Memewatch or Nah

So I didn't really like Overwatch much during the beta and from what I've seen its just League the FPS now. However I have been getting bored with CSGO and Battlefield as the competitive field for one is too much autism frustration to get better while the other one has turned into CoD: Muh Big Maps.

Should I just get Overwatch and start playing that actively or is there hopes for another FPS to hit the market that will be good and competitive to wait for?

Consolefags need not to reply..

You play Overwatch for competitive so let that decide it for you

I don't think you understand, I am asking because I am on the fence.

Why in fucks name would you bother asking Sup Forums if you should play a game?

You'd be better off asking Sup Forums if they like their shit runny or chunky.

Overwatch is only fun if you have friends to play with, randoms make matches either boring or frustrating

It's like TF2 but faster and you can't customize your load out. It's fun for the first 20-30 hours but then you realize each game is more of the same. I'd say get it if you think you like lol and TF2 but pass otherwise

Because I'm fucking bored, that is why. I also like to see opinions even it is as shitty as runny v. chunky
>Not chunky

I see this as an issue in most team based games as it is, thus not a big issue unless its very game killing for Overwatch.

>Faster TF2 minus the fun shit
Better off playing dated TF2?

You can play during the free weekend next week and decide for yourself

But coming from someone who dumped 200+ hours since release, I wouldn't buy it

Don't buy it, it's not fun and gets shit updates, also the marketing is pandering trash will just leave you with a sour taste.

>More negative opinions

I guess I will just pass on Overwatch, seems all my fears for a game that follows the path of League is just not a good one. However what is there to hope for or play now instead?

Killing Floor 2

Wait until next week. It'll be free to play from the 26th to the 29th. You can decide afterwards if you like it to buy it.

wait to see if there's some kind of sale in the future. it's not worth more than $20-30

Are you a D. Va waifufag?

Is so, your opinion goes straight to the trash.

>Consolefags need not to reply..
>Overwatch has 3x faster queue than PC

No? I play Mercy and Reinhardt.

wtf are you trying to say?

I guess you are just one of those tards that fell for the lewd meme in games. Go away.

I'm here to stay.

Matches start faster on console, specifically the highly populated PS4.

So Overwatch is just a shit version of TF2 for consolefags? I'm okay with this.