Friendly reminder.
Friendly reminder
What games are you guys playing ?
I'm playing darksiders
please kill yourself
Playing some CSGO while I wait for my Switch to be delivered
Kill yourself shill
>watching people on youtube play games and commentate
>instead of just playing a game yourself or looking for gameplay videos without an obnoxious sperg talking over them
Only acceptable one there is Joey (NOT VIDYA) and that's just because of the stupid shit he puts himself through
>mfw dsp's anti-fanbase is even more insufferable than his actual one, and his actual one is made up of children.
it's fitting that manchildren would be the anti-fanbase
Where's eatthatpussy445
>They're all shit
wowie zowie
i fixed your image for you, it was broken.
this is some god-tier bait not gonna lie
Smite and the first Danganronpa
reviewbrah is /ourguy/, get out
Oh I think I see it, were you going for something like this?
thats funny because only neo Sup Forums approves of this shit period
weak bait, nigger
get the fuck out
I just played this for the first time a few weeks ago. Was really good.
I used to be a fan of Markiplier why he was still obscure and only got about a thousand view per video. Then he got popular and he just got cringy. And holy shit that dyed hair looks super faggy. I'm probably a hipster because I hate popular Markiplier.
About to play some Payday 2, I'm having a lot more fun with this game than I initially expected to have.
Every single fucking person listed is an obnoxious fucking faggot.
Goddamn this is some quality bait.