Why does everyone on Sup Forums suck this game's dick so much...

Why does everyone on Sup Forums suck this game's dick so much? I just tried it out and its literally just WoW with chocobos. Is it just because of the franchise?

I seriously dont get it.

The game is comfy and the music is top tier.

So... yes its just because its a Final Fantasy game. I figured, and thats fine. But touting it as the best MMO on the market is misleading.

>Is it just because of the franchise?

Well the issue is, it actually is the best on the market. It's shitty. But everything else is even shittier.

>Why is a fun videogame fun

Honestly as much RNG and crap from D3 that was thrown into legion I'd say FFXIV is the only MMO left since WoW is just a shitty wannabe ARPG atm.

What is the best mmo on the market then?

I don't play MMOs, I play single-player JRPGs, and that's why I loved FFXIV. I had so much fun for hundreds of hours and the story was entertaining for me as well.

>literally just WoW with chocobos

So 10 billion times better? WoW visuals are trash.

Gentlemen how do we stop SCH?

TESO or Rift.

Fuck off back to /vg/ OP.

There are enough shills here. Don't need a false flag to make a new thread just to have /vg/ flood another thread.

People like the graphics and music. Turns out, that's all that required to make dullards think something is good.

autokick all sch

t. Never played through FFXIV

are you actually this retarded cuz it sounds like you played for 5 mins and said nope and dont have an argument other than your assburgers

good one user



How can one mans opinion be this shit?

Ha ha, no.

*breathes in*

>tfw you will never get to play through FFXIV for the first time again

Seriously, how did the weebs pull it off? 5 years ago, no one would've guessed the "reboot" of 4.0 would have ever beaten the likes of TES or Wildstar.

How did it end up like this?

Pretty much what said.
It's unfortunate but it's the truth. WoW was good for like month after Legion, and its back to being boring grindy trash.

Archeage was nothing but broken promises, Tree of Savior and BDO were dead on arrival, Blade and Soul tried so hard to be an esport that it forgot it has to be an actual game first, and all the old good shit like Lotro and FFXI have suffered from huge content draughts that have made a ton of people quit, leaving the games dead.

FFXIV isn't exceptional, it isn't even that good. It's just that everything else is so fucking bad that even something as mediocre as XIV can stand on top.

Rift was destroyed, user. : (

Because they made a fun game that people liked to play

>ever competing

Most of XIV's success lends itself to DQX because YoshiP lifts content it from there and re-purposes it.

Sup Forums underestimated the number of people who like the final fantasy series just like they underestimated the number of people who like star wars and keep TOR alive and generating revenue

Honestly, polish.
All those F2P korean garbage MMOs don't stick because they're awful to play, aren't particularly accessible, marred in cash shop shit, they basically don't feel good at all.

None of the WoW killers managed to kill WoW because none of them truly reached the same level of quality. If you want to beat something, you have to master that something first and none of them bothered to do that. And now we're stuck with a flood of short-lived F2P products thrown at China and Korea en masse because those guys just have no goddamn taste in vidya and nobody wants to risk to make an actual quality project.

Oh, and you can comfortably play FFXIV on a console. That's a big one.

Literally unplayable with new the servers. Many people I know just quit because of it, that's suck because I like the game.

>randomly get 90002 errors
>servers move
>oh good maybe those will stop
>get a 90002 error withing 30mins

>no more BRs, no more frogs, no more swedencucks, no more europoors

wtf i love yoship now


It´s the lesser of the evils

>30 to 100
>mfw mine went from 30 to 140

I'd post a face but it never registered as a press for the server.

>I want to play a mmo alone

wtf I love retards now

It's well done, music is top notch, has a nice art style and good lore behind.

Ifyl you don't like the gameplay or characters, that's on you, but it can't be denied that FFXIV has consistency and is all around a pretty solid MMO, wether you like it or not.

It's not because "it's just a Final Fantasy game" that it's popular. 1.0's failure is a pretty solid proof of that.

NA servers are made for the american people, you have to go back blackie

>always have over 200

Yeah nah it's not that big of a fucking deal.

