with his gay little balding haircut and his little girl shirt tries to say he's a girl on his medical sheets, you can tell the doctor I study under is doing everything in his power not to beat this "man" to death.
Just lie on your medical records, what could fucking go wrong
Don't worry I posted it on Reddit too :))
I've been on the internet for 3 weeks now! its so epic!
I still don't follow your leaps of logic.
He just said that there are people that some label as "normal" and some as "unusual". Maybe you should learn to read the actual text rather than your wishful thinking. He's just saying that there are all kinds of people (which are human if you didn't know because we don't call non-humans as people).
>But the different between people with different sexual preference is only in number
>But we'll all the same world
Guess who was in charge of the localization?
Fuck off you unoriginal fucking retard. What the fuck is reddit spacing. Youre literally parroting shit youve seen on Sup Forums. We went full fucking circle with this shit with "back to redit" post, holy fucking shit.
Get cancer and die.
sent ;)
honestly it's ok when westerners do it to
Reminder that all gender does is switch the title you get based on your renown, and that it gives you a monster name if you set it to "other"
even more reddit spacing, you might be more comfortable over there
Dragon's dogma is the game for you. Character creation is exactly what you want
I'm sorry faggot but your considered a subhuman in Japan and thats when they are being nice to you twinky fucks.
You'll have to find another nation to share your aids in
Japan know how to subtly bash gays. That why they are not uprising over there.
>special choices for kids with the disease that turns them into bone
→Spooky Skeleton
I'm already
over there
I post on
both websites,
fight me
> The land of traps isn't plagued by decadence.
That's not "other". Most trannies identify themselves as male or female, not other imaginary genders.
Too bad Yoko Taro is pro gays, good luck with that.
You sure showed me your lack of a working brain.
>le ribbit spacing maymay
So, male, female or abomination?
God bless
that's cool, and can be interpreted as offensive. I like it
>You'll have to find another nation to share your aids in
You think gays don't exist or fuck in Japan?
Yes because when japan does it they don't beat you over the head with it with how progressive and diverse it is and actually fleshes their LGBT characters out to be cool or interesting.
faith in Japan restored
seeThey did a good job seeing as you dummies like your localization to be close to the original as possible.
What game is this even? Fire Emblem? The latest FE games have just been weird.
>If you are born xxy or xxxy or whatever other fucked up combo you are going to die very young.
This is absolutely, 100% factually incorrect. Most disorders where people have extra sex cromsones have almost to zero side effects on the person other then the impact it has on their reproductive system and they have normal life spans.
No wonder why he doesn't show him face.
It's okay when the west does it
If it doesn't take away from the game I don't give a fuck and the fact that you do give a fuck means you're a shallow cunt who cares more about the politics of games than games
It's fiiiiiine
No they don't even have aids there because no monkey fuckers are allowed.
Westerner fagbois however intentionally get pozzed because they are completely fucked in the head.
Illiterate retards don't know what paragraphs are.
He's happily married to Drakengard 3 artist.
Grim Dawn did it right
This is ever Leon I know.
I'm still waiting for my preorder to arrive, but let me ask this:
Does this REALLY ruin the game entirely?
What the hell is "other"? It's male or female.
Reddit has better memes than Sup Forums. Everything that isn't Toddposting here is literally funnyjunk tier.
so easy to read!
On the bright side, it sold like shit compared to Awakening & Fates. It might not break 1 mil.
This is for streetpassing you stupid fucks. It has nothing to do with the actual game.
Nigger if you survive passed the age of 14 you'll already be 7 feet tall and plagued by a bunch of health issues.
>having fucked up DNA won't do anything
How can you be this stupid
It's for the streetpass and is a rather not say choice
Get over it Sup Forums
It is fine, what's the problem?
War Father sounds pretty badass actually.
>its in the game
its ok.
Not really since その他 literally means "other".
What happened to
>Character shouldn't be defined by their sexuality?
>Female is the harder difficulty
What did they mean by this?
Narrative isn't affected. It's just for your online profile card
Terror titles are best titles. "Other" it is.
Pls delet
the narwhal bacons at midnight too my fellow redditor xd
>character offhandly mentions he had a romantic attraction to a dude in an anecdote
>this is being "defined by his sexuality"
dumb Sup Forumsposter
Kill yourself
I'm building a pistol wizard, when does it get better? I'm on my way to homestead and shield skeletons and the *teleports behind you* ghosts are fucking my shit up
It's fucking over. Japan has officially been pozzed and it only took you until now to realize it.
You cucks should have realized this has been happening since Pokemon started shoehorning niggers everywhere.
See you in الخلافة من اليابان in a couple years when the country inevitably starts accepting immigrants en masse to make up for their falling birth rate.
other means Female (male)
I meant political narrative, mate.