Start playing game

>start playing game
>advertently spoil myself by looking up characters on the wiki

>don't play game yet
>still visit threads and spoil myself because I'm a huge moron

I'm guilty of both of these so bad. What the fuck is wrong with us?

>YouTube thumbnail spoils major plot point or death

>start playing game
>look up porn of the characters

>person posts major plot twist using the spoiler tag and says that's what underneath it
>click/highlight it anyways

>YouTube auto-recommends the game's ending and the title of the video explains the twist away

For fuck's sake, I just want to listen to the music.

>search characters name
>suggested seach is (character name) death

>Listen to soundtrack of game on youtube
>Suggested videos are "character name" death scene" or "GAME ENDING" with a thumbnail that shows a plot crucial character spitting out blood

Zero Escape series in a nutshell

>listen to OST of older entries of a series on Youtube
>recommended video spoils the whole new game in a single pic

I didn't enjoy Miles Edgeworth 2

holy fucking shit i hate this

this happens so often

>porn of said game contains a major spoiler

>start playing game
>go to tv tropes like the autist i am
>spoil myself of everything

I remember the Persona 5 ending video being in my recommended for weeks several months before the game was released i even clicked on it accidently

Did this with FE Echoes. One spoiler I learned is shown right at the beginning, and the other is that Rudolf is Alm's father

>look up porn of character
>porn shows spoilers

>start a new series
>look up it's nominations and shit on IMDB
> CAST: X (10 episodes) Y (10 episodes) Z (6 episodes)
>Z seems like a major character in the first episode
>realise Z dies somewhere along the way

Never watch a youtube video of a game before you 100% it

>get into game
>start fantasize about living in the game world
>draw pictures of myself with characters

>try my hardest not to spoil myself on a game
>some asshole I don't even know spoils part of it anyway
Xenoblade was still good otherwise

>I'll just check the wiki to check this character's x/y/z
>status: dead/disappeared/betrayed you

every fucking time

>caring about anything but the gameplay


>search the game's name to find a trailer
>scroll down slighly and find out who the secret boss is

>going onto a wiki of a game while not trying to get spoiled

people who get spoiled by shitty friends or youtube reccommended i do understand but this is your own fault here

to be fair the velvet room assistant being a secret boss has been pretty common with persona games

Wait, so you purposefully go and spoil it for yourself?

All the fucking time.

>see a really cool plot twist or game mechanic get spoiled for something you weren't interested in
>want to play game now but you've been spoiled so it won't be the same

>look up guide for difficult boss
>as long as you've been following this guide so far this should be trivial

>get spoiled on game
>finally get to play it
>spend the whole time wondering when the hell you're going to get to the part you spoiled and hyping it up

Fighting the velvet room attendants is part of every Persona. It's just an NG+ bonus fight anyway.

and that's how i spoiled kill la kill for myself

>Look up Xenoblade Chronicles OST on Youtube because thinking about trying it out
>mfw the commets are nothing but Sm4sh Shulk memes, LE REYN TIME, BORN IN A WORLD OF STRIFE, and fags spoiling heavy story shit involving Zanza, Fiora, Mumkhar, Dickson, etc.
I only have myself to blame

>play game
>one of the characters gives you an uncontrollable boner
>look for doujins of the game
>doujin has massive fucking spoiler
There's a special hell for people who make these.

>skim hype threads of game I want to play
>see some info regarding a spoiler
>play the game myself and still feel thoroughly entertained because the "twist" was fairly obvious by halfway through most of the time

Huh, never really thought of it that way.

>this thread
Literally my experience with danganronpa

>figure out the big plot twist within a few minutes of gameplay
>think it's too stupid to actually be true, it must be a red herring
>it's fucking true

What the fuck does this shit non-game polluting steam with it's ironic weeaboo and sjw pandering have to do with this fucking thread you god damned annoying piece of human garbage.

whats the twist?

was crazy to see morgana turn into a bus for the first time before playing the game

>See spoiled out text
>I know it's a spoiler
>I still put my mouse over it
Do I have autism or something?

>play game
>completely spoiler free, know nothing about it
>everything is amazing and the game is good

probably meant to make his own thread

I enjoy doing this
Makes the game better because you get the see the little bits and details you wouldn't have noticed until a second playthrough

>the villian is immediatly obvious because of course it's the most innocent looking character
>they're doing it for a crazy ass reason you would never be able to predict so it's ok

>Start playing game
>Intro spoils half of it

>MFW experiencing the nagito case for the first time without being spoilered

the craziest madman in vidya

>havent played a single zelda game
>know everything about the series

pressed the wrong button fampai


what game? i love it when the intro just shows a few scenes from the fmv cutscenes but not enough for it to be revealing so that you can look at the intro of the game from any time and kinda see your own progress in it like in nocturne

Truly shows the intelligence of retarded ironic weeaboo posters who shit on Sup Forums with their garbage non-game visual novels. Fuck atleast post real video games and not picture books for weeaboos.