Pretty accurate desu. Most of the game is a delivery simulator of fetch-quests with a large portion of the player base online and afk in their housing estates.

>new expansion coming out soon

My brother is tempting me to get back into the game.

Good, I would get mad all over again when they retconned the end of ARR

>its literally just WoW with chocobos
The fuck did you think it would be?

>Watched a series going over the launch and shortcomings of FFXIV 1.0
>All those terrible design choices, making everything server side

You have to fuck up pretty hard when the best option to keep an MMO alive is to completely rebuild it.

If 1.0 didn't fail we could have gotten one of the more interesting MMOs, but instead ARR turned into a generic WoW clone and HW didn't fair any better.

Wasn't 1.0 just like XI?

>Yeah nah I ate shit and liked it so you can eat shit and enjoy it, too.

No. No version of XIV was ever like XI.



Is this bait?

Not remotely similar in any way.

>nobody cares

I almost wish it wasn't. I loved RIFT..

It's the TESO part I was calling bait.

ESO is more competent as a game than XIV has ever been in its lifetime. If you trash it, you haven't played it.

I just cant get over how stiff everything feels in ESO

XIV doesn't hold your hand when it comes to actually playing your class. Take MCH for example. To get good numbers with the class you need to have 3 things down

1) opener(s)
2) CD timing
3) stance dancing

The game teaches you nothing about these things. Especially the opener is critical since you literally frontload all your DPS untill your CDs align again 4 minutes into a fight. The few times I actually see MCH in my PuG groups they do pretty terrible simply because they were never taught how to properly play their class.

WoW on the other hand goes out of its way to enable players to atleast have a baseline efficiency with your class.

XIV relies on people actually explaining shit to others. This works well on JP server, where the montor system actually does something. On NA server people are either clueless or elitist shitbags who talk down to the former without offering any help.

In summary: Everyone around you sucks because you are a shitbag who would rather post on Sup Forums how bad everyone is instead of explaining shit.

ESO also doesn't have a sub. So you can play it whenever you want.

FFXIV can't justify the subscription since the patches that come out are lackluster or take too long to come such as the patch between 3.0 to 3.1. Five month wait and the patch was complete shit.

The same can be said for XIV. The whole skating while spamming weaponskills, the intense server-client delays on skills and animations, where no ability feels immediate and your sense of control being limited by the game's netcode.

>stance dancing
I had a feeling that sitting on Gauss Barrel the entire time was fucking stupid.
This job, man.

I live in America and get a better ping from the EU servers than I do from the ones on my own fucking continent now

>elitist shitbags who talk down to the former without offering any help
Fuck you. We all tried to offer help for years, and were either met with silence, or screeching. So now we just don't fucking bother anymore because it's not worth it.

I have played it.
If I can't use fire, the basic element for Destruction, as a fucking mage, then what is the point?

Yes and yes.

It's just a generic MMO with a very charming Final Fantasy coat of paint. The soundtrack alone is worth the investment, it's probably the best video game soundtrack of all time thanks to its sheer volume and most of those songs being at least good.

It also has the best hardcore boss fights/raids of all RPGs by an extremely wide margin though, that's a huge selling point for me. The presentation of those fights is out of this world, and there's dozens of them. If like any Sup Forums goer worth his salt you've played MGR, think RULES OF NATURE.

>play NIN
>live in europe
>114ms ping before the move
>literally zero issues
>178ms ping after the move
>still literally zero issues

Retard? Elemental affinities are tied to your staff weapon. You can drop meteors.

Way better than XIV having Ice enemies that don't take increased damage from Fire spells.

go for it user, i know you want to be a healslut again and erp catboys.

But user you're supposed to just suck it up and continue trying to help those who bite the hand that feeds. Aren't you the selfish one?

So it's that Guild Wars 2 garbage where your abilities are tied to your weapon?
Fuck that noise.

Nice argument, garbageman.

>Is it just because of the franchise?

Yes. If it wasnt a Final Fantasy game it'd be just another failed WoW clone.

In other words, you have no retort.
I guess that's that, then.


