2005/2007 was the peak of graphics

these years we were shining with graphical fidelity.
prove me wrong

>no pixelated shadows whatsoever
>bulletholes are parallaxed instead of just flat textures
>great fucking lightning
>textures where good resolution in general
>can see your own body

what happend?
>inb4 consoles
>pic very related

>Peak of graphics
>Looks worse than games from today

what did op mean by this?

2000 was the peak you underage. going from 2D to Polygons to perfect 3D was fucking mind-blowing back then


Since individual objects, like the character models, looked so shitty, they spruced up the rest of the environment with cool effects. After the ability to make better models came about, they stopped using the other effects. This is mainly because those effects are quite power demanding, so they traded them with the better models.



and the only game that had all these features had some of the most blocky, repetitive and bland level design I ever witnessed in vidya

>Looks worse than games from today
...uh huh?

>This is mainly because those effects are quite power demanding, so they traded them with the better models.
You literally don't know what you're talking about.

Ditto to you.

lol nice N64 textures bethesda

fallout 4 isn't really comparable to other modern games since it's not really that great. it's like saying sonic 06 is what games in 2006 were

I honestly miss the 2004/2005 era of "dude holy shit bump maps" of graphics

Games are only going to start looking worse now that temporal reconstruction methods are becoming the norm.

Say goodbye to ever having sharp IQ and high detailed textures, instead you get vaguely blurry everything and a look not too far from video encoding.

If you exclusively want games set in tiny urban invincible corridors I guess

>Hurr all games are the same, all companies pull from the same workforce and textures. A game isn't produced, its materialized into my retarded hands durr

Models back then had way lower polygon count than now. So they had more room to add effects so the game doesn't look like complete trash. Once the technology that allowed them to make better models came about, they traded those effects for the models.

They had bumpmaps back then because they were easier to make. The ability to make sophisticated models not only requires talented 3d modelers, it is graphically demanding,

So what would you rather have? A piece of concrete that looks cool? Or people that don't look like they were made from legos?

>we'll never play this

>we will never get this game


That's the age of fake graphics though


Of course not, that wasn't made running on a console at all, it's a promotional video

>kojipro was so incompetent, they couldn't make a good game out of this

And people have hope for Death Stranding. kek

Theres no peak of graphics you fucktard. Hardware/software keeps getting better every time.
And what the point of your pic? I could do the same with every game which introduced a new tech.

I kinda agree, nowadays it's all about the "look at how the sun is blinding XDD" meme

that's TECHNOLOGY not grafix

Doom 3 looks genuinely great.

And as pointed out, literally no game is made the same unless they copy off the other.

Its why we got the mess that was mass effect andromeda yet its 2017.

No today it's all about global illumination and pbr. And both are much, much more impressive than your shitty hard shadows.

Sorry, bud, but graphics have progressed since the days of FEAR.

A game so bad that was going to get scrapped because everyone, including the team who mad e it, felt it was so shitty it deserved to be scrapped.

Is this Skiimod or vanilla

>people honestly think those old games look "good"

As much as I love Stalker/FEAR, it was a lot easier to make a really nice looking game with close quarters, going from one small map to the next.

Now... For STALKER.. Well fuck I don't know.

Slav magic.

>fox engine was wasted

> destructible terrain is graphics
no wait it's not

>chromatic aberration

Oh please kill yourself.

I'm personally tired of all the filters they use now. I do not want fucking film grain and chromatic aberration overlayed on top of my game. The worst is when multiple things are put together into one toggle setting so I can't turn this shit off without also turning off AO (looking at you ubisoft you shits)

didn't mass effect come out in 2007?

Does it add anything to gameplay? And no, taking a screenshot of the game for a wallpaper isn't gameplay.


those "2005" textures were unoptimized like shit, no 2005 computer couldn't run that perfectly.

To be fair, the lower right one was a mipmap glitch that was fixed long ago. Fallout 4 textures are mediocre, but they aren't that bad.

Well too be fair, the game only gets away with it because its mostly hallways.

but yes, graphics are only getting prettier. For some reason, the most realistic looking games are actually pretty shit, look at the new star wars EA battlefront.

Rising was Dark Souls, what we got was Dark Souls 2.

At least neither are canon


Real life has never looked this good.

Developers and companies started releasing games every year constantly trying to cash in and make day one dlc and all kinds of garbage.

And now it's just technologically behind because they became lazy greedy scumbags.

Ghost recon wildlands.
Behind of what??

It's a true shame all games don't look like FEAR. Just look at the travesty these AAA hacks pump out these day. Literal eye cancer.

>Behind of what??
Gameplay and good story.

Companies just went full jew, either their selling point is muh graphix while everything else is utter shit or make half ass everything because people will buy it anyways.

We can be way more advanced than this, we are technologically behind of what's supposed to be the next generation of video games.

this game's baked lighting looks extremely fucking impressive in-doors holy shit
what AC is this again? Is it worth playing?

That's weird I could have sworn the trend is that game development cycles are getting longer, not shorter. I recall Mega Man sequels being annual.

No, we're not. People are still struggling immensely with heat management and it is the one weakpoint that is holding back a true jump forward in hardware.

Its aight, the co-op is fun ( probably dead now though ), unless your one of the people who really love AC4 then you'd probably hate it

>chromatic aberration up the ass

Looks like garbage

I really liked AC4 Black Flag actually. It's my fav AC because it has little AC and a lot of pirates shit. Is Unity the same? The assassins/templars missions are always the absolute worst.

