I just bought this game, can you guys reccomend me some mods?

I just bought this game, can you guys reccomend me some mods?


No, sorry. Only played vanilla.

You wasted your money

Realistic headshots make snoipa fun. Ez mode but fun.
There was that one whole game overhaul that I forgot the name of. Project Nevada I think.

play the game first without mods

new vegas bounties 1 & 2

> (OP)
This op

I recommend no mods senpai

agreed, should have got skyrim or the highly (((acclaimed))) Fallout 3

Hmmm, then i will play it without mods first, but give me some juicy mods to install when i finish my first run.

Fallout 3 is superior in every concievable way

Well are you going to recommend them or not?

I agree, my gamer friend.


And why do you say that?

The cured meats salesman mod.

JSawyer.esp is a valance mod made by one of the lead devs and its really good

Project Neveda overhauls alot of the core gameplay.

Fallout character overhaul- Face model overhaul


Nevada Skies

Someguy2000 quests - just get all of them

Various gun and texture mods to suit your personal preference i suppose.

>lowers level cap to 30

Yeah, fuck that.

Ok, what? Nice salami btw.
Thanks user, appreciate it.

The NSA is going to put me in a very special list if i ask this, but, wut mod?

Wish I knew, user.

I don't even want the sex scenes, I just think that child prostitutes existing in the wasteland makes it better for completely amoral characters. I'd be happy with a fade-to-black.