Well you claim to have played it, without understanding very basic concepts. Hard to make a retort when your point hasn't been contested yet.

I like FF14 because gearing isnt plague by korean rng bullshit

Well, that's because you're a shitter user.

There's no way you're able to fit your 3-step mudras within one GCD consistently with that ping.

I just rp with a girl in balmug and walked away uninterested. Have you ever felt a sharp knife in the heart this hard?

I was always told it was impossible to fit 3-step mudras in one GCD with ANY ping.

Have I been lied to all these years?

Oh wow this flawless argument.

I've tried it out. It was shit.

Nigga, you can just google or look up a video. Hell, you can even just ask in this thread for help. Stop being a lazy little bitch like poorfags and welfarefags and socialistfags, niggerfags, spicfags, yellowniggerfags, sandniggerfags, and kikefags.

I think FFXIV is a good game but I just cant play it. For one there are just too many buttons for my shitter ass. I dont have an MLG mouse/keyboard and my fingers arent 10 inches long so almost every class having like 30 buttons to press isnt going to work for me. Also I just really dont like the fact that all the content is locked behind a fuckmassive quest line. It also feels like there is no class identity because everyone can be anything. Like why would a raiding group search outside of their weeb circlejerk for a particular Job when they can just have SephirothUchihaX become that job instantly. Seems that a side effect of this is making it really hard for new players to get into end game content unless they want to ride tons of dick.

Also seems that botting and RMT are a big problem but that could be said for any MMO... although Blizzard has been cracking down since the massive ban waves a year or so ago.

Its a cozy game but I just cant get into it.

Still a much better game than XIV.

ESO is a better game than XIV. Notice how weebs flip out they are confronted with this reality. Don't fall for the FF shills, the game is pure shit and there are plenty of better MMO games.

There's no such thing as best you mong. If you're talking about active users? Wow. Highest sub numbers? wow. Soundtrack? FF prolly. Best in depth customization? BD prolly. Biggest cash shop? rift. most casual friendly mmo? ESO.

Statistics say otherwise.

XIV is a better game than ESO. Notice how toddposters flip out they are confronted with this reality. Don't fall for the ES shills, the game is pure shit and there are plenty of better MMO games.

If ESO was so good people would be playing it, especially considering its price.

People do play it.

I played it and it was trash, everything about it from the linear bullshit quests and hubs to the shitty environmental design. I don't get why MMO's think they're pushing the envelope by washing everything in grimdark greys, browns and blacks. It destroys the entire experience for me. The soundtrack left alot to be desired and it felt like a copy paste of skyrim. It was bullshit, not to mention it had alot of bad publicity on release so it was essentially DoA in the eyes of the people who funded the trainwreck.

Yes, hop aboard the rollercoaster with no build diversity; with echo chamber forums; with fanservice shoved into your face because they are creatively bankrupt on all fronts; with an eternity-long GCD; with autists that defend the game to its death because it has some compulsory story with one-dimensional characters, as if that is what Final Fantasy is or ever has been about; where content comes and then vanishes as if it never existed to begin with, all because of some new thing that they churned out.

Yes, risk averse Final Fantasy. The greatest game on the market. No other game exists because I have been playing and ERPing with catgirls for these 10,000 hours. I don't know what a good MMO is anymore.

>linear bullshit quests
You mean FFXIV? A lot of ESO quests have multiple routes while XIV is always one fetch quest

>game was designed around nips with 20 ping
>complaining about 100 ping is somehow bad
If you weren't a retarded troll reposting the same stupid thing over and over I would feel bad for you.

I only went heal slut to boost my Paladin.

Reading comprehension, user.

>shitty environmental design.
Yeah, as if aerial shit in Heavensward was any good.

And that trainwreck will be repeated in Stormblood with even less interactive environments.

>ass tier tickrate of .3 and .1 for open world and instanced respectively
>somehow it's wrong to complain about shit servers all the way on the other side of the USA

Even f2p MMOs have better average ping nationwide because they set up servers in the middle of the country or create datacenters in multiple states