That's weird I culd have sworn you forgot to buy your pre order and season pass and day one dlc with extra paid cosmetics and downgraded graphics.

Real life isn't monochromatic, Battlefield games look really fucking awful style wise. BF4 had that weird blue tint that looked terrible, now this one is muh grit.

It's a shame Black Flag runs like shit though, even on my 1080 and i7 and can still only just get 60fps in that now.

Are you feeling alright?

>Battlefield 1
>Real life
Nah it`s just EA DICE being stylish.

Real life looks more like a science fantasy fairytale. Very unrealistic. FEAR had the right idea of making everything look grey, like real life.

Unity is more like AC1/2 but with actual stealth mechanics/gameplay, and going of what you said I don't think you would like it very much

FEAR has plenty of colors, its environments are gray because it takes place in offices and shit. Now Battlefield games are "DICE speshul snowflake filters: the game"

You wish any of these were vanilla

how do you now that?

It blows my mind still that you fucking retards think this looked any good. They're shooting at him faster than Raiden can move and because it's clearly a tech demo Raiden isn't taking damage. There's NO way this would have worked with the clunker style this game was going for. You faggots just wanted destruction porn the game without any substantially fun game mechanics - which is what Revengeance gave us.

Rising wasn't directed by Kojima. Death Stranding is directed by Kojima.

Graphics haven't been blowing our minds as of late.

No dev is truly trying.

Don't listen to him, Unity is TRASH. The graphics and the combat being more challenging are the only things good about it, the climbing feels wonky as fuck, shitty stealth missions where you sneak around enemies looking at windows and away from your path, unlikable characters and terrible story.

It's the game that made me stop playing Ubisoft games not even worth pirating,

Not like I was giving it a ringing endorsement but aight

Just play the first game instead. It is the only game so far to live up to the title it was given.

When even cell shaded games look better than your old ass game, you know those games just don't look good anymore.

You got all the way to Unity before giving up on Ubisoft games? Did you enjoy the most fomulaic games on the market today? Those games are literally made with a check box to make sure they hit all the current trendy shit with no regard for quality.

I played it as well as AC2. I got bored of 1, couldn't stop rolling my eyes at the modern-day intro of AC2, and then eventually gave up at the long as fuck tutorial after that incredibly tedious modern era section. I gave up on AC after that, only played AC4 because I read about it on Sup Forums and people saying it was good.

Man if only Frostbite could actually do physics then it might actually be a great engine

Sharp shadows always bothered the shit out of me. You almost never see shadows that sharp unless the light source is incredibly strong. We're talking Sun on a clear day strong. If you're being lit by a bulb then your shadow won't make perfect lines like that, the edges should be blurred.

>hit all the current trendy shit
>literally are the ones setting current trends


I think it's time for you to buy a new rig then user.

I liked ACII, that game was pretty good, it carried my will to keep playing until Unity. Not like I played all Ubi games, just AssCreeds and Far Cry, no will to play Watch Dogs.

I also found Blood Dragon to be just a rehash of FC3 with neon colors, so after everyone and their mommas praised BD, both those games made me give up on Ubisoft games, outside of Michel Ancel who's based as fuck.

Euro detected.

In Australia sharp shadows aren't rare.

Except not at all. For Honor has a refined Souls combat system, but really it's doing nothing really new or interesting.

The sun shines real fucking strong in AUS, which you will notice I pointed out in my post. Are you handicapable reader or something?

2 was good, faggot

>I also found Blood Dragon to be just a rehash of FC3 with neon colors

Yeah that's exactly what it was and marketed as

>from polygons to 3D

What did he mean by this?

Raiden wasn't supposed to engage in direct combat.
Think lethal MGS run.

Yeah well maybe the dev team lived in an area with sharp shadows. I know Monolith aren't Aussies but maybe they lived in a hot part of the USA or something.

Just saying because I never noticed anything odd about sharp shadows at all and was always confused when people complained about them, because they look realistic to me, more realistic than soft shadows. It wasn't until I went on a holiday to Europe and saw all your haze and soft lighting I realized why you guys think sharp shadows are rare.

Ass Creed 1 was a pretty unremarkable game. 2 did the formula far better, with much less bloat.

Fuck the flags, they were a piss poor excuse to explore an otherwise empty map.

Well but everyone said it was so great and amazing while it was just FC3 reskinned with neon colors ie nothing special at all, animals had a new shiny metal reskin and arguably BD is even more casualshit because you can't pick your skills when leveling up, now the game does it for you, as if FC3 wasn't already casualshit central.

If Blood Dragon was all that was needed for everyone to cream their pants over and start deepthroating Ubisoft left right and center, I'm done with it and Ubishit formula in general.

I'll just stay tuned to what Michel Ancel and Patrice Desilets, the guy who created the AssCreed IP are doing.

Why can't more games look like FEAR? All offices in the world look grey. Why would there ever be appealing office design in video games? So unrealistic!

Now show the characters.
But I like the environmental graphics.

jeese could you be anymore miserable


woah orange and white, amazing style mr forgettable game

>cherry picked images

lmao every time

Mirrors Edge was the first game that felt "next-gen" to me. It looked almost photorealistic. It also had dynamic depth of field. I thought that from there on all games will look this good. Of course it's easier to do with simple buildings without complex textures but still.