Sup Forums says a game is good

>Sup Forums says a game is good
>it sucks

what's her name?

That game you like.


Sup Forums doesnt like HLD, only reddit and shills

Deus Ex series

Fite me

the first nier

>Sup Forums
>Saying a game is good

Anybody who says a game is good is a marketer.

any Y's game

Nu-Prey is a good game, but with some glaring flaws. Feel free to pirate it if you don't believe me.

the entire souls series and clones

Are you unhappy with the game because you're still missing 4 of the power sources in order to open the door, or is that just a random picture

furi is good, its just shit

They're good once you get used to them.

The bulk of HLD was pretty shitty, but the boss fights were kinda fun.

>is good
>is just shit

I'm really trying to enjoy it, I just finished the second area. It's just that what got me into it was the pixel art style and that I heart it was similar to Zelda.

The artstyle is interesting, sure, but it's just bad for this game, sometimes you can't know what's a platform and what isn't. And often paths are rather hard to discern from decoration and background as well.

The level design is rather bland and uninteresting, either. There are many "secrets" which are plain boring to find out, since they're just secret paths that you'd think are walls or something like that. Exploring isn't fun like it feels it's supposed to be and none of the "dungeons" have any sort of interesting puzzle or design.

>souls games
>most of the strategy games
>h-games (im looking at you poopy starless)
>deus ex human revolution
>nier automata (first one was okay)
>smt and persona
>witcher 1

At least Witcher 2 was okay but little bit boring, i dread to play Witcher 3 because its so praised in here.

>good once you get used to them
That's like saying paper tastes good once you get used to eating it.

Fun fact the human palette can be trained to like any edible food.

Ok, that's understandable. When it came out people were getting mad at doors like that without realizing there's more than 4 things to find, so that's why I asked

its a good casual game

its a shit game to take seriously

Dragon's Dogma
Any Souls games, BB and Nioh included
The Witcher

None since I don't take advice from a shitposting site?

Persona 5 and Nier

Have you tried the Fairune games? Made by the same people. The first one is agonizingly short, but the second one should keep you occupied for a couple of days.

souls games


Eh, might give it a try.


I couldn't get over HLD's control scheme. I want movement to be fully independent of aiming.
Maybe I'm just dumb and missed that in the options though.

Is that even out yet?

This boring piece of shit

HLD is actually good

What's wrong with any of those games?

Whatever, you're the one missing the fun.

I liked it but i wouldnt pay $60 for it



>inb4 bait images

Hotline Miami

Any indie game so far. I realize that in order for the micro transactions, season passes, and cut content to be changed in this industry indie games need to sell but damn they're all awful so far.

What exactly is wrong with Souls games?

any indie title

There go you again; lying.


Too many other people like them

Not everyone is fond of the trial and error gameplay.