Stop posting faggot
>look charles

>spoiled myself on 3 because of the shitstorm it caused on here
>will never enjoy a case like case 5 where nagito gassed himself

>stop liking what i dont like

I did that with the first nier and I honestly hate myself for it.


>having to wait until you forget a spoiler so you can enjoy a game
luckily i have a bad memory

Lucky. I'm a turbo autist when it comes to video game memory so if I see anything I will always remember it

for some reasons i always remember spoilers the fucking best just because of how much i try to forget about them also because i hardly ever get spoiled so a spoiler to me is much more devestating

Hopeman truly was too good for this world.

>try to forget spoiler
>doing so only etches it into my mind more
>eventually do forget it
>some time goes by, see (game in question) a few times without remembering
>suddenly remember it without warning
I hope a memory erasure device is made in the future and sold commercially so I can permanently forget spoilers

>play Phoenix Wright
>wow that game was really fun and had good music
>look up music
>hundreds of thumbnails with killers and breakdowns

I mean fuck playing the other games I guess

Sup Forums - Video games

Visual novels are not video games. Faggot.

its mostly due to the spoiler being the only thing you can remember about that game and the more you think about that spoiler the more your brain thinks its an important memory that should be hold on to...fuck our brain man

This. Trying so hard not to spoil myself with DR3

>got spoiled on some major stuff in Ghost Trick
>play it anyway
>there were still tons of plot twists I didn't know about

>tfw you control your urge and dont look up spoilers

God I'm glad I got to play the Ace Attorney Trilogy spoiler free

>tfw never got spoiled with ghost trick

Feels good

Holy shit, someone else.

um try again sweetie :)

Poor bastard. Just spoil yourself now and avoid the disappointment

>all these visual novel players who have such low iq's they spoil themselves

Why does this not happen to people who play real video games

>video game
Truly the pinnacle of society

interactive game =/= video game

the only difference between uncharted 4 and clannad is that you read more words in clannad

>unable to fap to the porn because you love the characters too much
This is how you know its a good game

>not waiting until you beat the game to read the TVTropes page to look for stuff you might've missed

user you can just say you don't like VNs without having to say retarded shit like that

Except nobody with a brain likes either of those games.

Nobody should like vns. Just watch anime ffs. I didn't mean for this thread to get invaded with autist like you.

Is it that bad? I watched the entire chapter 1 English translation play through of DR3 and thought it was pretty sick. Didn't see it coming. I figure the rest of the game will be crazy good

>get spoilered about Godot's real identity and role on the last case
>its okay because the former is really obvious and the later doesn't take away the intensity of the moment

it usually makes me want to fap to them more
to me the porn version of a character is not the same as the ingame character so i view the as seperate things

I never said I liked VNs, I just don't understand how someone could hate them so much that they're going to pretend it's not a game. It's like Sup Forums saying [x European country] isn't white

>start playing video games
>goes to youtube for some guide
>sees recommendation that contains the spoiler image of the game


Where is the gameplay.

It's bad. The big twist of the game is that the whole series was a reality tv show that's on its 80 season. You see dead characters from previous games come back

>looking up wiki in first playthrough

>someone posts a bunch of spoilers for an upcoming game on neogaf
>Sup Forums, being Sup Forums automatically dismiss them as total BS
>most of them turn out to be true

Oh shit I'm sorry

I learned about Adachi in Persona 4 while looking up the moves on the wiki.

Annoying tbqh, although he was my chief suspect sense they casually mentioned that he came from the city the same time as you, he was just so friendly and dopey.

Deadly Premonition. Well, that game has a bunch of twists, but figuring out who the Raincoat Killer is.

[Spoiler]>Run into the killer in the forest at the beginning of game

>See the Sheriff randomly come from the forest to greet you shortly after[/spoiler]

your interactions with the characters and decisions you make impacting the overall story? It's gameplay and, in most cases, there is a worst ending that can be considered a lose-state. It might all take place in dialogue choices but that's what you're signing up for in a VN.

Devil May Cry 4

That's not gameplay

huh...that would explain the pink blood

but really did anyone actually care about this whole hope vs despair thing so much that this ending was dissapointing? i remember the endings in 1 and 2 also being not so good and i still loved these games

>Accidentally skip cutscene ingame.
>Go on Youtube and look it up.
>Type in "Character..."
>Autofills to "Character death scene."

I am not a smart man.